Indian Navy Agniveer Result 2023 Declared Navy SSR MR Exam Score, Indian Navy Entrance Test Cutoff List Category wise, INET Exam Marks for Senior Secondary Recruits and Matric Recruits
The Department of Indian Navy has organized the ‘India Navy Entrance Test’ for Senior Secondary & Matric Recruits. Many aspirants have appeared in Agniveer Navy 02/2023 Written Exam. Besides, the Test has been held from 08 to 11 July 2023 at various Exam centers. And now aspirants are searching for their Agniveer Navy SSR Result, Cutoff Marks and Merit list. Therefore, they can see the Indian Navy Agniveer Result Name wise. Aspirants who will declare to qualify in the written Exam will call for Physical Fitness Test.
Moreover, Department is recruiting eligible candidates for 1465 Agniveer Vacancies. Out of these, 1365 posts are for Senior Secondary Recruits and 100 Posts for Matric Recruits. A large number of candidates have participated in Indian Navy Entrance Test. And we have uploaded here a direct link to check INET SSR Result, Agniveer Cutoff Marks and Merit list. Aspirants may also check category-wise Navy Agniveer Expected Cutoff for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS. Further, they can visit the official website i.e. joinindiannavy.gov.in for more details.
भारतीय नौसेना द्वारा अग्निवीर एसएसआर व एमआर परीक्षा का आयोजन दिनांक 08 से 11 जुलाई 2023 तक किया है। अब सभी को इंडियन नेवी अग्निवीर रिजल्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है। विभाग ने भारतीय नौसेना में 1465 अग्निवीरो पदों पर भर्ती निकली है। इसके तहत 1365 पद सीनियर सेकेंडरी रिक्रूट (एसएसआर) एवं 100 पद मेट्रिक रिक्रूट (एमआर) के शामिल है। परीक्षा में 100 प्रश्न विज्ञान, अंग्रेजी, गणित एवं सामान्य जागरूकता विषय से पूछे गए है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है, इस प्रकार परीक्षा कुल 100 अंक की है।
Indian Navy Agniveer Result 2023 INET SSR Cutoff Marks
Recently, Indian Navy invited Applications for Agniveer (SSR) and Agniveer (MR) – 02/2023 Batch. There is a total of 1465 vacancies for both SSR and MR posts. Besides, Department has completed the Navy Agniveer Bharti online form from 29 May to 15 June 2023. Authority is conducting Indian Navy Entrance Test (CBT), Written Exam/PFT and Initial Medical Test for Final Selection on the desired post. A huge number of applicants have appeared in Computer Based Online Exam and now they are looking for Navy Agniveer SSR Result Name wise. Moreover, aspirants may also check Indian Navy SSR Cutoff and Merit List.
Further, the list of selected candidates in Stage-I INET will eligible for Stage II (Written Exam, PFT & Inticial Medical). The Agniveer Navy Merit list will prepare based on performance in Stage-II written Exam, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test and Initial Medical Test. Also, the Merit list for Agniveer SSR Male & Female will be based on a state-wise Merit. Hence, Indian Navy Agniveer Cutoff Marks for the issue of call-up letters for the final Recruitment Exam at INS Chilka may vary from state to state. Therefore, candidates visit below official link to check Indian Navy Agniveer Result Name wise.
State Eligibility Test Study Notice
joinindiannavy.gov.in Agniveer SSR & MR Result
Organization Name | Indian Navy |
Post Name | Agniveer (Senior Secondary Recruit & Matric Recruit) |
Total Vacancies | 4165 Vacancies |
Category | Indian Navy Agniveer Result |
Navy Agniveer Exam Date | 08.07.2023 to 11.07.2023 |
Stage II Exam for SSR & MR | 28 Aug to 09 Sept 2023 |
Indian navy SSR MR result | September 2023 |
Post Category | Result |
Medicals & Joining Date at INS Chilka | April 2024 |
Status | Released |
Selection Process | Online Exam, PFT, and Medical Examination |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.joinindiannavy.gov.in |
Indian Navy Agniveer MR SSR Result 2023
Indian Navy has organized a Computer based Exam for 1465 Agniveer (SSR & MR) Vacancies. The Course will commence for the Senior Secondary Recruitment Batch in April 2024. An online Computer Based Test was held for 100 Marks. The shortlisting will carry out state-wise in a ratio of four times the number of vacancies. The Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Cutoff marks may vary from state to state. Therefore, candidates have to clear a written Exam and a list of selected candidates will invite for Physical Fitness Test.
Furthermore, candidates are advised to download the Indian Navy Agniveer Result 2023 from here or from the official website i.e. joinindiannavy.gov.in. Also, we have provided the direct link at the bottom of the page to download the Indian Navy SSR MR Result 2023. Every applicant must download the Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Result to know whether they are qualified for the Indian Navy SSR exam or not.
Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Cut off Marks
The Indian Navy Agniveer Cut off marks state-wise details are available below in this section. The Indian Navy will soon announce the Indian Navy SSR Exam Cut off Marks on its official website after the announcement of the Indian Navy SSR Agniveer Exam Result.
The Cut off Marks depends on the Candidate’s Category, the previous year’s Cut off marks, the difficulty level of the question paper, no. of candidate who appeared for the exam. Please visit the official website if you face any kind of problem or quires about the Indian Navy SSR Result 2023.
- The total candidate who appeared for the exam.
- of vacancies.
- Previous Year Cut off Marks.
- Candidate’s category.
- The Difficulty Level of Question Paper
State/ UT | Cut Off Marks |
Andaman & Nicobar | — |
Andhra Pradesh | — |
Arunachal Pradesh | — |
Assam | 17 |
Bihar | 40.25 |
Chandigarh | — |
Chhattisgarh | — |
Dadar & Nagar Haweli | — |
Daman & Diu | — |
New Delhi | — |
Goa | — |
Gujarat | 20 |
Haryana | 57.25 |
Himachal Pradesh | 36 |
Jammu & Kashmir | — |
Jharkhand | 31.25 |
Karnataka | — |
Kerala | 25.50 |
Lakshadweep | — |
Madhya Pradesh | 26.75 |
Maharashtra | 25.25 |
Manipur | — |
Meghalaya | — |
Mizoram | — |
Nagaland | — |
Odisha | 30.75 |
Pondicherry | — |
Punjab | — |
Rajasthan | 54.25 |
Sikkim | — |
Tamil Nadu | — |
Telangana | — |
Tripura | 08 |
Uttar Pradesh | 42.50 |
Uttarakhand | 39 |
West Bengal | 24.25 |
Indian Navy SSR Merit List 2023
The Indian Navy Agniveer Merit List shows that the candidates who scored the highest marks in the exam will get shortlisted in the Indian Navy SSR merit list. The department will soon prepare the Indian Navy Merit List based on the performance of the individual in the written exam.
The Indian Navy SSR Merit List contains the names of the candidate and the registration number of the candidates who scored the highest marks and get selected for the exam. Those who get their name on the merit list will proceed to the next round of the selection process. Candidates can download the Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Merit List from here.
How to download Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Result 2023
Finally, All students who gave the exam are able to check the Indian Navy Agniveer Result Name wise. Aspirants keep some patience while checking their Indian Navy SSR Results. Also, we will upload the result on this page And Candidates can easily download it and they did not need to go on any other website.
- First, visit the official website of the Indian Navy i.e. joinindiannavy.gov.in.
- On the home page, search for the Indian Navy SSR Result link.
- And then, Enter the registration number and date of birth details of the candidate.
- After that, click on the submit button.
- From there you can find the Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Result 2023.
- Check the scores obtained.
- Finally, Download and take a printout of the Indian Navy Agniveer Result for further use.
Download Indian Navy SSR Result
नौसेना में अग्निवीर SSR-MR रिजल्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है उम्मीदवारों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। बोर्ड द्वारा अग्निवीर कंप्यूटर बेस्ड टेस्ट का संचालन दिनांक 08 से 11 जुलाई 2023 तक हुआ है। इसके तहत एसएसआर (सीनियर सेकेंडरी रिक्रूट) और एमआर (मेट्रिक रिक्रूट) 02/2023 बैच के लिए 1465 पद भरे जायेंगे। अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए गए लिंक अपने आईडी एवं पासवर्ड दर्ज करके परिणाम देख सकते है।
Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Bharti 2023- Selection Process
Shortlisting of candidates would base on the aggregate percentage obtained in Physics, Mathematics and at least one of these subjects- Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science in the qualifying examination (10+2). Shortlisting will carry out State wise in a ratio of four times the number of vacancies. The Navy Agniveer Cut off marks may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state-wise manner. The shortlisted candidates would be issued a call-up letter for written examination and PFT. Aadhar Card is mandatory for written examination/ PFT.
- Computer-Based Examination
- Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
- Medical Standards
- Final Navy SSR Merit list
FAQs for Indian Navy Agniveer Result 2023
Question- When will the Join Indian Navy Agniveer Exam Result declare?
Answer- The Department will declare the result soon
Question- How to check the Indian Navy SSR Agniveer Result?
Answer- Applicants can download the Result from the official website or you can download the same from the above-given link.
Question- What is Cut off of Navy SSR?
State/UT | Cut off Marks |
Gujarat | 25 |
Maharashtra | 34.40 |
Kerala | 41 |
Karnataka | 17.5 |
Question- What is an official site to see the Indian Navy SSR Agniveer Result?
Answer- The official site to check Indian Navy Agniveer Result 2023 is joinindiannavy.gov.in.
Thus, aspirants check Indian Navy Agniveer SSR Result 2023 using the above link. They will get all the details regarding the Indian Navy SSR Cut off Marks/ Merit List, and Indian Navy SSR Exam Selection Criteria from this article. Further, they ask for any doubts by putting comments here.