UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks 2023-24 District wise, Check Uttar Pradesh PCS Pre Cut off Marks category-wise SC ST OBC & General, Qualifying Marks for PCS Pre & Main Exam 2023
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is conducting the ‘Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Service Exam 2023’. Recently, the Authority has held the Provincial Civil Service Prelims on 14th May 2023 across the state. After that, PCS Mains Exam has been organized from 26 to 29 September 2023. Therefore, all participants are searching UPPSC PCS Qualifying Marks for both Pre and Main Exam. Likewise, the Commission will prepare PCS Final Cutoff List based on the Mains Exam (1500 Marks) and Interview (200 marks). Moreover, candidates have to secure UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks 2023 for eligible for the next selection Round. Also, they can see Uttar Pradesh PCS Expected & Previous Cutoff Lst for General, OBC, SC and ST Categories.
UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks 2023-24 Pre & Main Exam
Well, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is ready to announce the UPPSC PCS Cut off along with the Final Result. Because the Commission has recently completed the PCS Mains Exam in September month. A total of 4047 aspirants have been selected for the Main Exam. This time, aspirants want to know about the Expected and Previous Year Cut off for the Provincial Civil Service Exam 2023. Thus, they read this article carefully and check the UP PCS Pre & Main Cut off List Category-wise.
UPPSC PCS Prelims Result- आपको बता दे कि पीसीएस प्रारंभिक परीक्षा कुल 400 अंक की है जिसमे पहला पेपर सामान्य अध्ययन-I (GS) एवं पेपर 2 सामान्य अध्ययन-II (CSAT) का है। इसी प्रकार मुख्य परीक्षा में कुल 8 प्रश्न-पत्र है जो कुल 1500 अंक का है। इसलिए अभ्यर्थियों को परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण प्राप्तांक हासिल करने होंगे। हम यहाँ पर यूपी पीसीएस प्रीलिम्स & Main कटऑफ मार्क्स उपलब्ध करवा रहे है। उत्तर प्रदेश सिविल सर्विस प्रांरभिक एग्जाम 14 मई 2023 को आयोजित हुई है और आयोग ने रिजल्ट भी जारी कर दिया है। कुल 4047 अभ्यर्थी मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु शॉर्टलिस्ट हुए है। हम विभिन्न श्रेणियों के लिए UPPSC PCS Prelims Cut off Marks बता रहे है जो सामान्य के लिए 126.55, एससी के लिए 113.25, एसटी के लिए 104.25 और ओबीसी श्रेणी के लिए 120.55 है।
Check Assam Deled Seat Allotment
Uttar Pradesh PSC Provincial Civil Service Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission |
Total Vacancies | 254 Post |
Post Name | Provincial Civil Services |
Exam Name | Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services Exam 2023 |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Preliminary Exam Date | PCS Pre Exam- 14 May 2023 |
UPPSC PCS Prelims Result | 26th June 2023 |
PCS Main Exam Date | 26 to 29 September 2023 |
PCS Mains Result | Declare Soon |
Interview | December 2023 |
Official website | uppsc.up.nic.in |
UPPSC PCS 2023 Qualifying marks
Generally, We know that the preliminary Exam will be held for 400 Marks. The Pre exam will consist of two compulsory papers of which the answer sheet be on OMR sheets. Thus, papers shall be 200 marks each and of two hours duration. Both the papers shall be objective Type & multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions.
Main Exam Marking Scheme
The main exam will be of 1500 Marks. The whole exam consists of six papers. Paper-I (General Hindi) and Paper-II (Essay) will be 150 Marks each. The remaining papers will be held for 200 Marks each. Rest papers are made from General Studies subjects.
Compulsory Subjects –
- General Hindi 150 marks
- Essay 150 marks
- General Studies (i-Paper) 200 marks
- General Studies (ii-Paper) 200 marks
- GS (iii-Paper) 200 marks
- General Studies (iv-Paper) 200 mark
- Option Subject (Paper-I & paper-II)- 400 Marks
UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks 2023
We are describing how the Commission will prepare the PCS Cutoff List for both the Prelims and Main Exam. Under General Studies I is used to determine the PCS Prelims Cut off Score. Besides, the General Studies II or CSAT Exam is only qualifying in nature. Hence, aspirants need to pass the GS Paper II with a minimum score of 33% for the next selection phase i.e. Main Exam. By the way, the Board decides the PCS cut-off category-wise. Furthermore, there are various factors which consider while preparing the UPPSC PCS Cut off List such as –
- Total Number of Posts
- Registered Candidates for the Exam
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Previous Cut off Marks
- Category wise Reservation
UPPSC PCS Prelims & Mains Exam Qualifying Marks
Category | Prelims Passing Marks | Mains Qualifying Marks |
SC, ST | 35% | 35% |
Others | 40% | 40% |
UPPSC PCS Prelims Cut off Expected
lakhs of candidates prepare for the Provincial Civil Service Exam. And they have to undergo a Preliminary Test and Main Exam. UP PCS Cut off is the lowest score required for aspirants to pass for the next Selection phase. Official Cutoff Marks release along with PCS Result. But we are introducing here UPPSC PCS Expected Cut off for both Exams.
Category | Expected Cut off Marks |
General | 115-120 |
OBC | 113-118 |
SC | 96-100 |
ST | 85-90 |
PwD | 92-107 |
Female Candidates | 112-117 |
UP PCS Mains Expected Cut off 2023
Category | Main Expected Cutoff Marks |
General | 920-950 |
OBC | 880-900 |
SC | 750-800 |
ST | 700-750 |
EWS | 850-900 |
How to check UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks 2023-24
Finally, aspirants may check the Result of the Provincial Civil Services Exam. Now the contenders may download a list of candidates qualified for the PCS (Mains) Examination, 2023. Meanwhile, they follow the below-given steps to check the UPPSC PCS Cut off Marks Category wise-
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. uppsc.up.nic.in
- From the home page, select Information Bulletin.
- After that Find the Link to the “list of candidates qualified for the PCS/ACF-RFO (Mains) Examination-2023”.
- Find your roll number from UPPSC PCS Cut-off 2023-24
- Also, Click on the download button and check Cutoff Marks
- Finally, Save the Result for further use.
UPPSC PCS Prelims Exam Result- Click here
Thus, We have provided all whole details regarding UPPSC PCS Cut-off Marks 2023-24 here. We also hope that all candidates will easily collect relevant information about the Uttar Pradesh PSC Civil Service Exam Cutoff list using the below link. Still, If you face any problem accessing the Cut off then put your query in below comment box.