Kerala KTET Result 2024 KTET October Exam Scorecard, ktet.kerala.gov.in Cut off Marks Category wise, KTET Merit List/Rank List Category wise – Pareeksha Bhavan is preparing to declare the Result of Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test October – 2023. Recently, the Authority has organized a Teacher Eligibility Test on 29 and 30 December 2023 at various centres. Hence, candidates who appeared in this Exam must download KTET Exam Scorecard and minimum Cutoff Marks. In addition to Kerala TET Result 2024, we are sharing KTET Cutoff Marks for Category-I, Category-II, Category-III and Category-IV. Moreover, applicants visit official website ktet.kerala.gov.in to get Rank List district wise.
Kerala KTET Result 2024 KTET Exam Score Merit List
The Kerala Government Education Board (KGEB) is recruiting eligible candidates for Lower Primary, Upper Primary, High School and Language Teachers. Recently, Pareeksha Bhavan has invited online Application Form from 06 to 17 November 2023. After that, the Board has held the Teacher Eligibility Test on 29.12.2023 and 30.12.2023 at various centers. Likewise, the Department divided the Kerala TET into four categories such as Category 1 (Lower Primary classes), Category 2 (Upper Primary classes), Category 3 (High School classes) and Category 4 Language Teachers. Presently, candidates are searching KTET Exam Result and Cutoff List.
Meanwhile, candidates are eagerly waiting for KTET Result Name wise. Generally, they will need the Register Number and Date of Birth to download the Kerala TET Result and scorecard. Furthermore, applicants visit the official website https://ktet.kerala.gov.in to check more details.
ktet.kerala.gov.in KTET Result Date 2024
Organization Name | Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan |
Official website | ktet.kerala.gov.in |
Exam Name | Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test October – 2023 |
Post Name | Elementary and Primary Teacher |
KTET Result Release Date | January 2024 |
Location | Kerala |
Job type | Govt Teaching jobs |
Exam type | State-level Entrance Test |
KTET Exam Dates | 29 and 30 December 2023 |
Kerala TET Cut off Marks 2024
Well, the Board has decided on minimum passing marks for Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test. Therefore candidates who will secure these passing marks will declare qualified. These Qualifying Marks also known as KTET Cut off Marks. The Board has prepared Cut off list category-wise for General, OBC, SC, ST. Therefore, candidates may check their Kerala TET Cut off marks for Category-I, Category-II, Category-III, and Category –IV.
Various factors affect the Kerala TET Cut off marks such as the number of vacancies, total number of candidates participating in the examination, Paper difficulty level and reservation.
Category of the Candidates | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
Candidates From General | 60% (90 marks) |
SC, ST, OBC, OEC Candidates | 55% (82 marks) |
PH Candidates | 50% (75 marks) |
How to check Kerala KTET Result 2024 Online
The Board has finally published the Kerala KTET Results online. Students have to collect a KTET Score Card by providing necessary details such as Roll number and Date of birth. After a few days from the Result, candidates can download KTET Exam Marks subject-wise. Furthermore, They follow the below-given steps to check the Kerala TET Exam Result Name wise-
- First, all candidates visit the official site i.e. kerala.ktet.gov.in
- Click on the “Result Published December 2023” link
- Select a Category i.e. Category-I, Category-II, Category-III, and Category –IV.
- And then, Enter the Register Number and Date of birth
- After that, Click on the Check Results link
- Also, KTET Result 2024 shall display on your computer screen
- Finally, Check the Kerala TET Result and save it for further use
केरल शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा दिनांक 29 व 30 दिसंबर 2023 को आयोजित की गई। केरल परीक्षाभवन /हायर स्कूल बोर्ड ने राज्य में स्कूलों में प्राइमरी, उच्च प्राथमिक एवं हाई स्कूल अध्यापक की भर्ती करेगा। इसके लिए केरल अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा आयोजित की गई है। परीक्षा चार केटेगरी (II, II, III व IV) में आयोजित की गई थी। अब परीक्षार्थी केरल टीईटी रिजल्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है। हमने यहाँ पर केरला टीईटी रिजल्ट का सीधा लिंक उपलब्ध करवा दिया है। अभ्यर्थी अपनी केटेगरी का चयन कर, रजिस्टर नंबर एंड जन्मतिथि डालकर परिणाम देख सकते है।
Click here to check Kerala TET Exam Result
Kerala TET Merit List 2024
The KTET Merit List contains the name of the candidates who have qualified for the minimum marks of the examination. You can check the Merit List on the official website. Registration Number, Category, and Marks give in the Merit List PDF in this article check whether you select or not.
After announcing the Kerala TET Result 2024, the authority will also issue a merit list. The KTET Merit list contains a list of qualified candidates who scored equal to or above KTET Result Name-wise. In the merit list name of the aspirants will palce as per their performance in the examination.
What after Kerala TET Result 2024?
Kerala Priksha Bhavan conducts the Teacher Eligibility Test to find eligibility for various vacancies. After being awarded K-TET Certificate, students can apply for Lower Primary Teacher Upper Primary Teacher, High School and Language Teachers. Students who declared qualified in K-TET December Exam need to produce their original documents before the District Education Officer for verification. It is only when this verification is complete that Kerala TET-qualified candidates issue a KTET eligibility certificate. After checking KTET Result, the followings documents require for the verification process –
- 10th Class and mark sheet
- 12th Class Certificate and Marksheet
- Graduation degree and Marksheet (If applicable)
- Category Certificate
- ID proof (Pan Card/Passport/Driving License/ Addhar Card)
- passport Size Photographs
FAQs for KTET Result 2024
When will Kerala TET Result release?
The department declared the KTET Result in January 2024
How to access the KTET Exam Result 2024?
Students can download K-TET October Exam Result by visiting the official website i.e. ktet.kerala.gov.in.
What is Kerala Cut off marks?
Answer- General Category Cutoffs are 90 marks while SC/ ST/ OBC/ OEC Cutoffs are 82 marks and PH/ visually impaired candidates’ cutoffs are 75 marks.
What is the validity period of the KTET Certificate?
The validity period for a certificate will be around 07 years.