WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023-24 WBPRB Constable Exam Date, Center City Name District Wise, Download Lady Constable Prelims Hall Ticket – West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has published the Admit Card for Lady Constable Prelims Exam. Besides, the Preliminary Written Test will be conducted on 10th September 2023. We know that the government wants to fill 1334 Vacancies of Lady Constable in West Bengal Police 2023. Therefore, aspirants first download WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023. And then check relevant details printed on WBPRB Constable Prelims Call letter. Further, they have to enter Application Serial Number and Date of birth to download West Bengal Police Constable Admit Card.
Latest Updates – The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has declared Result of Preliminary Written Test (PWT) of lady Constable on 01.12.2023. And Physical Test PMT/PET is scheduled to be held from 18 to 23 December 2023.
WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023-24 Exam Date
The Police Recruitment Board is recruiting eligible candidates for 1335 Lady Constable Vacancies. Recently, Authority has invited Online Application forms from 23 April to 22 May 2023. And large number of Female candidates have registered for WBPRB Lady Constable Bharti. Now they are eagerly waiting for WBP Lady Constable Exam Date. First of all, candidates have to undergo a Preliminary Written test (100 Marks). And then a list of selected aspirants will invite for the Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Final Written Exam. As per official resources, Constable prelims Exam has already been completed on 10 September 2023. Now board is preparing to hold PET PMT in December 2023.
Meanwhile, our team gives a direct link to download the West Bengal Police Lady Constable Hall Ticket. Therefore students don’t need to visit other sites on the Internet. They further visit below official link with the necessary login details to access the WBPRB Lady Constable Admit Card.
पश्चिम बंगाल पुलिस भर्ती बोर्ड द्वारा लेडी कांस्टेबल के 1335 पदों पर भर्ती आयोजित की जारी है। इसके लिए बोर्ड सबसे पहले प्रारंभिक परीक्षा आयोजित करेगा। इसलिए अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से वेस्ट बंगाल पुलिस कांस्टेबल एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करे। साथ ही वे बोर्ड द्वारा जारी दिशा-निर्देशों का पालन करे। उम्मीदवार अपना एप्लीकेशन नंबर एवं जन्मतिथि दर्ज कर डब्ल्यूबी पुलिस लेडी कांस्टेबल हॉल टिकट प्राप्त कर सकते है।
WB Police Constable Lady Constable Exam 2023 Details
Department Name | West Bengal Police Recruitment Board |
Total Vacancies | 1335 |
Post Name | Lady Constable |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Application Dates | 23.04.2023 to 22.05.2023 |
WBP Lady Constable Prelims Exam Date | 10 September 2023 |
WBPRB Constable Physical Test Date | 18 December to 23 December 2023 |
WBP Lady Constable Admit Card | 11 December 2023 |
Selection Process | Preliminary Written Test
Physical Measurement Test (PMT) Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Final Written Test Interview |
Location | West Bengal |
Application Mode | Online |
Official website | wbpolice.gov.in/ |
wbpolice.gov.in 2023 Lady Constable Exam Date Hall Ticket
Finally, Authority is conducting prelims Written Exam for 1335 Constable Posts. Candidates who applied for West Bengal Police Recruitment can download the WBPRB Constable Hall Ticket from the official website. As we all know the Preliminary Exam for Constable Exam shall be held in May month. It is equally important to bring the West Bengal Police Constable Call Letter to the test center. Apart from this, they should check the relevant details printed on the WBP lady Constable Admit Card. The details of downloading steps of the WB Police Constable Admit Card are given below and aspirants can check the detailed information and go through the entire article for more updates.
आवेदक नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर जाकर पंजीकरण संख्या, जन्म तिथि या पासवर्ड दर्ज करके इसे डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। नीचे आप पश्चिम बंगाल पुलिस कॉन्स्टेबल परीक्षा तिथि और चयन प्रक्रिया देख सकते हैं। WB Police Constable Admit Card डब्ल्यूबी पुलिस कांस्टेबल साक्षात्कार परीक्षा के बेहतर ज्ञान के लिए पूरा लेख पढ़ें। योग्य उम्मीदवार का चयन पुलिस कांस्टेबल पद के लिए किया जाएगा। ताजा अपडेट के लिए हमारे साथ बने रहें।
WBPRB Police Constable Bharti Selection Process
First, Authority has invited Online Applications and then list of selected candidates will call for Prelims Test. The person has to first clear the Exam and the next round will be PMT & PET the Mains Exam will organize followed by a personal Interview. The following rounds are mentioned in points.
- Preliminary Written Test
- Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Final Written Exam
- Interview
How to download WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023-24
So, all candidates who are preparing for West Bengal Police Bharti download the WBP lady Constable Admit Card name-wise. Because the authority has finally released the Permission Letter on its official web portal. However, WBPRB Constable Call Letter can only be downloaded online. Follow these steps to access Admission Certificate.
- First, examinees Visit the official portal such as www.wbpolice.gov.in.
- The home page of the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) will display.
- And then, Search for the WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023 link.
- Also, Enter the login details like Application Number, Password, and Hit on Submit.
- After that, Your WBPRB Constable Hall Ticket will be displayed.
- Check the Exam Dates and other details available on the Admit Card.
- Finally, download and save the WBP Constable Admit Card for future use.
1335 Lady Constable 2023 Bharti Link
WBP lady Constable Exam Admit card 2023 details
Likewise, WB Police Constable Admit Card 2023 consists of useful and important details of aspirants. Thus, recruiters require to check this useful information after downloading WBPRB Constable Call Letter. However, WB Police Hall Ticket contains the followings details-
- Candidate Name
- Father’s Name
- Exam Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Roll Number
- Centre Name
- Mother’s Name
- Exam Code
- Candidate Category
- Mode of the Exam
- Candidate Photograph
- Exam Centre Address
- Exam Date
- Important Instructions
- Candidate Signature
WB Police Constable Exam – ID Proofs Required
Lastly, candidates should carry the necessary documents and follow instructions during the Examination. There is one Photo ideneity mandatory along with Admission Card. And it should bring during the Exam by aspirants too. Here we have provided various Photo Identity cards and aspirants have to carry one ID proof. Along with the West Bengal Lady Constable Admit Card candidate has to bring any one of the ID’s to appear in the Lady Constable Prelims Exam.
- Voter ID
- Aadhar Card
- Passport
- Driving License
- College ID
- PAN Card
- Bank Passbook
- Employee ID Card
FAQs for WBP Constable Admit Card 2023
Question- Will the WBPRB Constable Hall Ticket be released in offline mode?
Answer- As per the official report, it shall issue online only. No Admit Card will be sent through Post/Person.
Question- How to do download WBP Constable Call Letter?
Answer- Candidates use Login ID i.e. Registration Number and Password to download Admission Certificate.
Question- What is the official website for Recruitment to the post of Lady Constable in West Bengal Police-2023
Answer- Generally, applicants can visit the official web portal i.e. http://wbpolice.gov.in/
Question- How many phases in Constable Recruitment?
Answer- Screening Test, Physical Measurement /Efficiency Test and Final Written Exam
Thus, you will get all the possible details related to the WB Police Lady Constable Admit Card 2023-24. We also tried to give important information or direct link to access the WBP Constable Hall Ticket. Moreover, applicants may visit the official web portal for more details. They further ask for any doubts by putting comments here.