NBE FMGE Result 2023 Foreign Medical Graduates Examination Merit List, Screening Test Scorecard at natboard.edu.in– The National Board of Examinations has organized the Entrance Exam for Foreign Medical Graduates. The exam has been successfully held on 20th January 2023. Applicants who have given the exam can now check the FMGE Dec Exam Result declared on 15.02.2023. A Huge number of candidates have participated in this Entrance Test. And now they are eagerly waiting for FMGE Exam Score, Cutoff and Merit List. एफएमजी परीका का पिरणाम एनबीईएमएस वेबसाइट https://natboard.edu.in और https://nbe.edu.in पर पदिशरत किया जाएगा
We will provide you the all the important details of NBE FMGE Cut off marks from the sections mentioned below, you can get it easily. NBE department takes the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination for the students who have completed their medical degrees from outside India. FMGE Cut off marks will play a very important role in the paper.
Aspirants are advised to check FMGE Entrance Exam Merit List from this article. For more details related to NBE FMGE Result 2023, you can refer to our website. Contenders who have qualified for the exams will be getting the pass certificate. Scroll down the article to read more about the NBE FMGE Score Card.
NBE FMGE Result 2023 Foreign Medical Graduates Exam Cut off
National Board of Examinations is taking Medical Entrance Exam for Foreign Medical Graduates. There is only Single Written Exam for getting the Medical Certificate. Lakhs number of students complete their MBBS from out of Country and they have to undergo FMGE Screening Test. Meanwhile, they must obtain qualifying marks in Foreign Medical Graduate Entrance Exam.
For NBE Exam Result you have to stay tuned with this page. You need to check out our article and get the FMGE December Results. Apart from this, many candidates are unable to find the exact links to check their results. To avoid such kinds of problems we are providing you with the direct links in this article.
नेशनल बोर्ड ऑफ़ एग्जाम इन मेडिकल साइंस द्वारा एफएमजी परीक्षा दिसंबर 2022 सेशन के लिए 20 जनवरी 2023 को आयोजित की है। परीक्षा में एक पेपर है जिसमे 300 बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न पूछे गए है जो एक ही दिन में दो भागो में आयोजित हुए है। एफएमजीई परीक्षा में प्रत्येक भाग 150-150 अंक का है। एक अभ्यर्थी के केवल तभी उत्तीर्ण घोषित किया जायेगा जब वह परीक्षा में 300 में से न्यूनतम 150 अंक प्राप्त करता है।
एफएमजीई दिसंबर 2023 का परिणाम देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे
FMGE December Exam Merit List
Board Name | National Board of Examinations (NBE) |
Exam Name | Foreign Medical Graduates Examination- December 2022 (FMGE) |
Date of Exam | 20th January 2023 |
NBE FMGE Results Release | 13 January 2023 |
Category | Medical Entrance Exams |
Article Category | Result |
Official Website | www.natboard.edu.in and nbe.edu.in |
FMGE Cut off Marks 2023
To qualify in the written exam you have to qualify for FMGE Exam Cut off marks. Department has decided minimum passing marks category wise. A aspirant shall be declared as having passed only if he/she obtains a minimum of 150 Marks out of 300 in the Examination. Results for eligible students will display on NBEMS web portal. There is no provision for re-totaling/Revaluation.
Factors that affect the Cut off Marks are the Number of candidates who appeared in the examination and the difficulty level of the paper. The FMGE Cut off list will make on the basis of the candidate’s marks in the written examination. The Cut off list will release with the announcement of the NBE FMGE Result.
- Applicant Exam Score
- The difficulty level of the question paper
- Previous year cut off marks
- Total Candidate appeared in the exam
NBE Foreign Medical Graduates Exam Cutoffs
Total Marks | Qualifying Marks |
300 Marks | 150 Marks and Above |
NBE FMGE Result Merit List 2023
The Foreign Medical Graduates Exam Merit List contains the name of the candidates who have qualified for the minimum marks of the examination. You can check the Merit List on the official website. The Foreign Medical Entrance Exam Score and Result is available in the Merit List Pdf in this article check according to it whether you are selected or not. The selection list will prepare based on the highest marks obtained by the candidate in the exam. Persons whose name is on the list will be getting the Qualified Certificate.
Steps to download NBE FMGE Result 2023
Candidates who appeared in this medical entrance exam can easily check their NBE Foreign Medical Graduate Exam Results by following the below-given points. You need to check details such as roll number, exam score & result to know qualifying status.
- Visit the National Board of Examinations Official Portal i.e. www.natboard.edu.in
- On the home page, search for the Notice Board
- And then Search for the NBE FMGE December Result
- After that, click on the link and check the exam details
- next, Download the results pdf and save it
- Finally, Take a printout Foreign Medical Graduate Exam Result for future use
Check FMGE (Screening Test) Admit Card
Details Present on FMGE December Exam Result 2023
In the above section, we have given a list of details that are provided in the FMGE Result pdf to help candidates to know their status of qualification. Check the Printed details on the list from below –
- Roll number of the qualifying person
- Score out of 300 Marks
- Result Status – Fail or Pass
Download Result for NBE FMGE (December Exam)
Moreover, We have given all the information related to NBE FMGE Result 2023 from the official website. You will get all the possible links to download. Any problem, while downloading, comment us on the comment box.
Frequently Asked Questions NBE FMGE Exam Result
When is the FMGE Exam Result being released?
The FMGE Exam Result releases by 25 February 2023
What is the official website to download the NBE FMGE Exam Score?
The official website to download the NBE FMGE Exam Score is www.natboard.edu.in.
On which date the Foreign Medical Graduates Exam 2023 conduct?
The Foreign Medical Graduates Exam for December Session has conducted on 20.01.2023.