Assam TET Merit List 2023 sebaonline.org Special 6th Schedule TET Exam Result Roll number wise, Check Category wise Assam LP UP TET Cutoff List – Good News for all those students who have appeared in Assam Teacher Eligibility Test-2023. Because School Education Department is ready to announce Assam TET Results for Lower Primary & Upper Primary Level. Recently, the Board of Secondary Education has organized the ‘Special 6th Schedule Teacher Eligibility Test’ on 30th April 2023.
At present, many students are waiting for Assam TET LP UP Result, Merit list and Cutoff Marks. Apart from this, we have provided qualifying Marks for Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET. Hence, they first download the 6th Schedule TET Result Name wise and LP UP Merit list Category-wise.
Moreover, we have uploaded the Assam TET Merit List 2023 link directly. Likewise, The Result of the Assam Teacher Eligibility Test is available in PDF format. And aspirants have to search their Name, Roll number, Category, Obtained Marks etc. By the way, Department has decided on minimum qualifying Marks i.e. 90 Marks for General and 83 Marks (Others) out of 150 Marks. Further, they may visit the official website https://www.sebaonline.org for more details
Assam TET Merit List 2023 LP UP TET Merit List
If you are searching Assam 6th Schedule TET Result then you at right here. Because the Board of Secondary Education is preparing to declare the Assam TET Result for Lower Primary and Upper Primary Teachers. Recently, Board has invited Assam TET Online Applications between 5th March to 25th March 2023. A large number of applicants have registered for Assam Special 6th Schedule TET for Lower Primary and Upper Primary.
After qualifying for the Teacher Eligibility Test, eligible candidates can apply for Teacher Jobs. Every year, Assam TET holds with two papers. And Paper-1 conducts for Lower Primary Teacher (Class 1 to V) and Paper-2 holds for Upper Primary Teacher (Class VI to VIII).
Thus, Department has organized Assam 6th Schedule TET successfully on 30.04.2023 at various Exam centers. Hence, applicants check Assam TET Result, Cutoff, and Merit List. Aspirants must login using their Registration number and Password to check ATET LP UP Result Name wise.
असम माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया गया है। यह परीक्षा लोअर प्राइमरी एवं उच्च प्राथमिक लेवल अध्यापक के लिए आयोजित की गई है। पेपर 1 कक्षा I से V तक एवं पेपर 2 कक्षा VI से VIII तक आयोजित की गई। अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से असम टीईटी रिजल्ट देख सकते है।
Assam Special 6th Schedule TET 2023 Details
Organization | Department of Elementary Education, Assam |
Test Name | Assam Teacher Eligibility Test |
Type of Exam | Special 6th Schedule TET |
Post Name | Lower Primary & Upper Primary Level (LP UP) |
Total posts | Various |
Classes | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
Assam TET Exam Date | 30th April 2023 |
Assam TET Merit List | Release Soon |
Status | Available shortly |
Post Category | ATET Result |
official website | https://www.sebaonline.org/ |
www.sebaonline.org 6th Schedule TET Cut off Marks 2023
All candidates need to secure minimum Assistant TET qualifying Marks. Besides, Board has already fixed the minimum passing Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS categories. it is equally important to obtain these marks out of the total score. As per reports, Each paper carries 150 marks. Therefore, Board determine the ATET 6th Schedule TET Cutoff based on various factors for Paper-I and Paper-II. Also, we have given here Assam TET Expected Cutoff Marks here. Based on the followings factors, Board will prepare ATET Cutoff List-
- Total Vacancies
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Registered Candidates for Assam TET
- Reservation
- Previous Year Cutoff
Assam TET 2023 Qualifying Marks
We are mentioning here the minimum Marks for qualifying in Teacher Eligibility TET. An aspirant is required to score 60% i.e. 90 marks out of 150 to qualify for the Teacher Eligibility Test. However, 83 Marks (55%) out of 150 required for SC, ST, OBC, MOBC, PwD. Thus, there will relaxation of 5% for the reserved category.
Category | Cutoff Marks (Out of 150) | Cutoff Percentage |
General | 90 | 60% |
OBC/MOBC | 83 | 55% |
SC/ST | 83 | 55% |
PwD | 83 | 55% |
Assam 6th Schedule TET Result with Marksheet
Hence, aspirants are able to see Assam TET Merit List 2023 for Lower & Upper Primary Levels. Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission, Assam has organized the Special 6th Schedule TET Exam. And participants want to know their ATET Exam Score along with the Cutoff and Merit list. Our team is giving the procedure to check Assam 6th Schedule TET Result with Marksheet. Assam Upper Primary and Lower Primary Results are available in PDF format at the official web portal. Many applicants have appeared in the Special 6th Schedule TET Exam. And after completing the Entrance Exam, aspirants want to check Assam LP UP TET Result.
How to check Assam TET Merit List 2023 LP UP Online
- All candidates first visit the official website @https://www.sebaonline.org
- And then, click on SEBA Website link
- Choose the 6th Schedule TET and Find the Result link
- After that, Open the Assam TET Merit List 2023 PDF Link
- Check relevant details on the ATET LP UP Result page
- Finally, download and save the Assam Special 6th Schedule TET Result for further use
Check Special 6th Schedule TET Result- Click here
Category wise Assam TET Cutoff Marks- Click here
Assam TET Result Scorecard Details
After checking Assam TET Result, aspirants check available details on ATET Scorecard. If they found any discrepancies in the Details then contact to the Exam Cell As soon as possible.
- Name & Father Name of Student
- Registration/Application number
- Roll number
- Category, Gender
- Date of birth
- Board Name
- Exam Marks
- Secure Marks
- Passing Status
Assam LP UP TET Merit List 2023
Aspirants who will qualify for the Teacher Eligibility Test will not confer the right to claim an appointment for any post of teacher. TET Certificate will use as eligibility to apply for Teacher Recruitment.
The first board decided the cutoff marks and candidates who secured Assam TET Cutoff marks will shortlist for TET Certificate. Assam TET merit list contains details about candidates such as Name, Cutoff marks, and Rank. There will be no verification of documents in support of qualification etc. of candidates while appearing in TET. However, the documents of a TET-qualified candidate will verify during the time of the teacher engagement process.
Thus, all aspirants will easily check Assam TET Merit List 2023 along with Marksheet. Likewise, we have uploaded the information regarding ATET 6th Schedule LP UP TET Result. Still, candidates may ask any doubt by putting comments here.