RSMSSB Forest Guard Result 2023- Forester (Vanpal) PST PET Result & merit List for Document Verification released Today, 13.04.2023 at rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
Rajasthan Vanpal Vanrakshak Exam Cut off Marks, वनपाल-वनरक्षक परीक्षा परिणाम, Forest Guard Expected Cutoff Marks Category wise, Download Forester Answer Key Master Question Papers
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has organized the Forester-Forest Guard Direct Recruitment Examination. Forester and Forest Guard exam has been held on 06th November & 11th December 2022. And then, Authority has organized Forester Physical Test from 13 to 17 February 2023. Now all the candidates are waiting for the Rajasthan Forest Guard Result. Now the board has declared the Forester Result and Selection list for the Document Verification on 13 April 2023. In Addition, the board will also release the category-wise RSMSSB Vanrakshak Cutoff. If you secure the minimum Cutoff marks or above marks then you will be declared successful.
A huge number of candidates applied for वनपाल-वनरक्षक सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा-2020. The commission has prepared the Rajasthan Vanpal/ Vanrakshak Result and it will declare very Shortly. On this page, we have given RSMSSB Forest Guard Expected Cutoff Marks for General/OBC, SC, ST, EWS Categories. Aspirants won’t need to login because the RSMSSB Forest Guard Result will declare in PDF format. They have to find their Name, Roll number and obtain Marks.
We are giving here the minimum passing marks required for Rajasthan Forest Guard Bharti. Aspirants may also check RSMSSB Forester/ Forest Guard Expected cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST categories. Here in this article, we are providing Rajasthan Forest Guard Result and Merit List will be available here.
RSMSSB Forest Guard Result 2023 Vanpal PST PET Score
The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board is recruiting eligible candidates for 2399 Forester and Forest Guard Posts. The authority has also conducted the written exam for these posts on scheduled time, And answer key and Master Question Papers are also available on the official web portal. Many aspirants appeared in the Rajasthan Forest Guard Exam. Now they all are searching Rajasthan Forest Guard Result Cutoff Marks & Merit List. Candidates have to undergo the written exam, Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Medical Examination for the final selection process.
राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड द्वारा वनपाल सीधी भर्ती 2022 का अंतिम परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर दिया है। बोर्ड ने फोरेस्टर पदों के लिए शारीरिक मापदंड एवं दक्षता परीक्षा दिनांक 13 से 17 फरवरी 2023 तक करवाया है। अब फिजिकल टेस्ट में उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी दस्तावेज सत्यापन के लिए बुलाये जायेंगे। साथ ही बोर्ड ने Forester Cut off भी जारी जारी कर दिए है। वनरक्षक रिजल्ट लिंक निचे दी गई है।
राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड ने फोरेस्टर & फारेस्ट गार्ड भर्ती 2022 लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन पूर्व निर्धारित तिथि पर सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया है। परीक्षा का आयोजन प्रदेश के विभिन्न परीक्षा केन्द्रो पर किया गया था। अब सभी परीक्षार्थियों को परिणाम का इंतजार है। इसलिए अभ्यर्थी इस आर्टिकल में दी गई डिटेल्स को भलीभांति पढ़े और अपना राजस्थान वनपाल / वनरक्षक रिजल्ट की जाँच करे। परिणाम के साथ ही बोर्ड कटऑफ अंक भी जारी करेगा, इसलिए आप अपनी केटेगरी के अनुसार मिनिमम कटऑफ मार्क्स भी चेक कर सकते है।
Rajasthan Forest Guard Result 2023
Organization Name | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB) |
Name of Post | Forester & Forest Guard (वनपाल-वनरक्षक सीधी भर्ती परीक्षा) |
No. of vacancies | 2300 Posts- Forest Guard (वनरक्षक)
99 Posts Forester (वनपाल) |
Application Form Date | 14 March 2022 – 29 March 2022 |
Exam Date | Forester – 06 November 2022
Forest Guard – 12, 13 Nov & 11th December 2022 |
Category | Result |
RSMSSB Forest Guard Result Date | Declared on 13 April 2023 |
State | Rajasthan |
Result mode | Online |
Selection Process | Written Exam
PST & PET Interview Medical Examination Document Verification Merit List |
Official Website | www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
Rajasthan Forest Guard Cut Off Marks 2023
The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board has conducted the Forester-Vanrakshak Direct Recruitment Examination for a total of 100 marks for each post. There are 100 questions asked in the exam from different sections. Now the examinees have to score the minimum passing marks as prescribed by the board. Along with the Vanrakshak Exam Result, the board will also release the Forest Guard Cutoff. Further, the merit list of the candidates will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by them in the written test. And then only those candidates who have crossed the RSMSSB Forest Guard Cut-off marks will get their names on the merit list.
Moreover, Board will prepare the Cutoff list based on various factors. In this article, we are giving Forest Guard Previous Cutoff and Expected passing marks Category-wise. Candidates belonging to each category whether UR, SC, ST or OBC have to secure that score and if in case any applicant will not obtain that mark he/she will be disqualified.
Factors that Affect the Rajasthan Forest Guard Cut-Off Marks-
- Candidates category (General, OBC, SC and ST)
- The difficulty level of the question paper
- Previous year cutoff marks
- Of candidates who appeared in the written exam.
Rajasthan Forester Cutoff Marks (PST PET)
Category | Cutoff Marks | |
General | GEN | 80.1347 |
FEM | 72.7273 | |
WD | 50.1684 | |
DV | — | |
EWS | GEN | 73.064 |
FEM | 65.9933 | |
WD | 45.1178 | |
DV | — | |
SC | GEN | 66.33 |
FEM | 57.2391 | |
WD | 28.9562 | |
DV | — | |
ST | GEN | 65.3199 |
FEM | 59.2593 | |
WD | 36.3636 | |
DV | — | |
OBC | GEN | 77.1044 |
FEM | 69.697 | |
WD | 40.0673 | |
DV | — | |
MBC | GEN | 75.7576 |
FEM | 61.9529 | |
WD | — | |
DV | — | |
SAH. | Gen | 31.9865 |
Rajasthan Vanpal Cutoff after Physical Test
Category | Cut off Marks | |
General | Gen | 65.6566 |
FEM | 53.1987 | |
WD | 30.3030 | |
DV | – | |
SC | GEN | 62.2896 |
FEM | – | |
WD | – | |
SV | – | |
ST | GEN | 52.5253 |
FEM | 44.7811 | |
WD | 10.1010 | |
DV | – |
How to Check RSMSSB Forest Guard Result 2023 Online
Finally, Rajasthan Staff Selection Commission has declared the Forester & Forest Guard Exam Result. Now a list of aspirants will call for PET & PST. Board will inform you about the Physical Standard/Physical Efficiency Test Dates of qualified candidates in due course. First, candidates download their Vanpal – Vanrakshak Exam Score and then check the list of Shortlisted Candidates for the next Selection Process. Follow below simple procedure to see राजस्थान वनपाल-वनरक्षक परीक्षा परिणाम –
- First, candidates need to first visit the official website i.e. www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
- Now, on the home page search for the Rajasthan Forester/Forest Guard Result Link and open it.
- And then Open click here to view the Result Link.
- Put the details required like name & Roll Number.
- Your result opens click on the download button and save the Forest Guard Exam Result.
- Finally, take the printout of your RSMSSB Forest Guard Result 2023 for the next rounds.
Forester 2020: List of Selected Candidates for Document Verification (Out)
Forrest Guard 2020: Check Result
Vanpal & Vanrakshak Exam Result PDF
RSMSSB Forest Guard Merit List 2023
The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board will issue Merit List for Forester & Forest Guard Exam after declaring the Result/Cutoff Marks. The merit list will be decided on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidate in the exam. If anyone has their name on the merit list will qualify for the next phase of the selection process. You can check Rajasthan Forest Guard Merit list from our website after the officials release the result then only the merit list will be available.
Hence, We have important information about RSMSSB Forest Guard Result 2023. Candidates can easily download the Rajasthan Vanrakshak Result 2023 from the above-mentioned link. Furthermore, if you will face any problems while downloading the Rajasthan Forest Guard Cut off Marks/ Merit List comment in the below box.