IBPS PO Result 2023-24 Probationary Officer Exam Scorecard, Check IBPS PO/MT Prelims Result, Category wise PO Pre Exam Cutoff List
IBPS PO Prelims Result Name Wise – The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has already conducted Probationary Officer preliminary Exam in Sept-Oct 2023. Many candidates participated in this CRP PO/MT-13. Now all candidates are now able to check PO Main Exam Score, Cutoff Marks category-wise. Hence, We are also giving IBPS PO Expected Cutoff Marks for the Preliminary & Main Examination. In addition, Department is recruiting eligible candidates for 3049 Probationary Officer/Management Trainee posts. Presently, Authority is preparing to announce PO Pre Exam Result
Recently PO Preliminary Exam was successfully conducted on 23, 30 September and 01 October 2023 And many candidates are eligible for Main Examination. So they all can check IBPS PO Result Name wise. The next selection process shall Personal Interview/ Group Discussion. And then Department will declare Combined Result for Main Exam & Interview for CRP-PO/MT-XIII. After that, IBPS PO Prelims Exam Result will issue in PDF format with the Name, Roll Number, and Rank of Candidates.
IBPS PO Result 2023-24 PO/MT Prelims Exam Cut off Marks
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is conducting a Common Recruitment Process for the Selection of Personnel or Probationary Officer/Management Trainee posts. Generally, the Exam will be two tiers i.e. the Online Exam will organize in two phases, Preliminary and Online Main Exam. Aspirants who will qualify in Prelims Exam and will have to appear for Online Exam Exam and then shortlisted candidates will call for a Personal Interview.
There are 3049 vacancies for Probationary Officer/Management Trainee posts. Authority has organized a Preliminary Exam on 23rd, 30th Sept and 1st October 2023. Now the list of qualify candidates is appearing in Main Exam on 05.11.2023. So they are now able to see IBPS PO Main Exam Score using the below link.
इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ बैंकिंग पर्सनेल सिलेक्शन द्वारा प्रोबेशनरी & ऑफिसर मैनेजमेंट ट्रेनी के 3049 पदों पर भर्ती आयोजित की जा रही है। प्रारंभिक परीक्षा दिनांक 23 व 30 सितम्बर एवं 01 अक्टूबर 2023 तक आयोजित की गई और भर्ती बोर्ड ने October को IBPS PO Result घोषित कर दिया है। अब आईबीपीएस मुख्य परीक्षा दिनांक 05 नवंबर 2023 आयोजिय होगी।
प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज (30), Quantitative Aptitude (35) एवं Reasoning Ability (35) से कुल 100 प्रश्न पूछे गए है। प्रत्यके प्रश्न एक अंक का है। वही मुख्य परीक्षा में विभिन्न विषयो से 155 प्रश्न आये है। पीओ मुख्य परीक्षा कुल 225 अंक की है जिसमे 2 प्रश्न निबंध Letter Writing & Essay के 25 अंक के है। यहाँ पर हमने संभावित आईबीपीएस प्रीलिम्स & मैन्स कटऑफ अंक दिए है।
IBPS PO/MT Exam Result 2023-24
Organization Name | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection |
Post Name | Probationary Officer and Management Trainee |
Total Posts | 3049 |
Exam Name | Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer & Management Trainees (CRP-PO/MT-XIII) |
Job Category | Latest Bank Jobs |
Category | IBPS PO Result |
Selection Process | Prelims Exam/ Mains Exam/ Personal Interview |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.ibps.in |
Start Date for applying IBPS PO Bharti | 01.08.2023 |
Close date for IBPS PO Online Registration | 21 August 2023 |
Dates for Payment of Application fees/Intimation Charges | 01 to 21 August 2021 |
Download Call Letter for Pre Exam Training | 11 September 2023 |
Conduct of Pre Exam Training | September 2023 |
IBPS PO Admit Card for Preliminary Exam | 3rd week of September |
IBPS PO Prelims Exam Date | 23, 30 September and 01 October 2023 |
Result date for pre Exam | October 2023 |
Call letter for IBPS PO Mains Exam | —- |
IBPS PO Main Exam Date | 5th November 2023 |
Declaration of Main Exam Result | December 2023 |
IBPS PO Result | January 2024 |
Provisional Allotment | April 2024 |
IBPS PO Cut off Marks 2023-24
The Probationary Officer Cut off is the minimum qualifying mark obtained by the candidates to qualify for the Examination. The authority decided on minimum passing marks category-wise. There are sectional cut off for each section. So, all examinees have to secure passing marks in every subject. The Cut off marks affect by various factors and based on these factors board will prepare the IBPS PO Cut off List. The followings factors affect the IBPS PO Cut off Marks-
- Total Vacancies
- Number of Candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Exam Paper difficulty Level
- Previous Year Cut off
- Category wise Reservation
IBPS Probationary Officer Prelims Result 2023
However, Institute of Personnel Banking Selection has organized the PO Prelims Exam on23.09.2023, 30.09.2023 & 01.10.2023 at various Exam Centers. And then, Recruitment Board has declared the PO Prelims Result in Mid of October month. Besides, PO Pre Result decided whether an aspirant is eligible to sit for the IBPS PO Mains Exam. Applicants who secured the minimum Cutoff Marks as decided by the IBPS then they will be eligible for next selection round.
IBPS Probationary Officer Mains Result
Thousand of aspirants qualify for Main Examination which will conduct on 5th November 2023. As per new, Result for Probationary Officer Mains Exam will declare in December 2023. Applicants who have cleared the Mains Exam will invite for Personal interview (Face-to-face). And lastly, the Marks scored in the Mains Exam will consider for preparing the Final Merit List.
IBPS PO Final Result 2022
Final Result for CRP PO/MT-XIII will issue after completion of Main Exam and Personal Interview. Aspirants who appear for the Interview will assess for a total of 100 Marks. The Interviews shall conduct by the participating organizations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank in each State/UT. IBPS Probationary Officer Final Result will determine on the basis of the Mains Exam and Interview Score. Selected candidates will receive the provisional allotment.
How to check IBPS PO Result 2023-24 Prelims Exam Score
Applicants are finally able to check the IBPS PO Prelims Result because authority has declared already on its official website. It is equally important to keep login credentials such as User ID and password to check Probationary Officer Result Roll number wise. Meanwhile, aspirants go through below steps to check PO/MT Result with cutoff Marks.
- First, aspirants go to the official website or below link i.e. www.ibps.in.
- And then, choose CWE PO/MT link and open
- Select Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer-XIII
- After that Click on Result of Online Preliminary Exam for PO/MT
- Enter the registration number or roll number and date of birth or password.
- Click on the submit button.
- Also, check IBPS PO Prelims Result appears on the window screen.
- Download and finally save the IBPS PO Result 2023-24 further use.
Category wise IBPS PO Cut off Marks
IBPS Probationary Officer Merit List
The IBPS CRP PO Management Trainee Merit List contains the name of the shortlisted students who have scored the maximum marks in the IBPS CRP PO/ MT-13 Exam. Those who got their name in the exam will be selected for the next phase of the selection. Furthermore, Board will release the IBPS Probationary Officer Merit List after the exam result from here you can check. So, the candidates keep visiting this article to know more updates about the IBPS PO/MT Final Result 2023.
View Prelims Exam Result for CRP-PO/MT-XII: Click here
FAQs for IBPS PO Result 2023-24
Question- When will IBPS PO/MT Result be declared?
Answer-IBPS PO Prelims Result will declare in October 2023
Question- How to check IBPS IBPS PO Prelims Result?
Answer- Aspirants visit above link and enter login details to download IBPS PO Exam Score.
Question- What are the cut-off marks?
Answer- Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS in Prelims Exam.
Question- How to calculate Cut off Score/ Normalization method?
Answer- Aspirants are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the Notification available on the official web page.
Question- From where we can download the IBPS PO Result?
Answer- You can download the result from the official website or you can download the same from the above-mentioned link.
Question- What is the reason for the cancellation of the candidature?
Answer- The candidates are requested to refer to the relevant clause of the advertisement available on the official website of IBPS for the same.
Thus, We hope you will find all the details of the IBPS PO Result 2023-24 here. Because our team has given details of this IBPS CRP PO/MT Exam Result from the official website. You should check and download the IBPS Probationary Officer Exam Score from here. Still, you face any doubt then ask directly by putting question in below comment box.