OJAS GSEB TET 2 Result 2023 Gujarat TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Cutoff Marks Merit List, GSEB TET II Exam Scorecard at https://www.sebexam.org
The State Examination Board, Gandhinagar has organized Teacher Eligibility Test (TET-I & TET-II). And the TET 1 and TET 2 Exam have been held successfully on 16 & 23 April 2023 respectively. Now all aspirants are eagerly waiting for GSEB TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Result Name wise. Moreover, they may also see category-wise Gujarat TET Cut off Marks. Many applicants have participated in Teacher Eligibility Exam For Primary and Elementary Teacher. Once you have qualified in OJAS GSEB TET-I & TET-II then a list of selected candidates will be eligible for Primary (Class 1 to 5) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8).
Meanwhile, we have uploaded a direct link to check OJAS GSEB TET 2 Result 2023. All applicants are able to see Gujarat TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Result, Cutoff and Merit List. It is equally important to view their Name, Roll number and obtain a Score from Gujarat TET Result. They may further visit the official website https://www.sebexam.org for more information.
OJAS GSEB TET 2 Result 2023 Paper 1 & 2 Cutoff Marks
Good News for all those candidates who have applied for Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test. Recently, Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board have invited online Applications for GTET 2023. And large number of aspirants have applied for Teacher Eligibility Test from 21 October to 05 December 2022. Every year, Board determines the eligibility for Primary Teacher (Class I to V) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class VI to VIII).
Besides, the Agency has organized Paper I on 16 April and Paper 2 on 23 April 2023. Also, Gujarat TET Answer key OMR Sheet for TET 1 & TET 2 is available. Therefore, applicants may have their expected score or Cutoff marks using the GTET Answer key. And then, they are able to see their Gujarat TET Qualifying Marks for Paper 1 & Paper 2 and the Merit list category-wise.
गुजरात स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड ने शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा पेपर 1 & पेपर 2 दिनांक 16 व 23 अप्रैल 2023 आयोजित की है। और साथ ही गुजरात टीईटी आंसर-की जारी कर दी है। इसलिए अभ्यर्थी गुजरात टेट ओएमआर शीट की मदद से अपना संभावित स्कोर के बारे में जान सकते है। इसके अलावा वे निचे दिए लिंक से अपना GSEB TET रिजल्ट देख सकते है।
Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Department Name | State Examination Board, Gandhinagar |
Exam Name | Gujarat Teacher Eligibility Test Paper 1 & Paper 2 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class I to VI) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class VI to VIII) |
Exam Session | 2023 |
Type of Exam | Offline |
Job Category | Teaching Jobs |
Application Dates | 21 October to 05 December 2022 |
GSEB TET Paper 1 Exam Date | 16 April 2023 |
Gujarat TET Paper 2 Exam Date | 23 April 2023 |
Gujarat TET Answer key | Released |
OJAS GSEB TET Result Date | 21 May 2023 |
Post Category | GTET Exam Result |
Official website | sebexam.org and ojas.gujarat.gov.in |
sebexam.org OJAS TET Cut off Marks 2023
it is mandatory to secure minimum or above marks from Gujarat TET Cut off Marks. By the way, the board has fixed the GTET Qualifying Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. And these passing marks may change as per factors related to Teacher Eligibility Test. Still, candidates first see GSET TET OMR Sheet and calculate all correct responses of Paper-I and Paper-II. We know that each Paper consists of 150 questions with 150 marks.
Therefore, they will need to fight Gujarat TET Cutoff. Apart from this, there are many factors that affect the OJAS TET 1 & TET 2 Cutoff Marks. And Authority will prepare the GSEB TET Cutoff list based on total posts, Paper difficulty level, Number of students who appeared in the Exam and the Previous Year Cutoff.
Gujarat TET Qualifying Marks 2023 Paper 1 & Paper 2
Category | Qualifying Marks |
OC | 60% |
BC | 55% |
Sc | 45% |
ST | 45% |
Differently Able (PH) | 45% |
Ex-Servicemen | 45% |
Gujarat TET Merit List 2023
Board will prepare GTET Cutoff & merit List for paper-I and Paper-II separately. And the OJAS TET Cut off will be decided based on 150 marks for each Paper. Therefore, you are able to see the Merit list along with GSEB TET Result Name wise. At present, aspirants see GTET Answer key and calculate the probable Score. They can sum of all correct Answers and then take an idea about expected OJAS GSEB TET Cutoff Marks. We are sharing a link to access the GSEB TET 1 & TET 2 Merit list directly.
How to check OJAS GSEB TET 2 Result 2023 Online
- First, all candidates visit the official web portal @https://www.sebexam.org
- And then, go to the Notice Board section
- After that, download the Gujarat TET Answer key and see all correct responses.
- Find Teacher Eligibility Test (TET 1 & TET 2) Result Link
- Open the desired link
- Also, enter login credentials such as Registration number and Date of birth
- Click on submit button and GTET Result will display
- Finally, download and save the OJAS GSEB TET 2 Result 2023 for further use
Download Gujarat TET Answer key
Check GTET Paper-I & II Result
Hence, all aspirants who enrolled in Teacher Eligibility Test may see Gujarat TET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Result along with Cutoff List. We have also provided details and a direct link to check GSEB TET-I & TET-II Results Name wise. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting questions in below comment box.