Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023 JET Agriculture Exam Hall Ticket Name wise JET/Pre-PG (M.Sc & Ph.D.) Exam Date, AU Jodhpur JET Test Center Name City District wise at www.jetauj2023.com
Agriculture University Jodhpur JET Admit Card – Good news for all aspirants who want admission to UG Courses in Agriculture & Allied Science. Because AU Jodhpur is conducting the ‘Rajasthan Joint Entrance Test-2023’. If you are searching JET Exam Date then stay and read this article carefully. Because, JET Agriculture Entrance Exam will be held on Sunday, 14th May 2023. Lots of students applied for JET 2023 for admission into B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture, B.F.Sc and B.Tech degree courses.
Besides, A huge number of aspirants want to know about the Rajasthan JET Entrance Exam Date, Center Name District wise & Call Letter. Thus, Our team s introducing and updating the direct link to download Rajasthan JET Exam Hall Ticket Name-wise. It is equally important to bring the JET Agriculture Hall Ticket to the exam center.
At the time of access to the Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023, contenders must remember the necessary login details like Registration Number and Password. As per official news, AU Jodhpur JET Exam Admit Card will be available on the website jetauj2023.com as per schedule. No, JET Agriculture Admit Card will be sent by post or personally to the candidates.
Latest Update – Agriculture University, Jodhpur is going to issue Admit Card for the “Rajasthan Joint Entrance Test-2023” on 08.05.2023. Also, Agriculture Entrance Test will conduct on 14.05.2023 at various centers. Therefore, aspirants download the JET Entrance Exam Call Letter Name wise using the below link.
Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023 JET Agriculture Exam Date
Agriculture University Jodhpur is ready to organize Joint Entrance Test 2023 across the state. Therefore, students who want admission to Under Graduate Programmes in Agriculture & Allied Science they first apply for this Exam. Recently, Authority has invited Online Applications from 20 February to 27 March 2023. A massive number of applicants have applied for Rajasthan JET 2023. Also, they are looking for AU Jodhpur JET Exam Date, Test center City Name District wise. As per schedule, the JET Agriculture Exam will conduct on 14.05.2023 at Various Test centers.
Based on the JET Score, aspirants will eligible for Admission to Agriculture UG Degree courses. And these are Bachelor of Science B.Sc (Hons), Agriculture, Horticulture Forestry Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Community Science, Home Science, Fisheries Science & Daily, and Food Technology Courses.
Meanwhile, Many students are appearing in Joint Entrance Test (JET) – 2023 at present. The JET Agriculture Admit Card will be available on the web portal from 8th May on the official website. Candidates need to log in using their Registration number and Date of birth to access JET Exam Call Letter.
Join Entrance Test JET Agriculture 2023 Details
Department Name | Agriculture University, Jodhpur |
Name of Exam | Rajasthan Joint Entrance Test (JET) |
Admission | Under Graduate Programme in Agriculture & Allied Sciences in Rajasthan |
Type of Test | State-level Entrance Test |
Rajasthan JET Date | Sunday, 14 May 2023 |
JET Agriculture Admit Card | 08 May 2023 |
Mode of Test | Online Computer-based Test |
Official website | www.jetauj2023.com |
राजस्थान जेट एडमिट कार्ड 2023
श्री करन नरेंद्र कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, जोबनेर द्वारा राजस्थान जॉइंट एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (जेईटी-2023) का आयोजन दिनांक 14 मई 2023 को होगा। हर साल हजारो छात्र राजस्थान में कृषि और संबद्ध विज्ञान में स्नातक पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए इस एग्जाम में भाग लेते है। परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थी SKRAU, Bikaner, MPUAT, Udaipur, SKNAU, Jobner AU, Jodhpur, AU, कोटा and RAJUVAS, बीकानेर में प्रवेश लेंगे।
इस समय वे Rajasthan JET Admit Card का इंतजार कर रहे है। इसलिए एग्रीकल्चर यूनिवर्सिटी जोबनेर द्वारा राजस्थान जेट प्रवेश-पत्र आधिकारिक वेबसाइट www.jetauj2023.com पर दिनांक 08 मई 2023 को जारी होगा। उम्मीदवार आवश्यक विवरण के माध्यम अपना एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते है। अभ्यर्थी को अपने साथ एक पहचान पत्र साथ लाना होगा जैसे आधार कार्ड / पैन कार्ड / ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस / पासपोर्ट / वोटर आईडी। अन्यथा उन्हें परीक्षा में बैठने की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी।
www.jetauj2023.com Exam Date Hall Ticket Details
It is mandatory to bring the Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023 to the test center. The JET Agriculture Entrance Exam Admit Card is a very important document to enter into the exam hall. Furthermore, there are useful details about candidates and Exams available on the AU Jodhpur JET Call Letter.
After accessing the JET Agriculture Admit Card, candidates should check the details. If they find any discrepancy in information then they must contact the exam hall as soon as possible. The followings details are mentioned in Rajasthan JET Exam Call Letter –
- Candidates Name, Father name
- Registration Number, Enrollment Number
- Caste, Category, and Date of birth
- Exam Roll number
- Paper Pattern and section name of the syllabus
- Test Centre Code, Name, and address/venue
- Exam Instructions
- Space for photograph and Signature
Rajasthan JET Exam Pattern 2023
The JET Question Paper will have the following five subjects namely, agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and physics. However, an aspirant has to attempt three subjects only. Each subject will have 40 multiple-choice questions.
Marking Scheme: Four marks will be awarded for every correct answer and one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer (negative Marking or answer is erased).
Subject name | Questions |
Agriculture | 40 |
Biology | 40 |
Chemistry | 40 |
mathematics | 40 |
Physics | 40 |
How to download Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023 Online
Finally, the Agriculture University Jodhpur has issued JET Agriculture Hall Ticket online mode. And candidates keep the Admit Card safe until the whole admission process is completed. They log in using their Name, Registration Number, and Date of birth and download the JET Agriculture Exam Hall Ticket Name wise.
राजस्थान जेईटी कृषि एडमिट कार्ड – जोधपुर कृषि विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा जेईटी कृषि संयुक्त प्रवेश परीक्षा का आयोजन 14 May 2023 को कर रहा है। सभी उम्मीदवार इस समय प्रवेश पत्र का इंतजार कर रहे है। एग्रीकल्चर यूनिवर्सिटी ने राजस्थान JET एडमिट कार्ड 08 May को जारी कर दिया है। जो भी अभ्यर्थी इस परीक्षा में भाग ले रहे है वे सभी यहाँ से जेट एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करे।
Students use the following to get the JET Entrance Exam Hall Ticket Name wise-
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. https://jetauj2023.com/
- Find the JET option and open it
- Select the link of “Candidate Login (For Download Admit Card)”
- Enter Registration Number, Password, and Select Examination Type
- Click on the Login button
- The Rajasthan JET Admit Card will be displayed on your computer screen
- Check the relevant details available on the JET Exam Call Letter
- Finally, Save and take a printout of the JET Agriculture Hall Ticket for further use.
Download JE Agriculture Hall Ticket
Required Documents for Rajasthan Joint Entrance Test 2023
For all students, it will also be necessary to carry the JET Agriculture Admit Card and one ID proof. The exam invigilators verify the availability of candidates using the ID Card and Admission Certificate. Hence, all candidates should bring a photo identity card out of the following-
- Voter ID Card
- Bank Passbook
- Aadhaar Card
- PAN Card
- Employee ID
- Passport
- Identity Card issued by a recognized College/University
- photo identity Proof issued by a Gazetted officer
JET Exam Instructions
All candidates should follow the rules and regulations decided for the Joint Entrance Test 2023. There are some instructions provided below for the aspirants to follow on the day of the Examination.
- Do not wear any ornaments, it is prohibited
- Before proceeding to write answers, Contenders are informed to read all the instructions carefully.
- Do not bring any kind of notes, study material, calculator, mobile, violet, etc to the Exam Center.
- Don’t leave the Exam hall before the completion of the Exam time.
- Use a Black Ballpoint pen to fill in the details.
FAQs for Rajasthan JET Entrance Exam Hall Ticket 2023
Question- What is the JET Agriculture Exam Date?
Answer- The AU Jodhpur will conduct the JET Exam on 14.05.2023
Question- When will the Admit Card be released?
Answer- The Admit Card for Joint Entrance Test will issue on 08.05.2023
Question- How can we access the Admission Certificate?
Answer- By the way, we have mentioned the process to get AU Jodhpur JET Exam Call Letter on this page.
Question- What details will require to Download Hall Ticket?
Answer- Students will have to use their SSO ID and password to get Hall Ticket.
Question- Who releases The Rajasthan JET Admit Card?
Answer- The Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jodhpur
Thus, we have provided full details about Rajasthan JET Admit Card 2023 here. We hope that all students will access the JET Agriculture Hall Ticket using the above link. Further, they also may ask any doubt by putting a comment here.