UGC NET Cut off Marks 2023-24 NTA NET December Exam Cutoff List, Qualifying Marks, UGC NET Cutoff Percentile for Paper-1 & Paper-2 at ugcnet.nta.nic.in
National Testing Agency has successfully organized “UGC National Eligibility Test-December 2023” at various Exam centers. Many aspirants have appeared in UGC Entrance Exam for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship. Besides, the Authority has conducted NET Entrance Test between 06 December to 14 December 2023 in 292 cities across the country. Now candidates are looking for subject-wise Cutoff for National Eligibility Test. As per the report, there is a sectional Cutoff for Paper 1 and Paper 2 separately for different categories. Applicants have to secure minimum qualifying marks in both Paper-I & Paper-II out of 300 Marks.
In addition, Department will issue UGC NET Cut off Marks along with Results. Next, we are sharing minimum passing marks for General Category is 40% while 35% marks for another reserved category. Moreover, aspirants may see NTA NET Cutoff subject-wise. Meanwhile, we are providing expected and Previous Year cutoff Marks for General OBC, SC, ST and EWS categories.
We know that UGC NET December 2023 has been held with two papers i.e. Paper-I (Common) and Paper-II (Optional). And All candidates have to secure NTA NET Exam Cut off marks from a total of 300 Marks. Further, aspirants can visit the official website for more details.
UGC NET Cut-off Marks 2023-24 NTA NET Exam Cutoff List
National Testing Agency is finding eligibility for Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship & Assistant Professor. The award of JRF and eligibility for Assistant professor depends on the aggregate performance of the aspirant in Paper-I and Paper-II of UGC-NET. Recently, the Department invited applications from 30 September to 28 October 2023. Further, NTA has completed the Exam for National Eligibility Test between 21.02.203 to 16.03.2023 at 663 centers in 186 cities across the Country. Approximately, 8 lakh aspirants have participated in this entrance test. Now they are waiting for NTA NET Exam Score and Paper-I & Paper-II Cutoff subject-wise.
The UGC NET Paper-I held for 100 Marks and Paper-II for 200 Marks. Authority has decided on UGC NET Cut off Marks subject-wise for Paper-I and Paper-II. If you secure UGC NET Qualifying Marks then you will be eligible for JRF Scholarship. There is a sectional cutoff for both Paper separately for different categories. The first paper qualifying marks are 40% and the passing marks for the second paper are 50% out of 300 Marks.
NTA National Eligibility Test December 2023 Details
Organization Name | National Testing Agency |
Conducting Authority | University Grants Commission (UGC) |
Name Of The Exam | National Eligibility Test (UGC – NET December 2023) |
Type of Test | National Level Entrance Test |
Post Name | Assistant Professor & Junior Research Fellowship |
UGC NET Exam Date | 16 December to 14 December & 19 December 2023 |
Answer key | 08.01.2024 |
NTA NET Result | 18 January 2024 |
Post Category | UGC NET Result 2023 |
Status | Available |
Official Website | www.ugcnet.nta.nic.in |
नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी ने ‘यूजीसी राष्ट्रिय पात्रता परीक्षा-दिसंबर 2023’ का आयोजन सफतापूर्वक करवा लिया है। इस बार परीक्षा 83 विषयो के लिए हुई है। बोर्ड ने नेट एग्जाम कुल दो चरणों में दिनांक 06 दिसंबर से 14 दिसंबर 2023 के बीच करवाई है। कुल 08 दिनों तक परीक्षा देश के 292 शहरो के 663 केन्द्रो पर 15 शिफ्ट्स में 8,34,537 अभ्यर्थियों के लिए आयोजित की गयी है। अब बोर्ड ने यूजीसी नेट उत्तर-कुंजी जारी कर दी है। परीक्षा में दो पेपर थे, पहले पेपर में 50 प्रश्न 100 अंक एवं दूसरे पेपर में सम्बंधित विषय से 100 प्रश्न कुल 200 अंक के पूछे गए है। इस प्रकार छात्र यहाँ से UGC नेट रिजल्ट एवं पेपर-1 व पेपर-2 क्वालीफाइंग मार्क्स की जाँच करे।
UGC NET 2023 Exam Marks Distribution
To be eligible for awarded the JRF fellowship, students have to clear Paper-I and their own Paper-II. Candidates are required to secure at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General and 35% for aggregate marks for reserved categories. Candidates can understand the complete NTA UGC NET Selection process in the below simple steps-
Step-I: The number of aspirants to be qualified (Total Slots or eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal of 6% of the candidates who appeared in both the papers of NET.
Step-II: The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of the government of India.
Step-III: In order to be considered for ‘JRF’ and Eligibility for Assistant Professor and for “Assistant Professor”, the aspirant must have participated in both the papers and obtained at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the following reserved categories.
Category | Paper I (Max marks: 100) | Paper II (Max marks: 200) |
General category | 40 Marks 40% | 80 Marks (40%) |
OBC (NCL)/PWD/ST/SC | 35 Marks 35% | 70 Marks (35%) |
UGC NET Cut off Marks 2023 Subject wise
The Cut off marks for UGC NET are minimum passing marks obtained by students to qualify for the Examination. Contenders may see the Cut off for the National Eligibility Test Paper-wise from here. Finally, the board decided on the UGC NET qualifying Marks category-wise for Paper-1 and Paper-2. Generally, students have to secure these passing marks or above the UGC NET Cutoff mark for award of JRF Fellowship.
Various factors affect the UGC NET Cut-off Marks 2023. The board prepares the NTA NET Cut-off List on basis of these factors. The Board determined NTA UGC NET Cut off based on the following factors-
- Total Seats Available for JRF Fellowship
- Number of candidates who appeared in the Examination
- Paper difficulty Level
- Previous Year Cut off
- Reservation category wise
Check NTA NET Exam Expected Cut off Subject wise
The national testing agency will release the UGC NET Result and cut off after completing the examination. The result will issue in PDF format where all students will find their percentile, Marks, and Qualifying status.
The UGC NET Scorecard is available in the form of a scorecard containing the marks scored on each paper of the National Eligibility Test. The Board will also publish UGC NET Cut-off PDF for 83 subjects on its website shortly along with the scorecard. Applicants check cut off for JRF & Assistant Professor-
How to check UGC NET Cut off Marks Category wise
The board will issue the UGC NET Cut off Marks along with the National Eligibility Test Result. Finally, candidates will be able to access the scorecard and subject-wise marks. Students use the below simple steps to check the NTA NET Exam Cut off list category-wise.
The Cut off is different for all subjects. Paper-I was common or compulsory for all candidates. But they have to obtain overall Cut off marks out of total marks. Follow the below process to get UGC NET Result & Cut off List –
- First, candidates visit the official website i.e. www.ugcnet.nta.nic.in
- From the home page, find the Result link
- And then, Open the desired link and choose your subject/paper
- The Result and NTA NET Cutoff Marks will display on the computer screen
- Also, Check the Cut off marks, exam marks and Rank
- Click on the download button and save the UGC NET Cut off marks
- Finally, Take the printout of NTA NET Cut off for further use
What are UGC NET Exam Qualifying Marks?
- A separate category-wise and subject-wise merit list is available for the candidates who would have obtained the qualifying percentile.
- The top 6% of aspirants from the merit list will declare NET qualified for eligibility of Assistant professorship only.
- A separate merit list will create Among NET-qualified contenders for the award of JRF.
UGC NET Minimum marks that a candidate must score to qualify will be:
Category Name | Paper I + Paper II |
General/ EWS | 120 marks (40%) |
OBC-NCL/PwD/SC/ST | 105 marks (35%) |
UGC NET Merit List 2023
The merit list will available after the announcement of UGC NET Cut off marks by the National Testing Agency. The merit list will contain all the shortlisted candidates who have cleared the minimum cut-off marks. The top 15% of aspirants from the merit list will select for the Assistant Professor only from each category and subject.
A separate merit list will prepare from the qualified candidates for JRF. The final subject-wise and category-wise UGC NET merit list will prepare based on all the papers given by the candidate.
All candidates will easily check the UGC NET Cut-off Marks 2023 from here. Our team has provided NTA NET Exam Cut off-list category-wise. If you want to get more details then put your query below and comment here. We will feel pleasure to help you.
Check UGC NET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Cutoff
Frequently Asked Questions for UGC NET Cut-off List 2023
Question- What are the minimum Marks for UGC NET 2023?
Answer- Students have to secure minimum passing marks from both Papers. Cutoff marks are required 40% for unreserved and 35% Marks for both papers.
Question- When will NTA NET Cut off marks release?
Answer- The National Testing Agency will issue the Cut off along with the Result.
Question- Is the NET Exam cutoff the same every year?
Answer- No, the Cut off varies on various factors every year. Minimum passing marks vary according to the total seats and the difficulty level of the Examination.
Question- Is the cutoff for all categories the same?
Answer- No, the Department issues separate UGC NET Cut off marks for different categories such as General/unreserved, OBC, SC, ST etc.
Question- What is the difference between minimum qualifying and Cutoff marks for UGC NET?
Answer- The minimum passing marks are given in the notification for the exam. These marks are required for candidates who must score in order to be considered for the UGC NET merit list. The UGC NET cutoff marks has released by NTA at the time of declaration of results. The UGC NET Cutoff marks determine by considering various factors such as the difficulty level of the paper and the number of candidates who appeared for the exam.
Question- What details are present on the UGC NET Cutoff list?
Answer- The NTA NET cutoff is equally important because it contains useful details such as minimum passing marks, name and category.