UGC NET Exam City Slip 2023 National Eligibility Test Advance City Intimation, NTA NET Test Centres List, City Name and Address of UGC NET Exam Center Venue released at ugcnet.nta.nic.in
National Testing Agency has announced Advance Information for Allotment of Exam City of UGC NET December-2023 In the first phase, NTA will organize the National Eligibility Test from 06 to 22 December 2023 in 84 subjects. Besides, the NET Entrance Exam at various Exam centers. Therefore, candidates may know their Test centre using the allotment of UGC NET Exam City Slip. A large number of aspirants are appearing in this Entrance Exam. Every year, this test conducts to find eligibility for Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor.
In addition, applicants check their NTA NET Exam City Intimation Slip using the Application number and Date of birth. Also, they have to visit below official link and login with the necessary credentials. Authority will be releasing UGC NET Admit Card on its official website i.e. ugcnet.nta.nic.in.
असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर व जूनियर रिसर्च फ़ेलोशिप हेतु ‘राष्ट्रीय पात्रता परीक्षा’ के लिए एग्जाम सिटी स्लिप जारी हो गयी है। नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी ने यूजीसी नेट एग्जाम सिटी इंटिमेशन स्लिप जारी कर दी है, जिसकी सहायता से अभ्यर्थी अपना आवंटित परीक्षा केंद्र देख सकते है। नेशनल एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट का आयोजन दिनांक 06 दिसंबर से 22 दिसंबर 2023 के बीच होगा। इस प्रकार दिसंबर से होने वाले यूजीसी नेट एडमिट कार्ड, परीक्षा केंद्र एवं सिटी नाम देख सकते है। एनटीए द्वारा पहले फेज में 57 विषयो के लिए परीक्षा आयोजित की जाएगी।
UGC NET Exam City Slip 2023 NTA NET December Exam Centres List
National Testing Agency is going to hold ‘The National Eligibility Test-December 2023’ across the country. Earlier, Authority had invited Online Applications for UGC NET Exam from 30 September to 31 October 2023. And many aspirants have applied for this entrance Exam. UGC NET is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian Nationals for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship in Indian Universities and Colleges.
Also, NTA has released the UGC NET Exam Date and City Name of the Exam Center to aspirants for Phase-I of the National Eligibility Test. They are looking to see their NTA NET Exam Centre using the advanced Exam City Intimation Slip.
In addition, we have updated here NET December Exam Pattern. There shall be two papers for 300 Marks. In paper I, 50 questions will ask from General Aptitude and Teaching sections, while paper-2 carries 100 marks from the subject concerned. Each question carries 2 marks, thus UGC NET will be of a total of 300 marks.
Authority released UGC NET Advance Exam City Intimation on ugcnet.nta.nic.in. Candidates appearing for UGC NET 2023 Exam Starting from July 09 can check their allotment of the center city on the official web portal.
UGC NET December 2023Advance City Intimation Slip
Board Name | National Testing Agency |
Department Name | University Grant Commission |
Exam Name | National Eligibility Test UGC-NET December 2023 |
Type of Test | National Level Entrance Test |
UGC NET Exam Date | 06 December to 22 December 2023 |
UGC NET Exam City Slip | November 2023 |
NTA NET Admit Card Date | First week of December 2023 |
Post Category | UGC NET Exam City Slip & Admit Card |
Official website | www.ugcnet.nta.nic.in |
ugcnet.nta.nic.in 2023 Exam City Slip & Center Name
Aspirants are able to check the UGC NET Exam City Name, Code, and address of the allotment Test Center from here. Here we have updated UGC NET December Exam Date. This post has also given a process to get the UGC NET Centres. To know more details like some documents to be carried out and details indicated on the UGC NET Center read this article. Candidates who participated in the Test get all the given on the NTA Exam City Name 2023. Therefore aspirants must check the details as given-
- Time Date
- Signature
- Gender (Male/Female)
- Center Name
- Name of Candidate
- Roll code
- Category
- Photograph
- Exam City Date
- Date of Birth
- Parents Name
- Guidelines
Required ID Card carried in UGC NET Exam 2023
If candidates are also going to participate in the National Eligibility Test-December 2023 then carry the necessary documents. Because here we are sharing to tell you which ID you have to carry with you on the day of the UGC NET Examination.
- Bank Passbook
- Ration Card
- Driving License
- Passport
- Voter ID Card
- PAN Card
How to check UGC NET Exam City Intimation Slip 2023
National Testing Agency has issued the Advance City Intimation for UGC-NET December 2023. Candidates have to keep remember their Application Number and Date of birth. Login through the Application Number and Date of birth to see UGC NET Exam Date and Test City. Candidates are also advised to be in touch with the NTA website www.nta.ac.in or use the below simple steps to check UGC NET Exam City Slip-
- First, candidates visit the official website i.e. www.ugcnet.nta.nic.in
- Below the home page, go to the ‘Candidate Activity’
- And then, Select Advance City Intimation for UGC-NET December 2023
- After that, Enter the Application Number and Date of birth & Also enter Security Pin
- Click on the submit button and UGC NET Exam City 2023 will display on a computer screen
- Finally, check the relevant details printed on the NTA NET Test Centre page and save.
Check NET December Exam Intimation Slip
Hence, Aspirants are able to check UGC NET Exam City Slip 2023 here. We hope that all candidates will easily get NTA NET Test City Name, Code, and Address.
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