MP PAT Result 2023 Declared on 03 October 2023 MP Pre-Agriculture Test Result, MP Vyapam PAT Cut off Marks, Category wise for SC/ST/OBC/General, MPPEB PAT Merit List, and How to download MP PAT Rank List District wise
The Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board has finally declared the Result of the Pre-Agriculture Test (PAT) 2023 on 03.10.2023. Recently, the Department has conducted the PAT Entrance Test on 12 July 2023 at various centres. Besides, the Authority has announced MP PAT Result 2023 name-wise. Therefore, candidates check their PAT Exam Score along with District wise Rank. After that, Board will invite qualified candidates for Counselling for Admission in Agriculture and Horticulture Courses. It is equally important to see MP Vyapam PAT Exam Cutoff and Merit List to confirm selection for next round.
In addition, Candidates can also check the MP Vyapam PAT Cut off Marks/ Merit List, Category wise for SC/ST/OBC/General. So, they first download MP PAT Exam Score and then check passing status. Examinees may also see relevant details such as Name, Roll number, Obtain marks section-wise etc after getting MPPEB PAT Exam Score.
MP PAT Result 2023 Cut off Marks
Organization Name | Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board Bhopal |
Post Name | Pre-Agriculture Test (MP PAT) |
Exam Date | 12 July 2023 |
MP PAT Result Release | 03 October 2023 |
Category | Exam Results |
Job Location | Madhya Pradesh |
Official Website | https://esb.mp.gov.in |
Madhya Pradesh MPPEB PAT Cut off Marks 2023
The MP Pre-Agriculture Test Cut off Marks 2023 shows the category-wise cut-off for all candidates. You have to score a minimum mark in the MP PAT. Candidates who are from SC/ST/OBC categories have different qualifying marks. Similarly, aspirants can refer to the official announcement from the MPPEB for the MP PAT Cut off Marks 2023.
Factors for MP PAT Cut off Marks
- Total Number of candidates who appeared in the exam
- Last year cut off marks
- Toughness level of the paper
- Category of the applicant
Reservation Criteria
Categories | Reservation |
Son/Daughter of Scheduled Tribe (ST) | 21% |
Son/Daughter of Other Backward Class (OBC) | 14% |
Son/Daughter of Scheduled Caste (SC) | 15% |
Women | 30% |
Son/Daughter of Farmer | 5% |
Son/Daughter of Freedom Fighter/Defense Personnel | 3% |
PwD Candidates | 10% |
एमपी PAT रिजल्ट 2023
मध्य प्रदेश व्यावसायिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (MPPEB) 12 जुलाई 2023 को प्री-एग्रीकल्चर टेस्ट (PAT) 2023 आयोजित करेगा। आयोग ने दिनांक 03 अक्टूबर 2023 को एमपी पीएटी रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया है। PAT को सफलतापूर्वक लेने के बाद MP PAT परीक्षा परिणाम की आधिकारिक अधिसूचना जारी की जाएगी, हम उम्मीदवार के लिए परीक्षा स्कोर डाउनलोड करने के लिए लिंक अपडेट करेंगे कि आप प्री-एग्रीकल्चर टेस्ट 2023 के लिए योग्य हैं या नहीं।
उम्मीदवार एमपी व्यापम पीएटी कट ऑफ मार्क्स / मेरिट लिस्ट, एससी / एसटी / ओबीसी / जनरल के लिए श्रेणीवार कट ऑफ लिस्ट और यहां से एमपी पीएटी परीक्षा स्कोर कैसे डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं, इसकी भी जांच कर सकते हैं। हमने आरक्षण मानदंड का भी उल्लेख किया है। अधिक आप आधिकारिक वेबसाइट को देख सकते हैं।
MPPEB PAT Exam Result 2023
The Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB) finally declared the Result of Pre-Agriculture Test (PAT). The selection of the candidate for the PAT 2023 will be on the basis of a written exam and personal interview along with Document Verification. The candidate can visit our website for further updates of the MP Vyapam PAT Result 2023. As we all know many aspirants are searching Result of Pre Agriculture Test in MP State.
How to download MP PAT Result 2023 online
MPPEB PAT Results are available with the Merit list online mode. Likewise, aspirants have to login using their Application number and Date of birth to download the MPPEB PAT Exam Score. However, You have to visit the official website and follow the below-given steps to check the Exam Score.
- First, Visit the official website link of MP PAT i.e. https://esb.mp.gov.in/
- And then Go to the Exam Dashboard Section
- Find the Pre Agriculture Test 2023 Link
- Also, Find Result of Pre Agriculture Test
- After that Enter your roll number and date of birth.
- By clicking on the submit button, you can check your result.
- Finally, Download and take a printout of the MPPEB PAT Result for the further counseling process.
Check MP Pre Agriculture Test Result- Click here
MPPEB PAT Merit List 2023
The MP Pre-Agriculture Test Merit List 2023 contains the name of the candidates who are qualified with the highest marks scored in the Examination. You can check the MP PAT Merit List on the official website. Thus, We have given Roll Numbers in the Merit List PDF in this article check according to your roll number whether you are selected or not. Persons whose name is on the list will be attending the next selection process. Furthermore, the merit list consists of the details like –
- Candidate’s name
- Roll number
- Father’s name
- Category
- Gender
- Exam City
- Marks obtained
MP PAT Merit List 2023
After the declaration of results, the qualified candidates need to appear for counseling. The schedule for MP PAT 2023 counseling shall release at peb.mp.gov.in. During the counseling, the eligibility criteria and documents of the candidates shall be checked. The counseling is conducted online mode only. The candidates have to register, verify the documents, select the colleges and courses, download the allotment letter and pay the admission fee.
Disclaimer – Thus, aspirants will get all the possible details related to the MP PAT Result 2023. We also hope you liked the article and get all the details such as Cut off Marks/ Merit List, etc. Still, If you face any problem related to it comments us on the comment box.
FAQs for MP PAT Result 2023
Where can I check my MP Pre-Agriculture Test Result?
You can check your MP PAT Result 2023 at esb.mp.gov.in or from the direct link provided here.
Will there any merit list be released for MP PAT 2023?
Yes, MPPEB releases the MP PAT Merit List in PDF format.
Will there be any normalization process for MP PAT 2023?
Yes, there shall be a normalization process for MP PAT 2023 as the exam will be conducted in two shifts or on two different days.