BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023 bpsc.bih.nic.in CCE Exam Scorecard, Bihar PSC 67 Prelims Cutoff Marks Category wise- Result declared on 27 March 2023 at www.bpsc.bih.nic.in
Bihar Public Service Commission has declared the Result of the 68th Combined (Preliminary) Examination. Recently, Authority had organized the 68 CCE Prelims Exam on 12 February 2023 at 806 Exam centers in 38 districts of the State. Lakhs of candidates have appeared in this examination and from now waiting for the result. So the candidates can check the Pn Bihar PSC 68th Result from the link given below and also category-wise cutoff marks. Candidates who qualify in the preliminary exam will be eligible for the main exam.
In addition, the Written Exam was 150 Marks. And aspirants have to secure equal or above scores from BPSC 68th Pre Exam Cutoff Marks. These marks are equally important to be eligible for the next select round (Main Exam). Thus, candidates first check their BPSC 68th Prelims Result Name wise. And then, check the category-wise Bihar PSC CCE Prelims Cutoff List for Generally, OBC, SC and ST categories. They don’t need to login to see the score because BPSC 68th CCE ExamScore is available in PDF format. Furthermore, they can visit the official web portal i.e. bpsc.bih.nic.in for more details.
बीपीएससी 68वीं प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा का रिजल्ट – बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग ने 68th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination का आयोजन दिनांक 12 मार्च 2023 को प्रदेश के 38 जिलों के कुल 806 परीक्षा केन्द्रो पर किया है। अब लगभग 4 लाख से अधिक अभ्यर्थियों को 68वीं संयुक्त (प्रारंभिक) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा के परिणाम का इंतजार है। विभाग से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार BPSC 68th Prelims Result दिनांक 27 मार्च 2023 को घोषित हो गया है।
BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023 CCE Exam Cutoff
Good News for all those job seekers who have appeared in the 68th Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam 2023. Because Bihar Public Service Commission has declared the prelims Exam Score on its official website. Earlier, Department had invited Applications for 324 Vacancies of Assistant Director, Rural Development officer, Block Panchayat Raj Officer, and Supply Inspector. Also, the Online Registration process was completed from 25 November to 31 December 2023. lakhs number of aspirants have registered for this Exam.
Meanwhile, Commisison has held the 68th CCE Prelims Exam on 12.02.2023. And Result of 68th Combined Competitive Pre Exam is available now. List of selected candidates will eligiblefor further selection round such as Main Examination. Therefore, we have shared the direct link to check BPSC 68th PT Result Roll number wise.
मुख्य परीक्षा तिथि जल्द होगी घोषत
68वीं संयुक्त (प्रारंभिक) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा दिनांक 12 फरवरी 2023 को राज्य के 38 जिलों में अवस्थित 806 परीक्षा केन्द्रो में आयोजित हुई। उक्त परीक्षा में शामिल कुल 258036 उम्मीदवारों के ओएमआर उतर पत्रको के स्कैनिंग आदि के आधार पर मूल्यांकन कार्य संपन्न करते हुए संयुक्त मेधा सूची तैयार की गयी है। इस प्रकार, 68वीं संयुक्त (मुख्य) प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा हेतु आयोग कुल 3590 सफल परीक्षार्थियों का अनुक्रमांक (रोल नंबर) प्रकाशित किये है, जिसका लिंक निचे दिया है। साथ ही अभ्यर्थी आरक्षण कोटिवार कट-ऑफ अंक भी देख सकते है।
bpsc.bih.nic.in 68th CCE Prelims Result 2023
Department Name | Bihar Public Service Commission |
No. of Posts | 324 |
Exam Name | Bihar 68th Combined Competitive Exam (CCE) |
Job Category | Latest Govt Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
BPSC CCE Prelims Exam Date | 12 February 2023 |
BPSC 68th Prelims Result | 27 March 2023 |
Bihar PSC 68th Main Exam Date | —- |
Post Category | BPSC 68th CCE Pre Result |
Official website | www.bpsc.bih.nic.in |
Bihar PSC 68th Prelims Cutoff Marks 2023
We have good news for candidates who appeared in 68th Combined Competitive (Prelims) Exam on 12.02.2023. The commission is conducting Prelims and the Main Exam for Final Selection. The prelims test was held for 150 Marks. Candidates have to obtain minimum qualifying marks Category-wise. Board will determine BPC 68 CCE Pre-Cutoff Marks through various factors. The following factors affect the Cutoff –
- Total Vacancies
- Number of candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Reservation
- Previous Cutoff Marks
How to check BPSC 68th Prelims Result 2023 Online
- First, candidates visit the official website i.e. www.bpsc.bih.nic.in
- Find the Result of the 68th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Exam
- And then, Open the desired link
- After that, BPSC CCE Result will display on a computer screen
- Check Bihar PSC 68th Cutoff Marks category wise
- Also, login using the Registration number and Password
- Download 68 CCE Pre Exam Scorecard
- Finally, Save and take a printout of the Bihar Combined Competitive Exam Result for further use.
Check Bihar PSC 68th CCE Prelims Result
We have provided details of Bihar PSC CCE PT Cutoff Marks here. Authority will also issue a Merit List of qualified candidates. We hope that all aspirants will easily check BPSC 68th Prelims Result using the above link.