CISF Constable Driver Result 2023 DCPO Cutoff Marks, Download CISF driver Results for PST/PET, Documentation & Trade Test, Central Industrial Security Force Driver DCPO Result, Cutoff List and Merit List at www.cisf.gov.in
if you are searching CISF Driver Physical Test Result then stay tuned here and read this article carefully. Because we are going to give you useful information about Driver DCPO Exam Score along with Cutoff Marks. As per official news, Central Industrial Security Force has organized Physical Measurement & Efficiency Test and Trade Test from 27 June to 03 July 2023. And many applicants have participated in the PMT/PET Test. Therefore, they need their CISF Constable Driver Result. So, applicants check the list of qualified candidates in the Physical test for appearing in Written Exam.
IN addition, applicants have to secure minimum qualifying marks in Driver Trade Test. Also, PMT, PET and Trade Test are qualifying in nature. Authority will prepare CISF Driver Merit List based on marks obtained by the candidates in Written Test. Hence, we have given here CISF Constable Driver Cut off Marks category-wise. Likewise, examinees will need login details such as User ID and Password to download the Driver DCPO Result Name wise.
CISF Constable Driver Result 2023 PMT PST Merit List
Central Industrial Security Force is recruiting eligible candidates for 451 Driver Vacancies. Recently, Online Applications have been invited for ‘Constable/Driver and Driver-cum-Pump Operator (Driver for fire services) in CISF-2022’. A huge number of aspirants have applied for this Bharti from 23 January to 22 February 2023. Now they have to undergo many selection rounds such as Physical Measurement Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Trade Test and Written Exam.
Well, the Physical Test (PMT/PET) has been held between 27.06.2023 to 03.07.2023. Participants first visit the link below to check CISF Driver DCPO Result, Cutoff and Merit list.
केंद्रीय औद्योगिक सुरक्षा बल द्वारा कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर एवं ड्राइवर-कम-पंप ऑपरेटर भर्ती का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। इसके लिए बोर्ड ने शारीरिक मानक परीक्षण और शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षण (पीएसटी & पीईटी) दिनांक 27 जून से 03 जुलाई 2023 तक आयोजित की है। अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए लिंक से अपना CISF CT Driver & DCPO Result की जाँच कर सकते है। कांस्टेबल ड्राइवर के 451 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए लिखित परीक्षा आयोजित होगी। आपको बता कि फिजिकल टेस्ट & ट्रेड टेस्ट क्वालीफाइंग नेचर का है। मेरिट लिस्ट लिखित परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंको के आधार पर बनेगी।
CISF Constable Driver & DCPO Exam 2023 Details
Department | Central Industrial Security Force |
Total Posts | 451 |
Post Name | Constable Driver & Driver-cum-Pump Operator (Driver for Fire Services) |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Application Dates | 23 January to 22 February 2023 |
CISF Constable Driver PST PET Dates | 27 June to 03 July 2023 |
CISF Driver DCPO Result | Declare Soon |
Status | Available |
Post Category | CISF Constable Driver Result |
Selection Process | Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Documentation, Trade Test, Written Exam |
Official website | www.cisf.gov.in |
cisf.gov.in Driver DCPO Exam Cutoff Marks 2023
As we all know that PET/PST, Document Verification and Trade Tests are completed on scheduled dates. And many applicants want to see their CISF CT Driver Physical Test Result. Now shortlisted candidates will be eligible for Written Test. Meanwhile, the exam has 100 objective types of MCQs and each carry one mark. The exam agency has fixed the minimum Cutoff Marks for the General, OBC, SC, ST categories. It is expected that CISF Constable Driver Result will declare in July 2023 last week.
लिखित परीक्षा में पास होने के लिए अंको कि अंतिम प्रतिशतता निम्नानुसार होगी-
- अनारक्षित/ईडब्ल्यूएस /भूतपूर्व सैनिक – 35
- अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति /ओबीसी – 33
ड्राइवर पदों पर चयन हेतु उम्मीदवारों को सबसे पहले हाईटबार परीक्षा से गुजरना होगा और इसके बाद शारीरिक मानक परीक्षा (पीएसटी) आयोजित हुई है। पीएसटी में बोर्ड द्वारा कद, सीना और वजन के लिए स्क्रीनिंग कि जाएगी। साथ ही पीएसटी में सफल अभ्यर्थी शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा (पीईटी) में शामिल हुए। ड्राइवर के लिए ट्रेड टेस्ट कुल 130 अंक का है जिसमे से आपको प्रत्येक परीक्षण में न्यूनतम अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे
CISF Constable Driver Cutoff 2023
By the way, the authority has already decided on qualifying marks for all categories. And there are various factors that affect CISF Driver Cutoff Marks. As we know, a written test has been held for 100 marks. Likewise, the final merit list will be prepared based on written Exam scores. Furthermore, Department will determine CISF Constable Driver DCPO Cutoff based on the followings factors-
- Total number of Posts
- Paper difficulty Level
- Registered Candidates appeared in the Exam
- Previous Cutoff
- Reservation Category wise
How to check CISF Constable Driver Result 2023
- First, candidates visit the official web portal @Central Industrial Security Force i.e.cisf.gov.in
- And then, Find the Recruitment section and open it
- Choose Constable Driver & Driver-cum-Pump Operator (Driver for Fire Services) Link
- After that Select CISF CT Driver Result Link
- Enter the hall ticket number and date of birth details.
- Check the details and hit on the submit button.
- Now, you can find the CISF Driver DCPO Exam score on the screen.
- Finally, CISF Constable Driver Result 2023 for further use.
Check CISF Driver & DCPO Result
Hence, we have provided complete details of the CISF Driver Exam Result and Cutoff Marks here. Also, we hope that applicants will easily check CISF Driver DCPO Result Name wise. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting questions in below comment box.