Assam TET Cutoff Marks 2023 Special 6th Schedule Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Cutoff List, SSA TET Merit List District wise at www.ssa.assam.gov.in
Assam LP UP TET Cutoff 2023 – Sarbha Shiksha Abhiyan Mission, Government of Assam Elementary Education has organized the Special 6th Schedule Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. Many aspirants appeared in Lower Primary and Upper Primary TET on 30 April 2023. Besides, they are searching for Cutoff Marks and Merit List district-wise. We are introducing here the minimum Qualifying Marks for Assam TET 2023. There are two papers in the Teacher Eligibility Test, the first paper is for Lower Primary (Class 1 to 5) and the second paper is for Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8). Each paper has 150 questions for a total of 150 marks. Thus the candidates have to obtain the minimum passing marks in order to qualify. We have given here Assam TET Cutoff Marks Category Wise.
Moreover, aspirants may also check Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Cutoff List for General, OBC, SC, ST & EWS. Further, Authority will issue Cutoff Marks along with the Result. The department will prepare SSA Assam TET Passing Marks and Cutoff Marks for Paper-I and Paper-II.
Latest Update- Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan mission has organized the Special 6th Schedule TET for Lower & Upper Primary Teachers. Now aspirants check Assam TET Paper 1 & paper 2 Cutoff & Scorecard. They use the below link to check RMSA TET Exam Result Name wise.
Assam TET Cutoff Marks 2023 Paper 1 & Paper 2 Passing Marks
Finally, the Department of School Education, Assam has organized the “Special 6th Schedule Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)-2023”. Also, the Lower Primary & upper Primary TET has been held on 30 April 2023 at various Exam centers. In this Exam, Paper-I is organized for Lower Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Class) and Paper II for Upper Primary Teachers (Classes 6 to 8). In addition, Authority has already decided the Minimum Qualifying Marks for Assam TET papers 1 & 2. Also, Department may change cutoff marks. Therefore, aspirants check SSA TET Expected Cutoff List.
Meanwhile, we have provided Assam LP UP TET Previous Cutoff here. A large number of candidates have participated in Assam Teacher Eligibility Test. And now they want their Assam TET Exam Score.
एसएसए असम द्वारा अध्यापक पात्रता शिक्षक 2023 का आयोजन दिनांक 30 अप्रैल 2023 को किया गया है। इस बार बोर्ड ने Special 6th TET for Lower प्राइमरी and Upper Primary टीचर के लिए आयोजित की है। परीक्षा में पेपर-1 कक्षा 1 से 5 तक एवं पेपर-2 कक्षा 6 से 8 तक आयोजित की है। प्रत्येक पेपर में 150 प्रश्न पूछे गए है और परीक्षा कुल 150 अंक की है। अभ्यर्थियों को 150 अंको में से न्यूनतम 90 अंक (Unreserved) और 83 अंक (Reserved) हासिल करने होंगे।
Assam Special 6th Schedule TET 2023 Details
Organization Name | Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission |
Department Name | Elementary Education Department |
Test name | Special 6th Schedule Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 |
Post name | Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8) |
Assam LP & UP TET Date | 30 April 2023 |
Mode of Exam | Offline mode |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Location | Assam |
Assam TET Result Date | declare |
Official website | www.ssa.assam.gov.in |
ssa.assam.gov.in LP UP TET Qualifying Marks
The Cutoff is the minimum qualifying marks required for candidates to clear the exam. The Board has decided on Assam TET Cutoff Marks for all categories such as General, OBC, SC, ST. There are various factors that affect Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Cutoff. There are no sectional cutoff marks.
Therefore candidates have to secure minimum passing marks from overall marks. Board will decide Assam LP & UP TET Cutoff based on various factors such as the number of candidates who participated in the exam, total vacancies, Paper difficulty level, previous Year Cutoff marks and reservation of category.
Categories | Cut-off |
General | 60% (90 marks) |
SC / ST / OBC / MOBC / PWD | 55% (83 marks |
Assam TET Cutoff Marks 2023 Category wise
Cutoff marks for Teacher Eligibility Test are minimum passing marks required to obtain by candidates. We know that, Written Exam has been held for 150 marks for Each paper. For General, candidates have to obtain a minimum of 90 Marks and 83 Marks for all reserved categories. The board determines the cutoff based on various factors. Based on various factors which affect cutoff –
Number of Vacancies- Assam TET cutoff depends on the number of vacancies available for Primary and Upper Primary Teachers.
Total Candidates appeared in Exam- If more candidates in the Exam it means more competition will.
Paper difficulty level- Assam TET Cutoff also depends on the difficulty level of the Question Paper. If the paper has a high number of difficult questions, the Cutoff marks will increase.
Highest Score obtained- If the highest score obtained by the candidate in the written Exam is considerably more the cutoff will increase.
Assam Teacher Eligibility Test Cut off Marks 2023
Category | Cutoff Marks (Out of 150) | Cutoff Percentile |
General | 90 | 60% |
OBC | 83 | 55% |
SC/ST | 83 | 55% |
PwD | 83 | 55% |
How to check Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Cutoff List 2023
Finally, Board has declared the Assam TET Result of the Lower Primary & Upper Primary Teacher Eligibility Test. Department has also released the Assam LP UP TET Cutoff Marks. Students go through below basic steps to download Assam TET Scorecard & Merit List category-wise.
- First, All candidates visit the official website i.e. www.ssa.assam.gov.in
- At the home page, select TET Result 2023 link
- And then, Choose Lower Primary TET and Upper Primary TET option
- After that, Click on the available links below
- Also, Enter the Application Number/ User Name and Password
- Click on the Login button and Assam TET Cutoff Marks and score will display on the computer screen.
- Finally, download and save Assam LP-UP TET Result & Cutoff for further use.
Click here to download Assam TET Scorecard
Click below the links for Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Results
Link to download revised scorecard of LP and UP TET
Lower Primary
Upper Primary
Link 1
Link 2
Check Assam Special 6th Schedule TET Cutoff
Along with Assam TET Result, aspirants may also see Assam Lower Primary & Upper Primary TET Cutoff Marks category-wise. Further, in case of any discrepancies, candidates can comment in the box below. Keep checking the official website to get more updates on Assam TET Cutoff marks & Results.