BSF Constable Previous Year Papers 2023-24 Tradesman Old Question Papers PDF, Join online Test Series for BSF CT Tradesman Bharti Exam, Sample/Model Papers
Many candidates are preparing for the latest BSF Constable Bharti. Also, Border Security Force has decided to conduct the 2nd Phase (Written Exam) of Constable (Tradesman) Bharti. lakhs of aspirants are appearing in computer based Test on 28 August 2023. So, they can cover the BSF Constable Syllabus using the latest study materials. In this regard, we are introducing Best Books, Coaching/GK Notes, Practice paper sets for CT Tradesman Exam Preparation.
Therefore, candidates download BSF Constable Previous year Papers 2023. Likewise, these BSF Tradesman Old Question papers help them to cover section wise Syllabus. And also examinees may understand the level of Question Paper, Difficulty Level, Marking Scheme and Time management. Hence, applicants can enhance performance to solve Exam paper in given time duration by practicing BSF Constable previous Question Papers. lastly, they are able to check Exam pattern, Syllabus and study materials from this article.
BSF Constable Previous Year Papers 2023-24 Tradesman Exam Tips
Lakhs of candidates are preparing for the Constable (Tradesman) recruitment exam for 1284 posts in Border Security Force. The recruitment board had invited applications from 26 February to 27 March 2023 and many candidates have applied. This time by changing the selection process, the board has first organized the Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test. Now the candidates who have passed the physical test are preparing for the written examination which will be held on 28 August 2023.
Likewise, we have provided best books, notes and previous years’ solved papers on how to prepare for BSF Constable Recruitment. Firstly aspirants check Tradesman Exam Pattern and then solve BSF Constable Previous Question Papers on daily basis. So that they can cover all the topics of the level, marking scheme and syllabus of the questions coming in the exam.
Border Security Force CT Tradesman Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | Border Security Force |
Post Name | Constable(Tradesman) Group C |
Total Vacancies | 1284 |
Category | Previous Year Question Papers |
BSF Constable Exam Date | 28 August 2023 |
Selection Process | PST/PET, Written Exam, Trade Test & Medical Test |
Official Website | www.bsf.gov.in |
बीएसएफ कांस्टेबल पिछला वर्ष के पेपर्स 2023-24
सीमा सुरक्षा बल में हो रही 1284 पदों पर कांस्टेबल (Tradesman) भर्ती परीक्षा के लिए लाखो अभ्यर्थी तैयारी कर रहे है। भर्ती बोर्ड ने 26 फरवरी से 27 मार्च 2023 तक आवेदन आमंत्रित किये थे ओर बहुत सारे उम्मीदवारों ने आवेदन किया है। इस बार चयन प्रक्रिया में बदलाव करके बोर्ड ने पहले शारीरिक मानक परीक्षण और शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षण का आयोजन किया है। अब फिजिकल टेस्ट में उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी लिखित परीक्षा कि तैयारी कर रहे है जो दिनांक 28 अगस्त 2023 को होगी।
इस आर्टिकल में हमने BSF कांस्टेबल भर्ती की तैयारी कैसे करे, बेस्ट बुक्स, नोट्स एवं पिछले वर्षो के साल्व्ड पेपर्स उपलब्ध करवाए है। सबसे पहले अभ्यर्थी ट्रेड्समैन एग्जाम पैटर्न देखे ओर फिर डेली बेसिस पर BSF कांस्टेबल प्रीवियस क्वेश्चन पेपर सोल्वे करे। जिससे वे परीक्षा में आने वाले प्रश्नो के लेवल, मार्किंग स्कीम ओर सिलेबस के सभी विषयो को अच्छे से कवर कर सके।
BSF Constable Exam Pattern 2023
After successfully conducting PST, PET, Documentation, and Trade Test, a list of shortlisting will be called for Written Exam. In addition, Exam agency is going to organize Computer Based Test on 28.08.2023. Therefore, examinees need to cover or revise all topics of Syllabus using latest study materials. So, they read this article carefully and practice using BSF Tradesman Question Paper.
The Test will be of 100 Marks. And Exam will carry 100 multiple choice objective-type questions. Aspirants have to obtain minimum qualifying i.e.35% for General Category/EWS & Ex-Servicemen and 33% for SC/ST/OBC. The question paper will consist of one objective type paper containing 100 questions carrying 100 marks with the following composition:-
Download BSF Constable Tradesman Syllabus PDF- Click here
BSF Constable Tradesman Exam Pattern 2023
S.No | Subject | No. of Qs | Marks |
1. | General Knowledge & Awareness | 25 | 25 |
2. | Knowledge of Elementary Mathematics | 25 | 25 |
3. | Analytical Aptitude and ability to observe the distinguished patterns |
25 | 25 |
4. | Basic Knowledge of the Candidates in English or Hindi |
25 | 25 |
Total | 100 Questions | 100 Marks |
Download BSF Constable Previous Year Papers 2023
So, all the candidates can start preparing for the exam using BSF Tradesman Previous Year Papers 2023 PDF that helps in the exam preparation. Also, check for BSF Constable syllabus & exam pattern details before starting to prepare for the exam. However they can understand the structure of the exam and the type of questions asked in the exam. It is equally important to cover all section of Papers carefully and revise before Examination.
BSF Constable (GD) Exam Question Paper | General Knowledge |
BSF Constable Tradesman Previous Year Question Papers | Aptitude |
BSF Constable (Tradesman) Group C Solved Papers | Hindi |
Border Security Force Constable Previous Year Papers | English |
BSF Constable (GD) Old Sample Papers | Mathematics |
BSF Constable Tradesman Bharti Selection Process
Well, candidates have to undergo various selection rounds for Border Security Force Constable Tradesman Recruitment. Board first will organize Physical Test and then Computer Based Test. Furthermore, followings are selection phases for 2788 BSF Constable Tradesman Jobs-
- Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Trade Test
- Written Examination
- Detailed Medical Examination
BSF Constable Tradesman Physical Standards
S/N | Categories | Height | Chest | Weight |
Male | ||||
1. | Scheduled Tribes/Adivasis of all States and Union Territories including Nagas and Mizos | 162.5 Cms | 76-84 Cms | Proportionate to height as per Medical Standard |
2. | Men belonging to the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, and candidates belonging to the States of Sikkim & Others | 165 cms | 78.83 cms | |
3. | All other States and Union Territories. | 167.5 Cms | 78-83 Cms | |
Female | ||||
1. | Scheduled Tribes/Adivasis of all States and Union Territories including Nagas and Mizos | 150 cms | Not Applicable | Proportionate to height as per Medical Standard |
2. | Men belonging to the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, and candidates belonging to the States of Sikkim & Others | 155 cms | Not Applicable | |
3. | All other States and Union Territories. | 157 Cms | Not Applicable |
BSF Constable GD Exam Preparation Tips
- Candidates who are appearing for the exam must know how to write and speak English & Hindi. Always focus on your reading skills.
- Getting your Grammar concepts on your tips is very important. Cover the entire syllabus to secure better marks.
- Collect the latest study materials and resources for exam preparation before starting preparation for the Constable Exam.
- Make exam notes properly and revise before the written exam.
- You should join online coaching and mock test series which will help you to practice by solving the online test previous year papers.
- Reading the newspaper on a daily being aware of the current affairs.
Disclaimer – Finally, we have mentioned all the details related to the BSF Constable Previous Year Papers 2023-24 from the official website. We also have mentioned the link above to download BSF Constable Tradesman Sample Paper PDF Subject Wise, BSF Constable GD Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips. So, For queries candidates can comment on the comment box.