CBSE CTET Result 2023-24 Name Wise, CTET August Exam Cutoff Marks, merit List at www.ctet.nic.in
Good news for all those candidates who participated in Central Teacher Eligibility Test-2023. Because the Central Board of Secondary Education has released the official Answer Key for paper-I and Paper II. By the way, aspirants must have got an idea about probable CTET Exam Score. Still, they can check CTET August Result, Cutoff and Merit list Category wise. In addition, Department has completed CTET-Aug Exam on 20 August 2023. A huge number of examinees have appeared in CTETPaper-1 & Paper-2. We tell you that First Paper held for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5) and Second Paper for Upper Primary Teachers ( Class 6 to 8).
Each paper in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test is of total 150 marks. And the candidates have to obtain minimum 60% marks in aggregate. So we have given here CBSE CTET Result as well as CTET Cutoff List. Apart from this, students can also check the final merit list. You will need the application number and date of birth to check the CET August result.
CBSE CTET Result 2023 Date & Time, Cutoff marks Link
Recently Central Board of Secondary Education has published Advertisement for CTET-August 2023. Every year, lakhs number of aspirants apply for Central Teacher Eligibility Test to become Primary and Elementary Teachers. Also, CBSE invited Online Applications from 27 April to 26 May 2023. A huge number of applicants have applied for CTET paper-I and Paper-II. Meanwhile, Department has organized Central Teacher Eligibility Test from 20 August 2023. You are able to see your OMR Response Sheet and match it with the official CTET Answer key.
At present, Organization is preparing to declare the CTET August Result Roll number-wise. As we know, Paper-1 conducted for Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Classes) and Paper-2 held for elementary Teachers (6 to 8 Classes). Each CTET Question Paper carried 150 Questions for 150 marks. Thus, they have to score a minimum of 60% or above marks to qualify for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test.
केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड ने दिनांक 20 अगस्त 2023 तक केंद्रीय अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा का आयोजन किया है। इसलिए जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने सीईटी परीक्षा दी है वे यहाँ से सीटेट परिणाम देख सकते है। इससे पहले भ्यर्थी सीटेट उत्तर-कुंजी देखकर अपने संभावित स्कोर के बारे में पता करे। जो उम्मीदवार सीटीईटी परीक्षा में 60% या उससे अधिक अंक प्राप्त करेंगे, उन्हें टीईटी परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण घोषित किया जाएगा।
CTET August 2023 Exam Result Date
Department Name | Central Board of Secondary Education |
Exam Name | Central Teacher Eligibility Test- August 2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5)
Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
CTET Exam Date | 20 August 2023 |
Mode of Exam | Computer Based Test Online |
Location | Pan India |
CTET Answer key | Released |
CBSE CTET Result Date | Declared on 25 Sept 2023 |
Status | Available |
Post Category | CTET July Exam Result |
Official website | ctet.nic.in |
CBSE CTET Cut off & Merit List 2023
Cut-off marks are the minimum score for any candidate to qualify for the TET exam and get eligible for the next round of Document Verification. Candidates who will secure marks above the CTET minimum cut-off marks will be shortlisted for the Central Teacher Recruitment. Finally, your Result of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test is available along with CTET Cutoff Marks. By the way, CBSE has already decided on minimum passing marks category-wise. But still, applicants may check CTET Expected Cutoff Marks.
Both papers have been held for 150 marks each. The board decided to fix the passing marks for Paper-I and Paper II. If aspirants get these CTET Cut off Marks they will be shortlisted for the final CTET Merit list. The CTET qualifying marks is not for final teacher recruitment, these are only eligibility criteria. A candidate who Scores 60% or more in the TET Exam will be considered as TET pass.
CTET Exam Cutoff Marks (Qualifying Marks)
Category | Qualify percentage | Qualifying Marks |
General | 60% | 90 Marks |
SC/ST/OBC | 55% | 82.5 marks |
- CBSE has announced CBSE CTET Result 2023 with Cutoff and Merit list
- The qualifying marks for the general/ EWS category are 90/150 and 82.5/150 for OBC/ SC/ ST categories.
- In the CTET August 2023 session, 3.52 lakh candidates qualified for the exam.
- Candidates qualifying for the CTET exam to score the required marks will be issued CTET Eligibility Certificate. CTET qualifying certificate will be valid until 7 years from the result declaration.
- The recruiter schools may give some relaxation in the cutoffs to fill the tentative vacancies.
नीचे देखें: CTET पेपर I और II परिणाम 2023 ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड करने की प्रक्रिया !!!
यह केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा में 60% से अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक है। CTET प्रवेश परीक्षा 20-08-2023 को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित की गई थी। इसलिए, उम्मीदवारों को 150 में से न्यूनतम 90 अंक प्राप्त करने चाहिए। आरक्षित श्रेणियों के आवेदकों को अर्हक अंकों में 5% तक की छूट दी गई है। इसका अर्थ है कि उनका CTET परीक्षा स्कोर 150 में से न्यूनतम 55% या 82.5 अंक होना चाहिए।
How to check CBSE CTET Result 2023 Paper 1 & 2 Exam Marks
- First of all candidates visit the CBSE official website i.e. ctet.nic.in.
- On the home page open the menu of News’s Section and finds the desired recruitment link.
- And then, Choose the Central Teacher Eligibility Test Result 2023 link.
- After that click on the CBSE CTET Result 2023 name-wise link of the desired post.
- Click on the download button and save the page.
- Finally, take a printout of the CBSE TET Paper 1/2 Result for further use. Good luck
CTET Paper 1 Paper 2 Scorecard
CTET Merit list 2023
The CTET merit list will prepare based on CTET Cutoff marks. To qualify for the CTET exam, the board fixes the minimum passing marks. Students who will score 60% and above will be declared qualified as TET pass. Last year, the passing mark of CTET is 60% percent. Aspirants who will score equal to or more than 60% (90 Marks of 150) will be qualified for the exam
The CTET qualifying marks for CTET are 60% and above. Applicants who will score more than or equal to the cutoff scores will be considered for issuance of the eligibility certificate.
Category Name | CTET Cutoff Marks |
General | 87 |
OBC | 85 |
SC | 80 |
ST | 80 |
FAQs for CBSE CTET Result 2023 August Exam
Question- When will CTET Result issue for Paper-I and Paper-II?
Answer- The Central Board of Secondary Education has declared the CTET exam Result in September 2023.
Question- What are the Cut off Marks for CTET Paper-1 & paper-2?
Answer- The minimum qualifying marks for both papers are given here.
Question- Who is eligible for CTET Eligibility Certificate?
Answer- Contenders who obtain a minimum60% aggregate marks in CTET Exam are issued CTET Certificate.
Question- What is the CTET Certificate validity?
Answer- The CTET eligibility certificate will be valid for 7 Years from the date of the Result announcement.
Question- Is there any provision for revaluation or rechecking of the CTET July Result?
Answer- There is no provision for rechecking or revaluation of the CTET Exam Result.
Question- What are CTET Exam Qualifying Marks?
Answer- Aspirants belonging to the General category are required to secure 90 out of 150 Marks in CTET Exam. Other category candidates are required to obtain 82 out of 150 Marks.
Question- What after the declaration of the Central Eligibility Teacher Test Result?
Answer- Selected contenders can apply for the latest Teacher Jobs in the private and Government sectors.
Question- What are the charges for issuing a duplicate CTET Certificate?
Answer- The charge for issuing a duplicate CTET Certificate is Rs 500/-.
Thus, we have provided you the complete details of CBSE CTET Result 2023 Name-wise. Aspirants may also check CTET Cut off for Paper-I and Paper II here. Now, it’s the responsibility of aspirants to go through the official website and check the latest updates.