Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List 2023 – PBC UG Admission 1st Selection List at www.pbconline.co.in- If you are waiting for Panskura Banamali College Admission then stay tuned here. Because Department has started UG Admission Process. And lakh students have already applied for various undergraduate degree courses. Now they all are waiting for the Provisional Merit List for UG Honors & General. So, candidates are able to see their PBC Merit List for Admission in BA BSC BCOM BCA BBA and others.
Meanwhile, Admission Agency will release Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List 2023 in PDF. And aspirants may find their Name, Roll number/Registration number and Rank. As per official news, University will prepare Admission Merit List based on the 12th Exam Marks. After that, Authority will published 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Selection List. Likewise, we have updated here PBC UG Admission Schedule. Apart from this, aspirants may visit the official web portal https://panskurabanamalicollege.org for more information.
Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List 2023 PBC First Admissino List
Finally, PanskuBanamali College has issued an Admission Notification for Undergraduate degree courses. A huge number of students are waiting for PBC UG Admission 2023. The organization has also invited Online Applications for Admission from 31 May to 12 June 2023. At present, many candidates are eagerly waiting for PBC Provisional Merit List. As per official reports, the Panskura Banamali College merit List has been released on 13 June 2023 while the final Merit list to publish on 16 June 2023.
And then, University will issue the PBC UG 1st Selection List for Undergraduate Honors and General Courses. It is equally important to see category-wise Panskura Banamali College Merit List and Selection List.
panskurabanamalicollege.org UG Admission List 2023
Organization | Panskura Banamali College |
Admission | UG Admission |
Course Type | Undergraduate Degree Programme |
Course Name | BA BSC BCOM BBA BCA |
mode of Admission | Online |
PB College UG Admission Form Date | 31 May to 12 June 2023 |
PBC UG Merit List date | 13 June 2023 |
Panskura Banamali College Final Merit List | 16 June 2023 |
Status | Available |
Post Category | Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List |
Official website | panskurabanamalicollege.org |
www.pbconline.co.in Merit List BA BSC BCOM Admission List
Well, a large number of applicants want admission in various UG Honors & General Courses like BA BSC BCOM, BBA BCA etc. For this, Panskura Banamali College has Opened an Online Admission window. And this online platform is intended for candidates who are prepared to apply for PBC UG Admission. This time, Authority is preparing to release the Provisional Merit List. After that, College will announce PB College UG 1st Selection List 2023. If your name is in First Selection List then verify documents at the allotted college. Thus, they first check Panskura Banamali College Merit List using the below link.
How to check Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List 2023
- First, all candidates visit official website @panskurabanamalicollege.org
- And then, go to the Admission Section and select UG Link
- Find Provisional Merit List (UG Honors & General)
- Open the desired Link and PBC Admission List will display
- After that, check relevant details such as Name, Application number, Category, DOB and others
- Finally, download and save Panskura Banamali College Admission Selection List
Click here- pbconline.co.in UG Admission Merit List
PBC College UG Admission Selection List
- First Selection List – 16.06.2023
- Admission from 1st Selection List- 16 to 18 June 2023
- 2nd Selection List – 19.06.2023
- Admission from 2nd Selection List- 19 to 21 June 2023
- 3rd Selection List – 22.06.2023
- Admission from 3rd Selection List- 22 to 23 June 2023
- 4th Selection List – 24.06.2023
- Admission from 4th Selection List- 24 to 25 June 2023
- 5th Selection List – 26.06.2023
- Admission from 5th Selection List- 26 to 27 June 2023
- 6th Selection List – 28.06.2023
- Admission from 6th Selection List- 28 to 30 June 2023
Details on Panskura Banamali College Admission List
It is important to check the relevant details printed on PBC Merit List. Because PBCOnline UG Merit List contains useful details about students. If they face any doubt then contact to Admission authority as soon as possible. However, the Followings details are available on PB College UG Merit List-
- Student Name
- Father Name
- Mother Name
- Address
- Course Name
- Degree
- Branch
- College Name
Thus, all students are able to see Panskura Banamali College UG Merit List 2023. We also have given useful information about PBC UG Admission List. Still, they may ask any question by putting comments here.