UP Police Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2022- UPPRPB Bandi Rakshak Cutoff list category wise, Check UP Police Jail warden Previous Year Cut Off Marks, UP Police Fireman Expected Cutoff marks, Expected UP Constable Horse Rider Minimum Cutoff marks
The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and promotion board has conducted the written exam for Fireman, Jail Warder, and Constable Horse Rider. Many candidates are waiting for how to get selection for Bandi Rakshak /Fireman posts. A huge number of candidates participated in this competitive exam and now they are waiting for UPPRPB Jail Warder Cut off and Result. The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment & Promotion Board has now released the UP Jail Warder Result on 06th March 2021.
This article has provided UP Police Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2022 for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories. Aspirants have to qualify for the Written Exam, Scrutiny of Documents d Physical Standard Test, Physical Fitness Test for final selection. From here they may know expected UP Bandi Rakshak Cut off and Fireman Minimum passing marks.
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UP Police Jail Warder Cut off Marks 202 – UPPRPB Fireman Exam Cut off List
Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and promotion board are conducting recruitment of 3638 Jail Warder, 2065 Fireman, and 102 Constable Horse Rider Posts. Lots of contenders applied for Jail Warder Bharti till 18.01.2019. All candidates appearing in this competitive exam can check the Exam marking Scheme, previous year UP jail warder cut-off, and expected minimum qualifying marks.
We know that the written of Uttar Pradesh Jail warder was held for 300 marks. The board has fixed the minimum passing marks category-wise. If they secure these qualifying marks then they will be declared qualified for the next selection phase.
Latest Updates- The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has conducted the Jail Warder, House Riders & Fireman Exam 2016. The test was conducted successfully on 19th & 20th December 2020. Students must check category-wise Cutoff for General, OBC, SC, ST.
Download UPPRPB Jail Warder Answer key
UP Jail Warder & Firemen Exam Details
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment & Promotion Board |
Post Name | Jail Warder & Fireman |
Total Vacancies | 3638 Jail Warder & 2065 Fireman and 102 Constable Horse Rider Posts |
Category | UP Jail Warder Result |
UP Jail Warder Exam Date | 19th and 20th December 2020 |
Result Release | 06th March 2021 |
Job Category | Police Jobs/ Defence Jobs |
Job Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Official Site | www.uppbpb.gov.in |
UP Police Jail Warder Exam Marking Scheme
As we all know the Police Recruitment Board has conducted the jail Warder/Bandi Rakshak Exam for 300 Marks. The Question paper carried 300 objectives multiple-type questions. There are no sectional Cut off marks for UP Police Fireman /Bandi Rakshak Bharti. Aspirants have to secure UP Police jail Warder Cut off Marks out of Total Marks. These minimum marks vary category-wise. Here we are giving Marks distribution for Jail Warder Exam-
Subject Name | Total Questions | Total Marks |
General Knowledge | 38 | 76 |
Numerical & Mental Ability | 38 | 76 |
Mental Aptitude, I.Q. & Reasoning Ability | 37 | 74 |
General Hindi | 37 | 74 |
Total | 150 | 300 |
UPPRPB Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2022- Fireman Minimum Passing Marks
The UP Jail Warder Cut off marks are minimum qualifying marks obtained by the candidates. The Board has decided the minimum passing Marks out of Total Marks. If a candidate secures these marks then he will declare qualify for the next selection phase.
The Board prepares the UP Police Fireman Cut off list for General OBC/SC/ST categories. Various factors affect the Cut off Marks such as Total Vacancies, Number of candidates who participated in the exam, Paper difficulty level, and previous year cut-off.
In this article, we have mentioned the expected UP Police Bandi Rakshak Cut off marks. This year’s off will also near the previous cutoff. Therefore aspirants follow the below-given process and check UP Jail Warder Result and Cut off marks category-wise.
Expected UP Jail Warder Fireman Cut off
It must be noted that the number of contenders whose names will be on the penal list will be 15 times the percent vacancies. Therefore Cut off will be decided by the board only and will depend on the Number of other aspirants.
Name of Post | Expected Cut Off Marks of Males for PET (Race) | Expected Cut Off Marks of Females for PET(Race) |
Jail Warder | General – 180+ EWS – 174+ OBC – 172+ SC – 165+ ST – 160+ Ex-Serviceman – 110+ |
General – 150+ EWS – 148+ OBC – 148+ SC – 145+ ST – 135+ Ex-Serviceman – 90+ |
Fireman |
— |
Constable Horse Rider |
— |
UP Police Jail Warder Merit List 2022
All the details regarding Uttar Pradesh Jail Warder Bharti Such as Result, Cut off Marks and merit list can be checked from the website i.e. www.upprpb.gov.in. The UP Police Fireman Merit list contains the details of qualified candidates. Aspirant’s Name in the UP Police Jail Warder Merit List must need to attend the further selection process. Check the process of calculation of UPPRPB jail Warder Merit list –
- Percentage of Marks obtained in 10th Exam (100 Marks)
- Percentage of Marks obtained in 12th Exam * 2 (200 Marks)
- Adding the marks of point 1 + Point 2 (300 Marks)
How to Prepare UP jail Warder Cut off List/Merit list
The UPPRPB Bandi Rakshak merit list will be made based on 300 Marks. In this exam, there were 150 Questions asked and each question carries 2 marks. The candidate’s 12th Standard percentage will be multiplied by 2 and it will be added to the percentage of 10 Marks. The merit list will be prepared category-wise (General, OBC, SC, ST, PH) by the Recruitment Board.
UP Police Jail Warder Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Aspirants who have to appear in the UP Police Fireman Exam of a minimum of 120 Marks and a maximum of 200 Marks. In this PET exam, Male candidates have to run 4.8 KM in 27 Minutes & Female applicants have completed a 2.4 Kilometre race in 16 Minutes.
Race Marks Calculation
Male Candidates (4.8 KM) | Female Candidates (2.4 KM) |
17 Minutes or less – 200 Marks | 11 Minutes or Less – 200 |
17 Minutes 15 Seconds – 198 | 11 Minutes 15 Seconds – 196 |
17 Minutes 30 Seconds – 196 | 11 Minutes 30 Seconds – 192 |
17 Minutes 45 Seconds – 194 | 11 Minutes 45 Seconds – 188 |
2 Marks less with every 15 Seconds | 4 Marks less with every 15 Seconds |
26 Minutes 30 Seconds – 124 | 15 Minutes 30 Seconds – 128 |
26 Minutes 45 Seconds – 122 | 15 minutes 45 Seconds – 124 |
17 Minutes – 120 | 16 Minutes – 120 |
UP Jail Warder PST (Physical Standard Test)
Height:- Minimum Standards for Heights are as follows-
Category | Male | Female |
General/ OBC/ SC | 168 cm | 152 cm |
ST Candidates | 160 cm | 147 cm |
Chest:- Chest for Male candidate is as follows-
Category | Male | Female |
General/ OBC/ SC | 79-84 cm (Minimum 5 cm expansion is required) | Not Applicable |
ST Candidates | 77-82 cm (Minimum 5 cm expansion is required) | Not Applicable |
Weight:- Weight for a female candidate is as follows-
Category | Female | Male |
General/ OBC/ SC/ ST | Minimum 40 Kg. | Not Applicable |
FAQs for UP Jail Warder & Fireman Cutoff
Question- What is the expected Jail Warder Exam Score issue Date?
Answer- The Uttar Pradesh Jail Warden Result is tentative to be declared on 06th March 2021.
Question- Where can we get the UPPRPB Jail Warder Exam Result?
Answer- Contenders can access the Jail Warder Result from the above link and also visit the official website i.e. uppbpb.gov.in.
Question- What details are needed to check the UP Police Jail Warder Result?
Answer- Aspirants must have a Roll Number/ Application Number to check the UP Police Jail Warder Result.
Disclaimer – We have mentioned the complete details about UP Police Jail Warder Cut off Marks 2022 in this article. Aspirants who are waiting for UPPRPB Bandi Rakshak Cut off the list can easily download it using the above link. We hope that all examinees will download the UP Police Jail Warder Result and qualifying Marks from here.
sir jail ward ki gen ki cut of kitne ja sakte ha reply sir
hello, Arjun Chauhan, You have to obtain a minimum of 210 Marks out of 300 Marks. But this is the expected criterion. You stay tuned for an official update.
HI sir Questions attempt 133 And Right is 97 hai
Negetive ke bad 87 right sc kya hoga
Hello Ashok, It will confirm after releasing the official cut off. You may be select for the next recruitment round.