RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment 2024 Rajasthan Anveshak Jobs Notification, Eligibility Criteria, Selection, Fees, RSMSSB Anveshak Vacancy Category wise Application Form Date – rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board is going to conduct the Anveshak (अन्वेषक) Direct Recruitment Exam 2023. Many job seekers have been preparing for Anveshak Bharti for a long time. As per reports, the Board will recruit eligible candidates for various vacancies. Hence, they first check detailed Notifications and then Apply online for RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment. Likewise, One-time Registration will be completed before submitting the Rajasthan Anveshak Vacancy Online form. Therefore, applicants check eligibility, Fees, Category wise Posts, Selection Process and how to complete Online Registration for Rajasthan Investigator Jobs.
RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment 2024 Anveshak Notification
The Staff Selection Board is creating manpower in the government Department. Besides, the Board will fill 70 vacancies in the Investigator post. Thus, the Age should be 18 to 40 Years old as of the last date of the application form. Candidates should be graduates of the Agriculture department. Thus, the Board will conduct a written exam, the Document Verification process for final selection.
Rajasthan Patwari Bharti Apply Now
Department Name | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board |
Total Vacancies | Various |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Location | Rajasthan |
Application mode | Online |
The start date for an online application form | January 2024 |
Close date for Investigator Registration | —- |
Last date for printing your Application | —- |
Close date for online fee payment | Release Soon |
Official website | rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
Eligibility Criteria for RSMSSB Investigator Jobs 2024
Aspirants must have some eligible conditions to apply online for RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment. Hence, the eligibility should be regarding education and Age limit.
Education Qualification- Graduate with Mathematics or Statistics from a University established by law in India or Junior Certificate of ICAR Institute of Agricultural Research and Knowledge of working in Hindi written in Devanagari script and knowledge of the culture of Rajasthan.
भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय से गणित या सांख्यिकी के साथ स्नातक अथवा कृषि अनुसंधान सांख्यकी संस्थान आई सी ए आर का जूनियर प्रमाण पत्र और देवनागरी लिपी में लिखी हिंदी में कार्य करने का ज्ञान एवं राजस्थान की संस्कृति का ज्ञान । Latest RSMSSB Jobs
Age Limit- The age of the candidates should be between 18 to 40 years. Age relaxable is applicable up to 5 years for General Females, 5 years for SC, ST, OBC, MBC Male Candidates, 10 years for reserved category female candidates.
Application Fee
Applicants, according to their category, send the examination fee per the prescribed e-Mitra Kiosk or Jan Suvidha Kendra (CSC) to the RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment selection board.
- For applicants of general category and other backward class / extremely backward class of creamy class – Rs 450/-
- For applicants of non-creamy layer category of backward class / extremely backward class of Rajasthan – Rs 350/-
- Rs 250/- for all Special Qualified and Rajasthan Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe applicants
How to apply online for RSMSSB Investigator Vacancy 2024
आवेदन ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म में लिए जायेंगे जिन्हे राज्य के निर्धारित इ-मित्र कियोस्क /जन सुविधा केंद्र के माध्यम से भरा जा सकता है । अभ्यर्थी ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने से पूर्व अपना e-mail ID बना ले एवं ID एंड password याद रखे । यदि आवेदक इ-मित्र कियोस्क /जन सुविधा केंद्र के माध्यम से भरता है तो केंद्र संचालक सबसे पहले बोर्ड की वेबसाइट rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in पर जाकर Recruitment पर क्लिक करेगा । Apply online लिंक पर क्लिक करने के बाद लॉगिन पेज खुलेगा जिसमे अभ्यर्थी के SSO ID एवं password से login कर अभ्यर्थी का आवेदन भरेगा ।
जो अभ्यर्थी पहले से पंजीकृत नहीं है उसका पहले Not a Registered User Link पर Click कर sso.rajasthan.gov.in पर उसका पंजीयन करेंगे । इसके बाद SSO ID एवं password प्राप्त कर Login करेंगे ।
Check the process for How to apply for the Rajasthan RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment 2024 application process? However, Candidates need to fill the Anveshak Application form in online mode before <date>. Check the following process:-
- First, Candidates visit the official website of rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
- If you are new, then register yourself firstly.
- And then, You will get a User ID and Password.
- Now login to the website using your SSO ID and Password.
- After that visit the latest recruitment notification section. Click on the RSMSSB Anveshak Recruitment Apply link.
- Fill the all required details in the RSMSSB Investigator Bharti online form carefully.
- Now upload your photograph and signature in the prescribed format.
- Also, pay the Rajasthan Patwari application fees.
- Take a review of your Rajasthan Anveshak Vacancy application form and submit it.
- Also, take a printout of your Investigator Application form and keep the hard copy for further reference.
Selection Process for RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment 2024
Candidates must undergo a written exam and document the Verification process for final selection. Furthermore, final merit list will be prepared based on marks obtained by the candidates in the written test and find eligibility in the DV process. We also hope that all candidates will easily apply online for RSMSSB Investigator Recruitment 2024.