UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023- Check CAPF AC Exam Pattern, Marking scheme, Download CAPF Assistant Commandant Syllabus for Paper-I and Paper-II, Check Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Question Paper Pattern, physical Test Criteria, Download CAPF AC Previous Question Papers
The Union Public Service Commission is conducting the “Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2023”. The Department will organize the CAPF Competitive Exam on 7th August 2022. Our team is providing the latest CAPF AC Exam Study materials for better Exam Preparation. So aspirants check the UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern and access the Syllabus for Paper-I and Paper-II.
We know that the UPSC CAPF Syllabus contains useful & important topics of General Ability and Intelligence and General Studies, Essay & Comprehension subjects. Paper-I will be 250 Marks and Paper-II will conduct for 200 Marks.
Hence contenders download UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus PDF and cover all important topics. They may also set a self Study time Table as per UPSC Assistant Commandant Exam Pattern. We also advised them to collect the latest study materials like Best Books, Study Notes, and Coaching Notes, and to Join the online Test series. They also solve UPSC CAPF Previous year Papers to know the exact Paper pattern and try to solve complete paper in given time duration.
UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023- Assistant Commandant Exam Pattern
The Union Public Service Commission is preparing to announce CAPF AC Exam Notification. This year, the Department will take the “Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2023” on 7th August. UPSC CAPF Application – Start from 20 April
Aspirants have to undergo various selection phases like Written exams, Physical Standard tests (PST), Physical Efficiency tests (PET), and Personal Interviews. In this article, we have UPSC Assistant Commandant Syllabus PDF.
UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam Details
Organization Name | Union Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Central Armed Police Forces Assistant Commandant |
Exam Name | Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2023 |
Total Posts | 253 Vacancies |
Application Starting Date | April 2023 |
Application Last Date | May 2023 |
Selection Process | Written Test
Physical Efficiency Test Physical Efficiency Test Interview |
Application Mode | Online |
Job Location | Across India |
Category | Latest Govt Jobs |
Official Website | www.upsc.gov.in |
CAPF AC Admit Card | Download Admit card |
Check CAPF Exam result | Click here |
UPSC Assistant Commandant Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023
Here we will see the UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern and physical test criteria. The merit list will make on the basis of marks obtained by the aspirants in the written Examination and Interview/Personality. Before downloading UPSC CAPF Syllabus PDF, look at CAPF AC Exam Pattern.
Written Pattern
The Union Public Service Commission will organize the CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam with two papers i.e. Paper-I and Paper-II. This year, the Commission will organize CAPF AC Exam on 7th August.
Each paper will for 2 hours. Paper-I will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon and Paper-II will conduct from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence – 250 Marks The questions in this paper will be of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi. Paper-II: General Studies, Essay and Comprehension – 200 Marks
Paper | Subject | Marks |
Paper-1 | General Ability and Intelligence | 250 Marks |
Paper-2 | : General Studies, Essay and Comprehension | 200 Marks |
UPSC CAPF AC 2023- Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Test & Medical Test
Those candidates will call for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests who are declared qualified in the written Examination. The first department will measure the physical standards of candidates and then they will put through the Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Race | Male | Female |
100 Meters race | In 16 Seconds | In 18 Seconds |
800 Meters race | In 3 minutes 45 Seconds | In 4 Minutes 45 Seconds |
Long Jup | 3.5 Meters (3 chances) | 3.0 Meters (3 chances) |
Shot Put (7.26 Kgs) | 4.5 Meters |
Interview/Personality Test- After clearing the Medical Tests students will be called for an Interview which will carry 150 Marks.
Download UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus Subject wise
From here aspirants can access the topics-wise UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023 for paper-I and Paper-II. We already discussed the questions that will ask in Paper-I from General Ability & Reasoning. Therefore you see UPSC Assistant Commandant Syllabus for General Mental Ability, General Science, Current Events and General Studies, Essay and Comprehension.
Paper-I Syllabus for Ability and Intelligence
General Mental Ability- The questions will design to test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability, and data interpretation
General Science – The questions will set to test general awareness, scientific temper, comprehension and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday observation including new areas of importance like Information Technology, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science.
UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus for Current Events of National and International Importance:
- Awareness of current events of national and international importance in the broad areas of culture,
- Music
- Arts
- Literature
- Sports
- Governance
- societal and developmental issues
- Industry
- Business
- Globalization and
- Interplay among nations
Indian Polity and Economy: The questions shall aim to test candidates’ knowledge of the Country’s political system and the Constitution of India, social systems and public administration, economic development in India, regional and international security issues and human rights including its indicators.
UPSC CAPF Syllabus for History of India:
The questions will broadly cover the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. This shall also include the areas of growth of nationalism and freedom movement.
Indian and World Geography: The questions shall cover the physical, social and economic aspects of geography pertaining to India and the World
UPSC CAPF Paper-II Syllabus
General Studies, Essay and Comprehension
Part-A: Essay questions which are to be answered in the long narrative form either in Hindi or English totaling 80 Marks. The indicative topics are modern Indian history especially of the freedom struggle, geography, polity and economy, knowledge of security and human rights issues, and analytical ability
Part-B: Comprehension, précis writing, other communications/language skills – to be attempted in English only (Marks 120) – The topics are Comprehension passages, précis writing, developing counter arguments, simple grammar and other aspects of language testing.
Download UPSC CAPF AC Previous Question Papers
After checking UPSC CAPF Syllabus PDF, candidates download UPSC Assistant Commandant Previous year Papers. They solve these old year papers on a daily basis. They can improve the speed of solving question papers in given time duration. Previous Question paper helps students know question type, Paper difficulty Level, improve performance and revise the complete UPSC Assistant Commandant Syllabus before the examination.
FAQs for UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus 2023
Question- When will the CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam be conducted?
Answer- The Commission is going to conduct the written Exam on 7th August
Question- Is CAPF Exam held offline?
Answer- No, Central Armed Police Force (ACS) is a computer-based Test online.
Question- How many parts are there in CAPF Paper II Syllabus?
Answer- Paper-II includes two parts i.e. Part-A and Part-B. The first part carries 80 Marks and the Second part will be 120 Marks on language skills, Comprehension and précis writing.
Question- Is there a negative marking in UPSC CAPF Exam?
Answer- Yes, CAPF Paper-I Exam has negative marking. You will lose 1/3 of marks i.e. for each wrong answer, 33% of marks assigned to that will be deducted.
In this article, we have provided complete information about UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023. If you want to get more then visit the official website or put your query in below comment box.