DIET Rajasthan BSTC 1st 2nd Year Result 2023- Shala Darpan D.El.Ed 1st 2nd Year Result, Check Primary Education BSTC (D.El.Ed) Result for First & Second Year Annual Examination
Primary Education Department, Bikaner has conducted the First /Second Year Annual Exam for Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) Courses. Many candidates have appeared in this Examination and are now waiting for Shala Darpan BSTC Exam Result. Besides, the authority has organized BSTC Second Year Exam from 10th November to 19th November 2022. While First Year Exam 5th 17 January 2023 across the State. Therefore, applicants are able to check Deled 1st Year Result Name wise from here.
Moreover, the Office of the Registrar, Education Departmental Examinations, Rajasthan, Bikaner will declare the result of the 1st/2nd Year examination, 2022. Students can see their DIET Rajasthan D.El.Ed 1st 2nd Result from the link given in the last paragraph of the website. In addition, a large number of applicants have appeared in this competitive Exam and now they want their Deled First year Exam held in January 2023.
Further, candidates have to visit the official website https://rajshaladarpan.nic.in to check their Primary Education BSTC Exam Result. They are required to login using their User Name and password to download DIET Rajasthan BSTC 1st Year & 2nd Year Exam Result Name wise.
राजस्थान शिक्षा विभाग द्वारा डीएलएड प्रथम वर्ष की परीक्षा का आयोजन दिनांक 05 से 17 जनवरी 2023 तक करवा लिया गया है। इससे पहले बोर्ड ने द्वितीय वर्ष की परीक्षा नवंबर महीने में आयोजित की थी जिसका रिजल्ट 11 जनवरी 2023 को घोषित हुआ था। अब परीक्षार्थी यहाँ से बीएसटीसी फर्स्ट ईयर रिजल्ट देख सकते है।
DIET Rajasthan BSTC 1st 2nd Year Result 2023 D.El.Ed Diploma Exam Result
Primary Education Department, Bikaner Conduct Pre D.El.Ed Examination for Admission into 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education (DElED). It is also known as BSTC (Basic School Teaching Certificate). Candidates take admission in 1st year of D.El.Ed Programme through प्रारंभिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा (सामान्य/संस्कृत) प्रवेश परीक्षा.
After completion of Admission, Department conducts an Annual Examination for both 1st & 2nd Year students for Diploma in Elementary Education course. This Year Board has organized the BSTC Annual Exam in September/October month. Now aspirants want to check rajshaladarpan.nic.in Deled Results.
Shala Darpan D.El.Ed Exam Result 2023 Details
Department Name | Registrar Education Departmental Examinations, Bikaner |
Organization Name | District Institute of Education Training (DIET) |
Year of Exam | BSTC 1st and 2nd Year Exam 2023 |
Course Name | 2 Years Teacher Training Course (D.El.Ed General/D.El.Ed Sanskrit) |
Exam Type | Annual Exam |
Academic Session | 2022-2023 |
Post Category | Rajasthan D.El.Ed 1st & 2nd Year Result |
BSTC 1st Year Exam Date | 05 January to 17 January 2023 |
BSTC 2nd Year Exam Date | 10 November to 9 November 2022 |
Rajasthan BSTC 1st & 2nd Year Result | Declared on 10 April 2023 |
Official website | https://education.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
राजस्थान डीएलएड प्रथम & द्वितीय वर्ष परीक्षा परिणाम
जिला शिक्षा प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (डाइट) बीकानेर जल्द ही बीएसटीसी प्रथम वर्ष और द्वितीय वर्ष का रिजल्ट विभाग की वेबसाइट पर घोषित करेगा। इसलिए जो अभ्यर्थी First Year एवं सैकंड Year डीएलएड एग्जाम में शामिल हुए है वे DIET बीकानेर की वेबसाइट, शाला दर्पण या कॉलेज मे परीक्षा परिणाम देख सकते है। विभाग द्वारा रिजल्ट की प्रतिलिपि कॉलेज में भिजवा दी जाती है। इसलिए उम्मीदवार राजस्थान बीएसटीसी प्रथम वर्ष और द्वितीय वर्ष का रिजल्ट अपनी कॉलेज में भी देख सकते है। राजस्थान की सभी बीएसटीसी कॉलेजो की परीक्षाओ का आयोजन जिला शिक्षा प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (डाइट) बीकानेर द्वारा ही किया जाता है।
DIET Rajasthan BSTC Result date बोर्ड ने अभी जारी नई की है। सूत्रों से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार राजस्थान बीएसटीसी प्रथम & द्वितीय वर्ष रिजल्ट जल्द ही घोषित होगा।
DIET Rajasthan BSTC 1st 2nd Year Result 2023 Date rajshaladarpan.nic.in
It is confirmed that the Primary Education 1st & 2nd Year Diploma Result will be released at the Shala Darpan website. Lakhs number of candidates got BSTC Certificate to become Primary Teacher Classes 1 to 5. BSTC Diploma is also required to apply for REET Exam (Level-1). Therefore candidates are waiting for Rajasthan D.El.Ed Diploma Result for 1st Year and 2nd Year. Once the Result is declared, students will need for Login details such as Username and Password.
Hence, We have provided a direct official link to check Rajasthan D.El.Ed 1st & 2nd Year Result below here. The DIET Bikaner BSTC Result will issue on the Shaladarpan web portal. We mention the official link of the Department to get the BSTC Exam Result for the First & Second Year Exam.
How to download Rajasthan BSTC 1st & 2nd Year Result 2023 Online
Our team has provided Rajasthan D.El.Ed Result for 1st and 2nd Year Exam here. But still, students may also collect more information by visiting the official website. We are also giving steps to download the DIET Bikaner BSTC 1st & 2nd Year Result from the official website. Candidates follow the below procedure to get BSTC 1st 2nd Year Result –
- First, candidates first visit the official website i.e. https://education.rajasthan.gov.in
- Open Examination Program
- Find here DIET Rajasthan D.El.Ed Exam Result 2023 link
- And then, Open the desired link and choose Year wise Exam program
- Select Rajasthan BSTC Exam Time Table for First year or Second Year
- Check BSTC 1st & 2nd Year Result for 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education
- Finally, Save and take a Printout of the DIET Rajasthan BSTC Exam Result 2023 for further use
Click here to check BSTC Exam Result
BSTC Exam Form for First & Second Year
Thus, we hope that students will easily download DIET Bikaner D.El.Ed Result from here. By the way, we have provided complete information here. But still, if you want more details regarding Rajasthan BSTC 1st & 2nd Year Result 2023 then put your query here.