RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021 Check RVUNL JEN & AEN Recruitment Notification, Rajasthan RVUNL 1075 JEN Bharti, Eligibility Criteria for RVNUL Recruitment and how to fill Rajasthan energy Dept online Form
Rajasthan Energy Dept AEN JEN Vacancy- Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited released Advertisement for Engineers, Accounts Officers, Personnel Officers, Junior Chemists and Informatics Assistants. Aspirants can apply for JVVNL Junior Engineer Vacancy from here. Rajasthan Energy Department is recruiting eligible candidates in Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Ltd (RVPN), Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL), Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (AVVNL) and Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam (JDVVNL) companies. Aspirants must check RVUNL Vacancy category wise (1075 Vacancies- AEn-39; AO-11; PO-6; JEn-946; Jr.Chemist-27; IA-46)(including back-log & TSP vacancies)
Eligible and qualified candidates are able to apply for RVUNL AEN JEN Recruitment from 24 February 2021. First, all aspirants check RVUNL JEN Vacancy Notification for eligibility, fee, selection process and Applying instructions.
They can submit the RVUNL AEN JEN Jobs Online form on or before 16th March 2021. Aspirants must have a valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number to Registration for RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021. More details about Rajasthan Energy Dept AEN, JEN, IA & Junior Chemist are given below here.
Latest News– Advertisements for the posts of Assistant Engineer, Personnel Officer, Accounts Officer, Junior Engineer-I, Junior Chemist and Informatics Assistant (Apply Online from 24.02.2021 to 16.03.2021)
RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021, Rajasthan Energy Dept AEN JEN Jobs
The Rajasthan State Power Companies is recruiting eligible candidates for 1075 Vacancies of AEN, JEN, IA, AO, PO and Junior Chemists posts. Our team has provided complete information like Eligibility Criteria, Selection process, Apply online RVUNL JEN AEN Recruitment in this article.
राजस्थान सरकार बिजली विभाग में विभिन्न पदों पर भर्ती विज्ञपति जारी कर दी है । इस बार राजस्थान बिजली विभाग में 1075 रिक्त पदों को भरा जायेगा । अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से Assistant Engineer, Accounts Officer, Personnel Officer, Junior Engineer-I, Junior Chemist and Informatics Assistant etc. के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है। सबसे पहले आप अपनी योग्यता को जांचे और फिर निचे दी गई ऑफिसियल लिंक से RVUNL AEN JEN Recruitment के आवेदन करे । अभ्यर्थी वेबसाइट के अंतिम पैराग्राफ में दिए गए लिंक से 24 फरवरी से 16 मार्च 2021 तक आवेदन कर सकते है
Group D Bharti in Rajasthan High Court
JVVNL Junior Engineer Jobs Details
Organization Name | Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited |
Posts Name | Assistant Engineer, Junor Engineer, Junior Chemist, Informatics Assistant, Accounts Officer and Personnel Officer posts |
Departments | Rajasthan Power Sector Companies (RVPN, RVUNL, JVVNL, AVVNL JDVVNL) |
Total Vacancies | 1075 Vacancies |
Post Category | Latest Govt Jobs |
Starting Date to fill the Online form | 24th February 2021 |
Last Date to fill the online form | 16th March 2021 |
Educational Qualifications | Graduate degree |
Selection Process | Written Test, Interview |
Job Location | Rajasthan |
RVUNL Junior Engineer Exam Date | Update Soon |
Official Website | energy.rajasthan.gov.in |
JVVNL AEN JEN Syllabus | Download PDF |
RVUNL AE JE Admit Card | Click here |
Rajasthan Energy Dept Answer key | Download here |
RVUNL Junior Engineer Vacancy 2021 Details
RVUNL released Rajasthan Energy Dept Vacancy in RVUN, RVPN, JVVNL, JVVNL and JdVVNL. The Department will be filling 1075 AEN, JEN, Jr. Chemist and IA vacancies in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, C&I Communication, IT, Fire & Safety, Chemical and Informatics Assistant disciplines.
Assistant Engineer (AEN) | 20 | 08 | 10 | 01 | — |
Junior Engineer (JEN) | 612 | 42 | 120 | 45 | 124 |
Junior Chemist | 27 | — | — | — | — |
Informatic Assistant (IA) | — | — | 30 | 11 | 05 |
Total | 659 | 50 | 160 | 57 | 129 |
Accounts Officer | 03 | 07 | 01 | ||
Personnel Officer | 03 | 03 | — |
RVUNL AEN JEN Jobs Eligibility Criteria
Aspirants must check complete eligibility norms for RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment. The eligibility should be in regard to age limit and Education Qualification. Check RVUNL JE AE Recruitment eligibility criteria using the below advertisement.
Education Qualification
Junior Engineer-I: Aspirants must hold full-time fours Year’s Graduation degree in Engineering in Electrical/ Mechanical/Civil/ Control Instrumentation/ Communication and Fire & Safety.
Junior Chemist – Applicant must hold two years’ full-time Post Graduation Degree in Chemistry or four year’s full-time Graduation Degree in Chemical Engineering as a regular student from a University.
Informatics Assistant- Graduate or Higher full-time degree in Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/ CA/ IT or equivalent of a University established by law in India.
Full-time Post Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Applications or 3 years’ Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology or equivalent from a Polytechnic Institution recognized by the Government OR
Graduate of a University established by law in India with Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology or the equivalent of a University established by law in India or of an institution recognized by the Government
Age Limit for Rajasthan Energy Dept AEN JEN Jobs
Aspirants must have attained the age of 21 Years and must have not attained the age of 40 Years on the first day of January next following the last date fixed for online submission of application.
Post Name | Years | |
Junior Engineer-I (Electrical) | In RVUN | 43 Years |
In RVPN, JVVN, AVVN and JdVVN | 42 Years | |
Junior Engineer-I (Mechanical) | In RVUN | 43 Years |
Junior Engineer-I (Civil) | In RVUN | 43 years |
In RVPN, JVVN and AVVN | 42 Years | |
Junior Engineer-I (Control & Instrumentation/ Communication) | In RVUN and RVPN | 42 Years |
Junior Engineer-I (Fire & Safety) | In RVUN | 42 Years |
Junior Chemists | In RVUN | 42 Years |
Informatics Assistant | In JVVN, AVVN and JdVVN | 42 Years |
The Upper age limit given above shall be relaxed by 5 Years in the case of male aspirants belonging to the SC/ST/ BC/ MBC. 5 Years in the case of women candidates belonging to the General category and EWS category.
Application Fee for Rajasthan Energy Dept Jobs
Aspirants have to pay the application fee for RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment. The payment of fee can be paid online mode via Net Banking, Credit Card/ Debit Card/ UPI. Following fee is required category wise –
UR (Gen) EWS (if annual income of the family is Rs 2.50 Lakh or more)- Rs 1600/-
UR (Gen)/EWS if annual income of family is less than Rs.2.50 lakh/SC/ST/BC/MBC/ PWBD(PH)– Rs 1400/-
Pay Scale
Name of Post | Corresponding Level | Min. In the Pay Matrix as Basic Pay | Fixed Remuneration during PT period |
Junior Engineer-I | L-10 | Rs 33,800/- pm | Rs 23,700/- pm |
Junior Chemist | L-10 | Rs 33,800/- pm | Rs 23,700/- pm |
Informatics Assistant | L-8 | Rs 26,300/- pm | Rs 18,500/- pm |
How to Apply for JVVNL AEN JEN Recruitment 2021
Candidates must have the necessary documents /certificates while applying for RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment. First, they complete registration using a Valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number. They also require uploading photographs and signatures in the specified format. And last they must pay the application fee through a specified mode.
- Candidate visits the RVUNL (Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd) official site i.e. www.energy.rajasthan.gov.in.
- From the homepage, search for a new recruitment section.
- Check the notice on the recruitment page RVUNL JEN Jobs Notification
- After reading the official notification, click on the New Registration link.
- Enter the correct details and upload all the required documents in the application form.
- Submit the application fees for RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021.
- Download and take a printout of the filled application form.
RVUNL JEN Recruitment- Important Links:-
Short Advertisement | Download here |
Advt for Accounts Officer and Personnel Officer | Download here || Apply Online |
Detailed Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer | Download Now || Apply Online |
Junior Engineer-I, Junior Chemist and Informatics Assistant | Download here || Apply Online |
Official Website | energy.rajasthan.gov.in |
Selection Process for Rajasthan AEN & JEN Recruitment 2021
To Qualify for the Rajasthan Energy Dept AEN & JEN Bharti 2020, candidates have to appear for written exams and interviews.
- Written Exam
- Interview
Disclaimer:- Candidate we have gathered all the collective information from the Official website. We hope you liked our article if you have any queries related to RVUNL Junior Engineer Recruitment 2021 please comment on the comment box in the bottom section of the page.