Answer to 20 questions on corona / If there is a mild cold-cough, there is no need to get coronavirus checked, do not apply unnecessary mask.
Coronavirus can remain for 4 hours on copper and 72 hours on glass.
According to experts, infection from surface or clothing will infect you only when you place infected hands in your mouth and nose.
हेल्थ डेस्क – क्या पालतू जानवरो से कोरोनाविरुस का संक्रमण होता है, क्या हर संक्रमण जानलेवा है, क्या संक्रमण केवल बुजुर्गो को होता है, युवाओ और बच्चो को नहीं होता ।ऐसे कई सवालो के एक साथ जवाब एम्स के डायरेक्टर डॉ रणदीप गुलेरिया और मेक्स हॉस्पिटल के चैयरमेन डॉ बलवीर सिंह ने दिए है । कोणवीरस से जुड़े भ्र्म और अफवाहों को दूर करने वाली इस जानकरी को यहाँ हम जारी कर रहे है ।
There is fear in the minds of people due to lack of accurate information about the worldwide coronavirus. At the same time, people are also taking some precaution which is not necessary. For example, walking around with an N-95 mask without a cold and cough.He feels a threat of corona even when he has a cold. We spoke to Professor Sarman Singh, Director and CEO of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhopal and Rajni Kant, Scientist of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Director of Gorakhpur Branch, for answers to similar questions arising in people’s minds.
Questions and answers from first AIIMS director Dr. Sarman Singh
1. Can the clothes I wear everyday cause infection?
Exactly. When you are coming out of the house wearing clothes, wash them immediately after coming home, because we bump into many people when they are out. In this case, the infection can come to the clothes through anyone. Putting your hands on the clothes will take you to the mouth and nose and get infected.
2. Can footwear also spread infection through watch?
Footwear does not spread infection. If you are wearing a watch, then keep it sanitized, because the infection can also come up to the watch through droplets.
3. Can there be a transition from mobile to computer-laptop?
absolutely. It is necessary to sanitize all these gadgets. Keep sanitizing the keyboard. Sanitize the mobile screen too. However all this can only happen if an infected person is around them. The infection itself does not arise. Transmits from somewhere.
4. Does this virus also live in the air?
Stays exactly there. Slowly from the air comes to the surface. Stays in the air for several minutes. Therefore, there is an appeal not to come out.
5. No one has infection, yet it is necessary to distance from it?
Distance from every person is important. Keep at least 1 meter distance from family members even when you are at home. The infection can be spread through anyone.
6. Is it necessary for everyone to wear a mask?
Is not absolutely necessary. Do not apply N-95 at all as it is for doctors-nurses. If you are having a cold and cough then definitely apply mask so that the infection does not reach other people. Suppose you are infected. By doing this you will take complete care yourself and keep distance from others. People are applying masks without any reason, due to which the black marketing of masks increased.
7. Who should get coronavirus tested? Should people who have mild phlegm fever also get tested?
There is no need to get coronavirus checked even if there is mild cold-cough, phlegm as well as fever. There are two main criterias to be investigated. First, if you have traveled abroad in the past. Second, you may have come in contact with someone who has confirmed coronavirus. Otherwise, it is very common to have a cold-cough in this changing season.
8. Can this virus come from the door knob?
It is transmitted by droplets. Now if the droplet is in the air or on a surface and you touch the surface, then you can be infected. However, when you apply the hand to the mouth and nose, only then this infection will reach inside your body. Therefore, appeals are being made to wash hands frequently and do not put hands on face.
9. How many days does the signs of coronavirus appear?
Usually, its signs are seen in 5 to 7 days. Sometimes it takes up to 14 days. For this reason, 14 days are kept in the observation period.
10. What to do if one of my colleagues in the office or home has got an infection?
If you have come in contact with him, immediately become self-quarantined.
Disclaimer: All information is gathered from various internet sources.