UP DElEd Counselling Result 2023-24, UP BTC Seat Allotment List State Rank wise, Check UP D.El.Ed College Allotment List from 06 October 2023 (Rank up to 2,40,000)
The Examination Regulatory Authority, Uttar Pradesh has finally published the UP BTC Merit List and State Rank List. Now all qualified candidates are eligible for Counselling in 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education Courses. As per reports. The department has started the Counselling Registration and Fees from 15 September 2023. And students from Rank 01 to 20,000 have also filled their choice of College from 18 to 20 September 2023. Presently, they want to know their UP D.El.Ed Seat Allotment Result. Hence, all participants are able to see thier UP BTC Counselling Result an College/DIETs allotment List district-wise.
In addition, Aspirants will be eligible to see UP Deled Counselling Result and College Allotment District-wise from 21.09.2023. Likewise, Exam agency will issue the UP BTC Seat Allotment Result as per the Choices of their desired DIETs & Private Colleges. Hence, applicants choose the Course and Enter the Registration number and Date of birth to access the BTC College Allotment List.
UP D.El.Ed Counselling Result 2023-24 UP BTC Seat Allotment
Uttar Pradesh Examination Regulatory Authority conducts Admission Process for 2 Year Diploma in Elementary Education. Aspirants who want admission into 2 Year D.El.Ed (BTC) Programme they apply online for the Counselling Process. Recently, the Authority has invited BTC Admission Applications and many students have applied till 31 August 2023. After that, the Board has declared the UP D.El.Ed Merit List and State Rank List on 12.09.2023. As per BTC Ranks, candidates are able to apply for Admission from 01 to 2,40,000 Ranks. Choice filling for 01 to 20,000 has started from 18 September 2023. And last date for Counselling registration till end of Ranks is 05 October 2023.
UP D.El.Ed Rank List – आवेदित समस्त 3,36,572 अभ्यर्थियों की मेरिट /स्टेट Ranking दिनांक 12 सितम्बर 2023 को प्रकाशित की जा चुकी है। अब काउंसलिंग हेतुउम्मीदवार दिनांक 15 सितम्बर से 5000/- फीस जमा करवाए जिसकी अंतिम तिथि 03 अक्टूबर होगी। इसके अलावा आयोग पहले चरण की काउंसलिंग चॉइस फिलिंग का सीट अलॉटमेंट (संस्था आवंटन) 21 सितम्बर को जारी करेगा।
इसके अलावा, रैंक 1 से 2,40,000 वाले अभ्यर्थी काउंसलिंग हेतु योग्य है हो 15 Sept से 03 Oct तक काउन्सलिंग फीस जमा करवा सकते है। इसलिए, राज्य रैंक 01 से 20,000, रैंक 20,001 से 80,000, रैंक 80,001 से 1,50,000 और 1,50,001 से 24,40,000 तक यूपी डी.एल.एड काउंसलिंग तिथियां एवं सीट /कॉलेज अलॉटमेंट रिजल्ट के बारे में जाने।
UP D.El.Ed Rank List 2023 BTC Admission Process
Candidates from rank 1 to 20,000 can fill the institute/college of their choice from 18 to 20 September 2023. ERA will release the first list of college allotments on 21st September 2023. Similarly, candidates with ranks 20,001 to 80,000 can apply online from 21 to 24 and Ranks 80,001 to 1,50,000 from 26 to 29 September 2023. Also, candidates whose rank is more than 1,50,001 can fill their college option till 05 October 2023 on the seats left by the candidates up to 2,40,000 ranks. Their UP DElEd Counseling Result and Seat allotment list will be released in September 2023.
UP D.El.Ed 2023 Know State Rank here –
Rank | Choice Filling | Allotment Date |
Rank 1 to 20000 | 18 to 20 September 2023 | 21 September 2023 |
Rank 20001 to 80,000 | 21 to 24 September 2023 | 25 September 2023 |
Rank 80,001 to 1,50,000 | 26 to 29 Sept 2023 | 30 Sept 2023 |
UP DElEd Counselling Schedule 2023
क्र० सं० | संस्थान का विकल्प भरने की तिथि | स्टेट रैंक | संस्था आवंटन प्रकाशित होने की तिथि | आवंटित संस्थान में अभिलेखीय जॉच/प्रवेश प्रक्रिया पूर्ण करने की तिथि |
1. | 18 से 20 सितम्बर 2023 | रैंक 01 से 20,000 तक | 21 सितम्बर 2023 | 25 सितम्बर 2023 से 15 अक्टूबर 2023 तक प्रवेश लेने की अंतिम तिथि |
2. | 21 से 24 सितम्बर 2023 | रैंक 20001 से 80000 तक एवं (क्रम सं0 01 में विकल्प न भर पाने वाले एवं ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जिन्हें क्रम सं० 01 में प्रशिक्षण संस्थान आवंटित न हुआ हो। | 25 सितम्बर 2023 | |
3. | 26 से 29 सितम्बर 2023 | रैंक 80001 से 1,50,000 तक एवं (क्रम सं0 01 एवं 02 में विकल्प न भर पाने वाले एवं ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जिन्हें क्रम सं0 1 व 2 में प्रशिक्षण संस्थान आवंटित न हुआ हो। | 30 सितम्बर2023 | |
4. | 30 सितम्बर से 05 अक्टूबर 2023 | रैंक 1,50,001 से 2,40,000 तक एवं (क्रम सं0 01, 02 एवं 03 में विकल्प न भर पाने वाले एवं ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जिन्हें क्रम सं0 1 व 2 में प्रशिक्षण संस्थान आवंटित न हुआ हो। | 06 अक्टूबर 2023 | |
5 | प्रशिक्षण संसथान द्वारा प्रवेश लेने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को ऑनलाइन रिपोर्ट/लॉक करने की अंतिम तिथि | 17 अक्टूबर 2023 |
UP D.El.Ed Counselling Result 2023-24 BTC College Allotment
As per UP DElEd Counselling Schedule, rank holders are able to apply online for UP BTC Admission Process. Candidates complete their Registration and then fill in the choice of College. After that authority will declare UP D.El.Ed Counselling Result & Seat Allotment List. They may check Instructions for UP BTC Counselling Choice Filling.
In the state, there are 2,40,000 seats for Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) 2023 under various DIET’s and Private Colleges of Uttar Pradesh. Aspirants who come under Final UP D.El.Ed Merit List is eligible to take Admission in BTC Programme. They have to submit a Demand Draft of Rs 10200/- in favor of the Principal, District Education & Training Institute, (Name of Respective District).
The admission fee for Private College is Rs 41000/-. Students can pay fees by cash or Demand Draft. Aspirants are required to attend their respective DIET with Original Documents & one set of photocopies of Documents.
UP BTC Counseling- Important Links
Know Your Rank | Know Your Rank |
Generate OTP | Available NOW |
Choice Filling | Available NOW |
Choice Locking | Choice Locking |
Counseling Result | Counseling Result |
Choice Filling For Candidates Instructions | Check Here |
UP BTC / Deled Total Seats/Colleges:
Total BTC/D.El.Ed Colleges | 2818 |
Total DIETs | 67 |
Total Seats In DIETs | 10600 |
Total Privates Colleges | 2751 |
Total PVT. Colleges Seats | 2,10,950 |
Total Seats | 2,42,000 |
UP D.El.Ed Counselling Process- Required Documents
After checking the UP BTC Seat Allotment Result, candidates have to reach the allotted college. The following documents are required for UP D.El.Ed Admission Process
- BTC Fee Payment Slip and Print Out of Application Form
- All Marksheet and Certificates
- UP Resident Certificate
- Character Certificate (Not Compulsory)
- Medical Certificate (Not Compulsory)
- Category Certificate (For Reservation)
- Special Category Certificate (If Applicable)
- Xerox Copies of All Documents
- Passport Size Photograph Etc…
- Identity Proof (Like- Voter Card, Ration Card, Bank Pass Book, DL Etc.)
Apply online B.Ed Counselling in UP
Bihar B.Ed Counselling Schedule
Hence, we have provided complete details about UP DElEd Counselling Result 2023-24. Aspirants check UP BTC Rank List, UP DElEd Counselling Choice Filling, and seat allotment Result. If they face any doubt then ask directly by putting a comment here.