Tripura Police Rifleman Admit Card 2021- Check GD Physical Test Date, Tripura Police GD PET/PST Call letter Name wise- Physical Test for Female candidates will be held from 26 – 30 July 2021, PST/PET test for Male candidates those who could not attend the outdoor test. Now the test will be held on 29/07/2021
Lots of candidates were preparing to participate in the Physical Standard Test & Physical Efficiency Test (PST PET) from 26 to 30 July 2021. But the test has been postponed by the recruitment board. Aspirants can download Tripura Riflemen Tradesmen Hall Ticket using the below link.
The Department is conducting the Recruitment for 1488 vacancies of Riflemen (General Duty & Tradesmen) post. We have uploaded a direct link to download the Tripura Rifleman GD Physical Test Admit Card below on this page.
Aspirants download their Tripura Police Rifleman Admit Card 2021 by entering login credentials like Registration number and Date of birth. The Outdoor test (PST/PET) of candidates has already started on 15/03/2021. The Department has re-scheduled the Physical test from 26-30 July 2021.
Latest Updates- Outdoor tet (PST & PET) of the female candidates inside and outside the state for Rifleman & Rifleman (Tradesmen) is scheduled to be held from 26 July to 30 July 2021. Venue and all others shall remain unchanged. Aspirants are hereby advised to check their names and scheduled dates for PST & PET at the notified venue.
Tripura Police Rifleman GD Tradesman Recruitment
Recently Government of Tripura had announced an advertisement for 1488 vacancies in the Riflemen (General Duty) and Rifleman (Tradesman) Male/Female Posts. These vacant seats are to be filled for 02 (Two) New India Reserve (IR) Battalions.
For selection on 1488 Riflemen (GD & Tradesman) posts, candidates have to undergo three categories of eligibility tests. These tests are Physical Standard Test/Physical Efficiency Test, Written Test, and Interview.
Check Female Candidates Schedule for Outdoor Test
PST-PET Test schedule for Male Candidates
Riflemen GD Tradesman Tripura Outdoor Test Details
Total Vacancies | 1488 |
Department Name | Office of the Director-General of Police, Tripura |
Post Name | Rifleman (GD/Tradesmen) Male Female |
Job Category | Latest Police Jobs |
PET/PST Dates | 26th to 30th July 2021 |
Admit Card Date | Admit Card Not Required (Registration Number carry at PST PET) |
Selection Process | Physical Standard Test
Physical Efficiency Test Written Exam Personal Interview |
Official website | www.tripurapolice.gov.in |
How to Download Tripura Rifleman PET PST Hall Ticket
All aspirants may download Admit Card for Outdoor Test (PST PET) from 07.07.2021. They reach the Physical Test centre with the Registration number and do not need to carry Tripura Police Rifleman Admit Card. Only written Exam time, they will need to carry Riflemen GD Exam Hall Ticket. Follow the below process to access the Admission Certificate –
- Visit the official website of the Police Department i.e. www.tripurapolice.gov.in
- For PST/PET, candidates are required to bring Registration number Only
- Find the Admit Card link for Written Exam and open it
- Enter login details like registration number and Date of birth
- Click on the search button and open the Tripura Police Rifleman GD Call Letter.
- Check relevant details available on Trippura Rifleman PST PET Admit Card
- Save and take the printout of the admission certificate for further use.
Note- Not Need to Carry Admit Card at the test centre
Tripura Police Riflemen Selection Process
For the Selection of candidates for the post of Rifleman (General Duty) & Rifleman (Tradesman), there will be three categories of eligibility tests which are as follows-
- Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Written Examination
- Personal Interview
Physical Standard Test
Candidates | Height | Chest (in cms) | |
Unexpanded | Expanded | ||
Male (UR & SC) | 170 cms | 80 | 85 |
Female (UR & SC) | 157 | There shall be no min requirement of chest measurement for female candidates |
Tripura Police Riflemen PST & PET: 30 Marks
For Male –
5 KMs Race – To be completed within 24 Minutes
1.6 KMS Race – To be completed within 8 ½ Minutes
Note- Clearing of Physical efficiency test will be compulsory to move for the next stage of recruitment i.e. for written test.
Rifleman GD Exam Pattern
Written Test – 60 Marks
The written exam will hold for 60 Marks. There are four parts of Question Papers and each Part will carry 15 Questions. In this exam 60 objective types, multiple-choice questions will be asked.
Paper Part | Subject Name | No. of Qs | Marks |
Part-A | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 15 | 15 |
Part-B | General knowledge & General Awareness | 15 | 15 |
Part-C | Elementary Mathematics | 15 | 15 |
Part-D | English/Hindi/ Bengali / Kokborok Comprehension | 15 | 15 |
Total | 60 | 60 |
Required ID Card with Tripura Police Riflemen T Call Letter
The Recruitment board has decided to organize recruitment phases under some rules and regulations. Aspirants should follow these instructions during the selection phase. They must carry a Tripura Police Rifleman Admit Card with a photo identity card. The Exam invigilators verify the availability using the ID proof and Admission certificate-
- Aadhar Card with a photograph
- PAN Card
- Voter Card
- Driving License
- Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
- Bank Passbook with the photograph
- Employee ID
- Passport
- Identity Card issued by a recognized College/ University
Instructions for Rifleman GD Tradesman PST PET
The Board has uploaded a list of candidates eligible for the Outdoor Test (PST/PET). The aspirants are advised to note down their Registration Number and to bring the Registration Number at the time of the Physical Test.
The applicant has to produce the original documents which have been enclosed with the application form.
He/she is required to has recent passport size photographs
At the time of PST & PET for attendance and identification of the applicants, a biometric/ thumb impression will be captured so the aspirants are advised to keep their thumb and fingers neat and clean
They shall wear masks compulsorily except while running.
Applicants have to maintain social distancing
They have to use hand sanitizers
Contenders are advised to bring Covid negative test reports generated not earlier than 72 hours.
So first candidates download Tripura Police Rifleman Admit Card 2021 using the above link. And they must carry a Tripura Rifleman GD Exam Hall Ticket to the test centre.