LIC AAO Admit Card 2023- Exam Date, Test Center City Name download Assistant Administrative officer Hall Ticket name wise at licindia.in
The Life Insurance Corporation of India has announced Exam Date, Center List, City Name, and LIC India Hall Ticket on its official website. Besides, Department will organize the AAO Prelims Exam from 17 February to 20 February 2023 across the country. Lakhs of applicants are currently waiting for the LIC AAO Admit card to be released. Moreover, candidates can get information about the LIC India AAO Exam Center, City Name, and Roll Number from here. They may also check Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and others from here.
In addition, there are 300 vacancies that shall be recruited through Preliminary, Main, and Personal Interviews. it is mandatory to carry LIC Assistant Administrative Officer Admit Card to the Exam centers for everyone. Aspirants have to login using their Registration number and Date of birth to access the AAO Prelims Exam Call Letter.
भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम दिनांक 17 से 20 फरवरी 2023 तक सहायक प्रशासनिक अधिकारी प्रारंभिक परीक्षा का आयोजन करेगा। इस समय लाखो अभ्यर्थी एलआईसी एएओ एडमिट कार्ड का इंतजार कर रहे है। इसलिए हम यहाँ पर बोर्ड द्वारा जारी असिस्टेंट एडमिनिस्ट्रेटिव ऑफिसर एडमिट कार्ड का आधिकारिक लिंक अपलोड किया है।
LIC AAO Admit Card 2023 Exam Date Test Center & City Name
Earlier, Life Insurance Corporation of India is going to recruit eligible candidates for 300 Vacancies of Assistant administrative officers Posts. The online Application Form has been completed from 15 to 30 January 2023. And a large number of applicants have applied for AAO Bharti. Apart from this, Department shall organize preliminary, Main Exams and interviews for Final Selection. At present, many candidates are searching LIC AAO Exam Date, Admit Card, and Test City Name. An admission card is equally important for the Exam and must carry during the Examination. We have uploaded here a direct link to access the LIC India AAO Prelims Admit Card by using the below link.
licindia.in AAO Prelims Exam Date, Admit Card 2023
Department Name | Life Insurance Corporation of India |
Exam Name | Assistant Administrative Officer Prelims Exam 2023 |
Total Posts | 300 |
Post Name | LIC AAO Recruitment |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
LIC India AAO Prelims Exam Date | 17 February to 20 February 2023 |
LIC AAO Admit Card Date | 7th February 2023 |
Selection Process | Preliminary and Mains Exam |
post Category | LIC AAO Admit Card |
Official website | www.licindia.in |
LIC AAO Prelims Admit Card 2023 Details
Finally, Admit Card for Assistant Administrative Officer Prelims Exam is available online. If you are waiting for LIC AAO Exam Call Letter for a long time. Several eligible aspirants have submitted the Registration Form till 30.01.2023. Now they are enquiring about the AAO Exam Hall Ticket.
We are telling you that Life Insurance Corporation will issue the Assistant Administrative Officer Admit Card in February 2023. Further, you can see Exam Date, Test Center & City Name by helping Admission Certificate. Also, you should keep remembering login credentials such as Registration number, Password, and Date of birth to get the LIC AAO Call letter.
Furthermore, aspirants must check the relevant information printed on Hall Ticket carefully. Because, if any discrepancies in details they may be debarred from the exam. So first download Admit Card properly and then see the following details-
- Name, Father name of Candidate
- Roll number and Registration number
- Exam Date, Day, and Timing
- Test Center Name, Code, and Venue of Address
- Category, Caste
- Date of birth
- Space for Photo and Signature
- Exam instructions
Life Insurance Corporation AAO Prelims Exam 2023 ID Card
Aspirants have to bring any one of the Original IDs along with the LIC AAO Hall Ticket. Invigilators will verify the identity of the candidate using an Admission card and ID proof. We have provided a list of photo identity proofs here. Applicants select one Photo Identity Card out of the following-
- Voter ID
- Aadhar Card
- Driving License
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Bank Passbook With photograph
- ID Card issued by (University/College/School)
- Employer ID Card (Govt/PSU)
- Two Color Passport Size Photograph
How to download LIC AAO Admit Card 2023 Link
- First, aspirants visit the official web portal i.e. www.licindia.in
- And then find the Career option from the home page
- Select Recruitment of AAO (Generalist) 2023 link
- Also, find Admit Card for Assistant Administrative Officer Prelims Exam.
- Open the desired link.
- Enter Login details i.e. Registration number and Password.
- After that, LIC AAO Admit Card will display on Computer Screen.
- Check the details carefully and download.
- Finally, save the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Hall Ticket for further use.
Thus, we have given useful details for LIC Assistant Administrative officer Admit Card here. We hope that aspirants will easily get Admit Card using the above link. They may ask any doubt by putting comments here.