RPSC JLO Result 2023-24 Jr Legal Officer Exam Scorecard, Cutoff Marks Category wise, Download Rajasthan PSC JLO Merit List at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Rajasthan Public Service Commission has finally organized the Junior Legal Officer Exam in October 2023 at various centers. Also, many candidates participated in the Competitive Examination. And now they all are eagerly waiting for Junior Legal officer Result along with Cutoff Marks. As we all know that Exam has been held for 200 marks and candidates have to obtain the minimum qualifying marks (40% marks). Hence, Aspirants who will qualify for the written exam will be eligible for next round of selection like Personal Interview (25 marks).
Likewise, RPSC Junior Legal officer Result page contains the name, Roll Number, and rank list. Along with the result, you can also check RPSC JLO Cutoff marks for General/OBC/SC/ST categories. However, we have uploaded a link to download Jr Legal Officer Exam Scorecard.
Thus, Exam agency has released the notification for Rajasthan PSC JLO Recruitment for 140 Posts. If you are one to see RPSC JLO Result 2023 then stay tuned here. Applicants may also visit official website or read this article carefully check Rajasthan PSC JLO Result Name wise.
RPSC JLO Result 2023-24 Rajasthan PSC JLO Merit list
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission is conducting the competitive Exam to fill 140 Vacancies of Junior legal officer posts. The selection shall complete through written exams and personal Interviews. The Written exam shall divide into 4 papers of 3 hours each. The type of question is Multiple Choice Questions with 50 Marks.
Moreover, Department is managing all tasks such as Conduct Written Exam, Declared RPSC Junior Legal officer Result 2023 on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. As RPSC is the official examination authority & responsible to release the RPSC JLO Result 2023 and RPSC JLO Merit List & official Cutoff Marks. So, stay in tune with us for the latest updates of Rajasthan Kanishth Kanuni Adhikari.
- Authority Name: Rajasthan Public Service Commission
- Name of post: Junior Legal Officer
- No of vacancies: 140
- RPSC JLO Exam Date: October 2023
- JLO Answer key release date: Available Soon
- Category: Result
- Location: Rajasthan
- Result Release date: Dec-Jan 2024
How to prepare for Pre Deled Exam
Rajasthan RPSC JLO Cut-off Marks 2023
The Exam authority has fixed the cutoff marks for Jr Legal officer Exam. These qualifying marks vary category-wise for General/OBC/SC/ST. The board has fixed a total of 200 marks and candidates have to obtain a minimum 40% marks out of 200 marks.
There are various factors that affect the RPSC Jr Legal officer cutoff marks. The Cutoff list will prepare based on the Number of total vacancies, paper difficulty level, Number of candidates who participated in the exam and previous year cutoff marks. Apart from this, Cutoff list will issue along with RPSC JLO Result 2023-24.
Rajasthan Public Service Commission will release the cut-off marks for Written Test which will be calculated from 50 marks for each Paper & 200 marks for all 4 Papers. On the basis of these final cut-off marks candidates will be eligible for the RPSC JLO Personal Interview & Document Verification exam.
Factors affecting RPSC JLO Exam Cut off marks
- The total number of candidates attends the test
- Total vacancy count
- Previous year’s cut-off
- The difficulty level of the exam paper
- A number of qualified candidates and etc.
RPSC JLO Cut off Marks Officially
As all candidates know that the minimum mark to qualify for Junior Legal officer Exam is 40% in each paper and there is also a negative marking in the exam. But candidates are required to score more than Cut off to shortlist in the exam for Interview.
RPSC JLO cut-off mark for selection depend upon few factors like total number of vacancy for the post, number of candidates appeared for the examination, reservation, and the ratio of selection for the next level. Candidates kindly check the RPSC JLO Cutoff marks/qualifying marks Category Wise in the below table.
Rajasthan RPSC JLO Result 2023-24 Name wise
The Commission has finally published the Result of Junior Legal officer Exam. And many applicants want to see their JLO Exam Marks and Merit List for further selection Round. First they have to download JLO Exam Scorecard and then check relevant details. It is equally important to keep remember login details such as Registration number and Date of birth.
- Aspirants first go to the official site@ rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in /.
- Now on the home page, open the Result menu.
- And then Search the Link of “Junior Legal Officer Result 2023”.
- Enter the necessary details such as roll number, post to check your exam score.
- Also, Click on submit button.
- After that, RPSC JLO Result 2023 on your screen, all the best…
- Also, candidates can check the cut-off marks list and merit list on this page, Good luck…
Official Website: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Download RPSC Jr Legal officer Admit Card
Syllabus & Exam Pattern of RPSC JLO Exam
RPSC Jr Legal officer Exam Qualifying Marks 2023
The written exam for the junior legal officers will be of Objective type. The paper will be divided into 4 parts and each part will be of 50 Marks. Candidates have to solve the RPSC JLO Exam Paper in 3 Hours (180 Minutes). Candidates have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in each paper.
All papers except language paper unless specifically required shall Answer either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall allow to answer anyone paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
RPSC JLO Viva-Voce: (Personal Interview)
A candidate who will secure minimum qualifying marks (as decided by commission) in the written examination will be shortlisted for an interview for a personality test, which shall carry 25 marks.
A merit list will make separately for all shortlisted candidates in the written exam. The Commission may in its discretion award grace marks up to 1 in each paper and up to 3 in the aggregate.
The Commission may fix minimum qualifying marks in the written examination for reserved categories. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test by each candidate. An overall merit list will also be released by RPSC for all shortlisted candidates in RPSC JLO Bharti exam.
राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग के द्वारा जूनियर कानूनी अधिकारी की लिखित परीक्षा अक्टूबर 2023 में आयोजित किया जा चुका । सभी परीक्षार्थी यहाँ से प्रश्न पत्र डाउनलोड कर सकते है । अभी आयोग जूनियर लेजल अफसर उतर कुंजी घोषित करने की तैयारी कर रहा है । उसके उपरांत सभी अभ्यर्थी यहाँ निचे दिए गए ऑफिसियल लिंक से RPSC JLO Result की जाँच कर सकते है ।
Hence, we have given the complete detail of RPSC JLO Result 2023-24. This is the responsibility of the candidates to follow the links and check official site of RPSC for latest Rajasthan JLO Notification and more updates! Thank you.