Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 – BSEB Patna Class X Result Name wise, Bihar Board Matric Exam Result, बिहार बोर्ड 10th एग्जाम रिजल्ट at biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in
The Bihar School Examination Board has conducted the Matriculation Exam from 14th to 22nd February 2023. Now the board is preparing to declare the BSEB Matric Result. As per official news, Class X Exam Score is to declare on 31 March 2023. Therefore, aspirants visit the below link to download Bihar Board 10th Exam Result will release on its official portal. Lakhs number of aspirants have participated in Board Class Examination.
In addition, Lots of students have participated in this Board Examination and Now they are waiting for BSEB High School Exam Score Card. They are also able to check the Bihar Board 10th Exam Topper List, District-wise Merit list, and previous year’s Result statistics.
Generally, we have provided here information about Bihar Board 10th Result 2023. Further, students are required to log in using user ID/ Roll number and password to check the BSEB 10th Board Exam Result. We have discussed here result statistics such as how many Marks should obtain by students in each subject. Candidates are able to download the BSEB Class 10th Exam mark sheet after one month of the Result declaration.
Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 BSEB Matric Exam Score
The Bihar School Examination Board is now preparing to announce matric Exam Scores, Topper List and Merit list district-wise. Recently, Board has organized Matric Annual Exam for academic Session 202-23 from 14 February to 22 February 2023. at various affiliated Schools in the State. many students have appeared in the Class 10th Board Exam. At present, they are searching the BSEB Matric Result Name wise. On this page, we have shared Previous Result Statistics, Topper List, Merit list and Marksheet of the Matriculation Annual Exam.
Aspirants have to enter Roll Code, Roll number and given Cpatcha Code to download Bihar 10th Board Exam marks. If they have an issue then contact Exam Cell by below helpline numbers. Candidates may also view BSEB Patna 10th Result Pass Percentage from last year.
बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति ने 10वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा का परिणाम जारी कर दिया है। इस बार दसवीं बोर्ड एग्जाम में लगभग 12,86,971 छात्र शामिल हुए है। मैट्रिक परीक्षा दिनांक 14 फरवरी से 22 फरवरी 2023 का आयोजन किया है। अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए लिंक से अपना बिहार बोर्ड 10th रिजल्ट की जाँच कर सकते है। परीक्षा का पासिंग परसेंटेज 79.88 परसेंट है। परिणाम चेक करने के लिए अभ्यर्थियों को अपना रोल नंबर एवं जन्मतिथि की आवश्यकता होगी।
Jharkhand Akanksha 40 Admit Card
बिहार बोर्ड के मेट्रिक परीक्षाफल की घोषणा 31 मार्च को जारी – Click here
BSEB Matriculation Board Exam 2023 Details
Board Name | Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) |
Exam Name | BSEB Matric/10th Examination 2023 |
Academic Session | 2022-23 |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Bihar Board Class 10 ExamDate | 14th February – 22nd February 2023 |
BSEB 10th Result Date | 31 March 2023 |
Status | Available |
Post Category | Bihar board 10th Result |
Official Link | biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in |
biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in Matric Result Date & Time
Finally, BSEB 10th Exam Result is available to download online. Students are able to check Bihar Class X Exam Score Name wise. After checking the Result, they check relevant details Name, Subject wise marks, Father’s Name, DOB, Category, total Marks and passing status. Aspirants check the Previous Year Result statistics, Topper List and Merit List. You can visit official websites like biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in and biharboardonline.com to check Bihar Board 10th Result 2023.
Meanwhile, candidates can check their Exam Score online using below link. They can access the Result through SMS or DigiLocker. To check BSEB Matric Results through SMS, type BIHAR10_Roll Number and Sent it to 56263. passing marks are 30% in each subject such as 150 (out of 500).
The BSEB 10th Marksheet contains details about exam marks subject-wise. Students may also check the Marking Scheme, practical marks, and Grading System. They can check subject-wise Marks for Hindi, Sanskrit, Maths, Social Science, Science, English, etc.
Exam Name |
Exam Date | Exam Result Date |
Bihar Board Class 10 | 14th February – 22nd February 2023 | 28 March 2023 |
Bihar Board Intermediate | 01st February – 11th February 2023 | April 2023 |
BSEB 10th Results Previous Year Statistics –
In this section, contenders can check the Last year’s BSEB 10th Result Statistics. The statistics stand for how many students appeared in the exam in past years; no. of students who passed and Total pass percentages along with details of overall pass percentages for Male and Female students.
Meanwhile, They can also check the List of BSEB X Result topper list, merit list, School wise, District wise, Grading System, and subject-wise marks. The Bihar Board Class 10th Mark sheet will be issued by the BSEB Board of secondary education after one month after the declaration of the BSEB Madhyamik Result.
Year | No. of Students | Result Date | Pass Percentage | Topper% |
2018 | 17,58,795 | 06 June | 68.89 | 91.40 |
2019 | 16,35,070 | 06 April | 80.73 | 97.20 |
2020 | 14,94,071 | 26 May | 80.59 | 96.20 |
2021 | 16,84,466 | 05 April | 78.17 | 96.80 |
2022 | 16,11,130 | 31 March | 79.88 | 97.4 |
How to download Bihar Board 10th Result 2023
Students who appeared in the BSEB Matric Exam can check their BSEB Tenth Class Result with the help of roll number and other required details @BSEB. The board released the Bihar Board of Secondary Exam Result in March 2023 @ bihar.gov.in. Candidates must go through the below-given steps for checking the BSEB Matric Result 2023.
- First, visit BSEB official website@ biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in
- On the home page drop- down the result tab on the menu bar.
- And then, Enter your admit card number and other important information.
- After that, Click on the submit button.
- Your Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 will display on the computer screen.
- Check your Bihar Board Matric Board Result carefully.
- Finally, Download and save the High School Result Result for further use.
Click here- Bihar 12th Board Exam Result
Details printed on BSEB 10th class Scorecard 2023
After getting the Bihar Madhyamik Shiksha Board Result page, students must check the details of Particulars Available on BSER Patna Madhyamik Pariksha Result 2023. There is a lot of information mentioned on the BSEB Secondary Result page.
Bihar Board Secondary Result consists of some important information that should be known to the students. The list of details present on the Patna BSEB Xth Scorecard 2023 is as follows
- Student’s Name
- Date of Birth of the Students
- Student’s Parent’s Name
- Registration Number of the Candidates
- Roll Number of the Students
- Subject Code, Subject Name
- Obtained Marks
- Marks of the Individual Subjects (Theory and Practical)
- Total Marks
- Percentage of the total Obtained Marks
- BSEB 10th Result Status
- Some Other Important Instructions
How to get BSEB 10th mark sheet 2023
Hello, the board has conducted the matriculation Board Exam from 14 to 22 February 2023. Around 15 Lakh aspirants participated in the exam at more than 1300 Exam centers across the State. This time they are waiting for Bihar Board 10th Result 2023. After that board will issue the mark sheet. Students may download Marksheet online or receive them from their respective schools.
The BSEB 10th mark sheet contains details about candidates and Exams. There are lots of details are available like Roll Number, Name, Father’s/Mother’s Name, Subject wise Marks, passing status (fail/pass), etc.
BSEB 10th Board Examination 2023
The Bihar Board of secondary education (BSEB) departmental examinations such as the Diploma in Physical Education, Certificate in Physical Education, and Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for Bihar state, Simultaltala Residential Entrance Examinations, Examination for Diploma in Elementary Education, etc.
A huge number of students are waiting for BSEB Matric Exam Scorecard. The Board is preparing to declare results very shortly at biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in. In order to pass the BSEB Class 10th Board exams, students need to score a minimum of 33% marks including the theory and practical exams. All those students who not able to score the 33% mark in each subject receive the compartment in the respective subject.
Frequently Asked Questions (BSEB 10th Class Result 2023)
What are the minimum qualifying marks for BSEB Class 10th exams?
33% marks in both theory and practicals.
What is the BSEB 10th Result date?
BSEB 10th Result 2023 is declared in the first week of March 2023.
When can I apply for revaluation?
Students can apply for revaluation after the BSEB 10th Result announcement on 28 March 2023.
Where can I check the result of the BSEB Exam 2023?
Students can check the Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 online on biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in