EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks 2023 Check SSA Stage-I Merit List Category wise for appearing in Computer Typing Test (Phase-II), Check NTA SSA Exam Score declared on 19 October 2023
The National Testing Agency has finally announced the Stage-I Result of the Social Security Assistant Post. Recently, the Authority has organized the Stage-I Exam on 18, 21 and 23 August 2023 at various centers. Therefore, aspirants are able to check EPFO SSA Results with the help of their Application number and Date of birth. Moreover, they also see category-wise EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut-off Marks 2023. Hence, selected candidates are able to appear in Stage II (Computer Typing Test). We are introducing here a direct link to check the EPFO SSA Cutoff List for General, OBC, SC, ST Categories. Applicants read this article carefully and see NTA SSA Stage-I Scorecard of Employees Provident Fund Organization Recruitment.
EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks 2023
The Employees Provident Fund Organization is recruiting eligible candidates for 2859 Vacancies of Social Security Assistant Post. A large number of candidates have applied for SSA Recruitment from 27 March to 26 April 2023. Likewise, National Testing Agency is conducting all phases of Recruitment. In this regard, the Stage-I written exam has been held on 18, 21 and 23 August 2023. A huge number of aspirants have appeared in this competitive Exam. Now they all are searching EPFO SSA Cut off Marks and Scorecard.
नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी द्वारा कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन विभाग में सोशल सिक्योरिटी असिस्टेंट भर्ती का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। कुल 2859 पदों पर भर्ती हेतु स्टेज-I परीक्षा 600 अंको की हुई है। परीक्षा में सामान्य योग्यता, जीके/सामान्य जागरूकता, मात्रात्मक क्षमता, अंग्रेजी एवं कंप्यूटर से कुल 150 प्रश्न पूछे गए है, प्रत्येक प्रश्न 4 अंक का है। उम्मीदवारों को चरण-II के लिए 1:10 के अनुपात में शॉर्टलिस्ट किया जाएगा, यानी प्रत्येक श्रेणी में रिक्तियों की संख्या का लगभग 10 गुना अभ्यर्थियों को उनके स्टेज 1 परफॉरमेंस के आधार सफल घोषित किया जायेगा।
recruitment.nta.nic.inEPFO SSA Exam Scorecard 2023 Details
Organization | Employees Provident Fund
Organization |
Total Posts | 2859 |
Post Name | Social Security Assistant |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Application Dates | 27 March to 26 April 2023 |
EPFO SSA Phase-I Exam Date | 18, 21, 22 & 23 August 2023 |
EPFO SSA Result Date | 19 October 2023 |
Status | Available |
Post Category | Result |
official website | www.epfindia.gov.in |
EPFO SSA Stage 1 Cut off Marks 2023
Well, the National Testing Agency has completed the Stage-I Exam for Social Security Assistant Posts. We know that there are 2859 Vacancies to recruit in the Employees Provident Fund Organization. Also, the written exam has 150 questions for a maximum of 600 Marjs. And aspirants need to obtain more than 45% marks to be eligible for the next stage of Recruitment. Furthermore, the Authority has decided on minimum SSA Cutoff Marks category-wise. And there are various factors that affect the cutoff such as Total Vacancies, paper difficulty level, Registered Candidates etc. Thus, we are discussing here EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks category-wise.
EPFO SSA Expected Cutoff 2023
Category | Cutoff Expected |
General | 300 – 320 Marks |
OBC | 280 – 300 Marks |
SC | 250 – 270 Marks |
ST | 250 – 270 Marks |
EWS | 280 – 300 marks |
PwD | 220 – 240 Marks |
EPFO SSA Sectional Cut off 2019
Test Name | Max Marks | Min Qualifying Marks for Reserved | Passing marks for UR/EWS |
English Language | 30 | 10.50 (35%) | 12 (40%) |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 12.25 (35%) | 14 (40%) |
Numerical Aptitude | 35 | 12.25 (35%) | 14 (40%) |
EPFO SSA Merit List 2023
The EPFO Social Security Assistant Merit List will prepare based on marks obtained in the Examination. The authority will issue SSA Stage-I Merit list for appearing in the Computer Typing Test (Phase-II). NTA will select 10 times candidates from total Vacancies for the next selection phase. Hence, those having scores more than qualifying Marks and EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks will get their rank in the Selection List. Make sure they check their category-wise Rank and General Rank in the SSA Merit List to know about selection status.
How to check EPFO Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks 2023
- All candidates visit the official website i.e. epfindia.gov.in
- Go to the Miscellaneous and select Recruitment tab
- Open the desired link
- And then, find the Results of candidates for the Phase-I Exam on 19, 21 and 23 August for Social Security Assistant
- After that enter login details like Register number and DOB
- Click on the submit button and EPFO SSA Phase-I Result will display
- Finally, download and save the Social Security Assistant Cut off Marks for further use
Check SSA Stage-I Result- Click here
Check Social Security Assistant Cutoff- Click here
Generally, whole useful information is available here. We also hope that aspirants will easily check EPFO SSA Stage-1 Result and Cutoff List Category wise. Still, they may ask any problem by putting question in the comment box below.
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