Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023-24 Check KSP Constable Cut off Marks, KSP Police Constable Merit List, Category Wise Cut off Marks, and check how to download Karnataka Police Constable Exam Score
The Karnataka State Police Recruitment Board has completed the Written Exam of Armed Police Constable against 3484 Vacancies. Also, Exam agency has published KSP APC Exam Result & Cutoff List. After that list of qualified candidates will invite for Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency Test. Therefore, you check Karnataka Constable Result Exam Score by visiting below link. As we all know that KSP Constable Exam has been held on 10 September 2023 at various centres. This time, aspirants want to see category wise KSP Constable Cutoff List.
Likewise, Candidates now can check KSP Constable Cut off Marks, and Merit List too. Meanwhile, Department is filling 3484 Vacancies of Armed Police Constable (Men-Women) in NKK & KK. The Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023-24 will be released on the official website. So candidates can check and download their KSP APC results from this page through the direct links mentioned below.
Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023-24 KSP Constable Cut off Marks
Well, the Karnataka Police Recruitment Board is going to recruit eligible candidates through Armed Police Constable (Male & Male Transgender) (CAR/DAR)-2022. There are 3064 vacancies of APC in NKK and 420 in KK. As per news, Authority has held the Written Exam on 10.09.2023. According to Notification, written test shall have 100 questions with 100 marks. Also, Department has decided minimum qualifying Marks for KSP APC Exam 2023. And examinees need to score 45 marks out of 100. We have updated direct link of KSP Constable Result along with Cutoff Marks.
KSP Armed Police Constable Exam 2023 Details
Department | Karnataka State Police Recruitment Board |
Recruitment Advt No. | 06/RECT-4/2022-23 & 10/RECT-4/2022-23 |
Total Posts | 1591 – NKK 1137 and KK |
Post Name | Constable Civil (Men, Women & Transgender)- NKK & KK 2022-23 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Karnataka |
Mode of Application | Online |
Application Dates | 20.10.2022 to 21.11.2022 |
Selection Process | Written Exam, Physical Standard Test and Physical Endurance Test |
KSP CPC Exam Date | Release Soon |
Karnataka Police Constable Admit Card Date | Release Soon |
Status | Available |
Post Category | KSP CPC Hall Ticket |
official website | ksp-recruitment.in |
कर्नाटक पुलिस कांस्टेबल परिणाम 2023-24
कर्नाटक राज्य पुलिस भर्ती बोर्ड शारीरिक मानक परीक्षण /शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित करेगा। उम्मीदवार अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जल्द ही कर्नाटक कांस्टेबल शारीरिक परीक्षण मानकों, (ईटी / पीएसटी) मानदंड परीक्षा स्कोर की जांच करने में सक्षम हैं। KSP कांस्टेबल परीक्षा दिनांक 10 सितम्बर 2023 को आर्म्ड पुलिस कांस्टेबल के 3484 पदों पर आयोजित की है।
उम्मीदवार अब यहां से केएसपी कांस्टेबल कट ऑफ मार्क्स, मेरिट लिस्ट देख सकते हैं। विभाग इस परीक्षा के माध्यम से कांस्टेबल के 3484 रिक्त पदों को भर रहा है। Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023 आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी किया जाएगा, इसलिए उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए सीधे लिंक के माध्यम से इस पृष्ठ से अपना परिणाम देख और डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
Selection Process for KSP Constable Exam 2023
The selection of candidates for Karnataka Police Constable Recruitment will be done through Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Physical Standard Test (PST).
- Written Exam
- Endurance Test (ET)
- Physical Standard Test (PST)
- Medical Test
- Interview
Karnataka Police Constable ET/PST Criteria
Candidates check Physical Standards for the Physical Endurance Test, Height, Chest, and Weight.
Physical Standards Test
Physical Endurance Test
Karnataka Police Constable Cut off Marks 2023-24
Well, Karnataka Police Constable Cut off Marks is the minimum mark for the candidates to qualify for the written exam. Moreover, the KSP Constable Cut off will be announced on the basis of the candidate’s category. All the candidates can check the Cut off Marks from here.
On the basis of KSP Constable Cut off Marks, the officials will announce the result and the merit list. And the Constable Cut off Marks will be different for each and every candidate. Check the below sections to know more information about the KSP Constable Merit List 2023.
Karnataka Police Constable Merit List 2023
In this section, we had given the information on the Karnataka Police Constable Merit List 2023. All the candidates can check the Merit List from the official website. Moreover, the officials of Karnataka State will soon announce the Karnataka Police Constable Merit List. However, the Merit List contains the names of the candidates who scored the highest marks. Candidates can check the KSP Constable Merit List from the official here.
How to apply for Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023-24
All candidates are finally able to download KSP Constable Exam Score. First, visit the official website, find the desired link, and enter using a Valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number to download it. However, we are giving simple steps to reach KSP Police Constable Result. Candidates follow –
- First of all, candidates visit the official website https://ksp-recruitment.in/.
- And then, Choose Armed Police Constable (Male & Male Transgender) (CAR/DAR)-2022
- Choose KSP APC Answer key and Solved Question Papers
- After that Find the KSP Police Constable Result 2023 link and open it.
- Also, Enter required such as Registration Number and Date of Birth.
- Hit on submit button and save the Karnataka Police Constable Result for further use.
Karnataka Police Constable Answer Key
Disclaimer – Thus, We also hope that all candidates will easily download Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023-24 using the above link. We have given important details in this article regarding the KSP Constable Cut off Marks/ Merit List. Still, you can ask any query by putting comments here.
FAQ for Karnataka Police Constable Result 2023
On which date KSP Constable Result will announce?
The official of Karnataka State will soon announce the Exam Result of the Constable Post.
How to Download KSP Constable Exam Result?
Candidates can download the Karnataka Police Constable Result by using the link mentioned above.
What is the Selection Process for KSP Constable Exam?
The selection of candidates for Karnataka Police Constable Bharti will be done through Written Test, PET, PST followed by Interviews.
What is the official website of the Karnataka State Police Recruitment Board?
https://ksp.karnataka.gov.in/ or https://ksp-recruitment.in/
How can we check our KSP Constable Cut off Marks?
Check the above section of the article for more about Karnataka Police Constable Cut off Marks 2023.
My name is Rajendra Kulkarni iam retire from Army complete 18 year service i have applied for this job in September 2022 but any no Response from me please my application no 1964363 sir please Reply to my applying this job
Hello Rajendra, You should contact to Recruitment Cell.