IBPS PO Cut off Marks 2023-24 State wise, PO Pre & Main Exam Qualifying Marks, Probationary Officer Expected Cutoff Category wise, IBPS PO/MT Prelims & Main Cutoff Marks General, OBC, SC, ST categories
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has held the Common Recruitment Process for CRP PO/MT-XIII. As per reports, Authority has conducted the Preliminary Exam successfully on 23rd, 30th September and 1st October 2023. Hence, examinees can see IBPS PO Prelims and Mains Exam Passing Marks Category wise. Likewise, we have given there Probationary officer Cutoff Marks for both Examination. Candidates have to secure Qualifying Marks in Prelims Exam for eligible to next phase i.e. Main Exam.
Besides, there are sectional IBPS PO Cut off Marks 2023 in Pre and Main Exam. And applicants need to obtain passing Marks from English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. In addition, applicants check IBPS PO Expected & Previous Year Cutoff Marks. Further, Board will issue PO/MT Exam Cutoff along with Result.
IBPS PO Cut off Marks 2023-24 Prelims & Main Exam Cutoff
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is recruiting eligible candidates for Probationary Officer & management Trainee posts. And Department is conducting a Common Recruitment Process for CRP PO/MT-13 to recruit 3049 vacancies in all participating Banks. Recently, many job seekers have applied for the PO/MT-XIII Exam from 01 to 21 August 2023. Aspirants will need to clear Preliminary, Main Exam and Personal Interview for final Selection.
The Prelims Exam has 100 Questions with 100 Marks. But there are sectional cutoff and candidates will need to secure minimum passing marks subject wise. While the Main exam will be conducted for 225 marks which carry 157 Questions. Generally, the cutoff will prepare in IBPS PO Exam both Sectional and Overall. It is equally important to see IBPS PO Previous year Cutoff too.
IBPS Probationary Officer Prelims Exam 2023 Details
Board Name | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection |
Total Post | 3049 |
Post Name | Probationary Officer & Management Trainee |
Test Name | Common Recruitment process for CRP PO/MT-XIII |
Job Category | Govt jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Application Dates | 01 to 21 August 2023 |
IBPS PO Prelims Exam Date | 23, 30 September & 01 October 2023 |
PO Mains Exam Date | 05 November 2023 |
IBPS PO Cut off Marks | Released |
Status | Available |
Post category | IBPS PO Pre Main Cutoff |
IBPS PO Prelims & Mains Cut off Marks 2023
Likewise, IBPS PO Cut off is the minimum qualifying marks obtained by the candidates to qualify for the Examination. The authority decided on minimum passing marks category-wise. There are sectional cut off for each section. So, all examinees have to secure passing marks in every subject. Thus, the Cut off marks affects by various factors and based on these factors board will prepare the IBPS PO Cut off list 2023-24. Moreover, the following factors affect the IBPS PO Pre Main Cut off Marks –
- Total Vacancies
- Number of Candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Exam Paper difficulty Level
- Previous Year Cut off
- Category wise Reservation
Well, all participants can check Previous Year IBPS PO Cut off Marks Section wise and overall. Recently, the Board has issued the Probationary Officer Cutoff along with Scorecard. And we have updated here IBPS PO Expected Cutoff and Previous Exam Cutoff score category wise also.
IBPS PO Prelims Cutoff 2022 Category wise
Category | Cutoff Marks |
General | 49.75 |
SC | 46.75 |
ST | 40.75 |
OBC | 49.75 |
EWS | 49.75 |
HI | 17.50 |
OC | 32.75 |
VI | 24.75 |
ID | 19.75 |
Section wise IBPS PO Pre Exam Cutoff 2022
Category/Subject | English Language | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Max Score | 30 | 35 | 35 |
UR/EWS | 09.75 | 08.75 | 09.25 |
SC, ST, PwD | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
OBC | 06.50 | 05.50 | 05.00 |
IBPS PO Mains Expected Cut off Marks 2023
Thus, We all know that the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducted PO/MT Mains Exam for 225 Marks. The Authority has fixed passing marks for each section. Hence aspirants are required to secure minimum qualifying marks in Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General, Economy Banking Awareness, English Language, Data Analysis & Interpretation subjects. Furthermore, Applicants see the previous year IBPS PO Cut off Marks here-
IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2022 Category wise
Category Name | Cut off Marks (Out of 225) |
General | 71.25 |
EWS | 70.50 |
OBC | 69.75 |
SC | 59.25 |
ST | 53.25 |
HI | 37.75 |
OC | 50.50 |
VI | 66.25 |
ID | 36 |
IBPS PO Mains Section-wise Cut off List
Subject name | Max Marks | Cut off – SC ST OBC PwD) | Cut off General/EWS |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 04.75 | 07 |
English Language | 40 | 12.25 | 15.50 |
Data Analysis & Interpretation | 60 | 01 | 02.25 |
General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 02 | 04.50 |
English Language | 25 | 08.75 | 10 |
How to check the IBPS PO Cut Off Marks 2023-24
Likewise, There are three rounds in the IBPS PO Recruitment process namely preliminary exam, Main Exam and Personal Interview/Group Discussion. Both Exams have two kinds of IBPS PO Cut-off Marks i.e. Section-wise cutoff and Overall cutoff. Students are needed to clear both cut off in order to qualify for the next phase.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has finally organized the PO Prelims Exam in October month. As per news, the Cutoff for Prelims test will release along with IBPS PO Result. Every aspirants will need to obtain a minimum score in each test of online Main Exam. And then also a minimum total score to consider to be shortlisted for Interview. However, candidates must score as high as possible in the Main exam and Personal Interview in order to ensure provisional allotment.
Steps to download IBPS PO Cut off Prelims Exam
- First, visit the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) i.e. www.ibps.in.
- And then Select CRP PO/MT-XIII
- Choose the Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officers/Management Trainees XIII link
- After that Click on Result of Probationary Officer Preliminary Exam
- The Result contains IBPS PO Cut off marks 2023
- Also, Check category wise IBPS PO Pre & main Exam cutoff list
- Click on the submit button and finally save the IBPS PO Prelims cutoff list category wise
अगर आप आईबीपीएस पीओ कटऑफ के बारे में सर्च कर रहे है तो यह आर्टिकल आपके लिए उपयोगी है। प्रोबेशनरी अफसर के 3049 पदों पर प्रारंभिक परीक्षा सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित हो गई है जिसमे 100 प्रश्न कुल 100 अंक के पूछे गए है। इसके अलावा भर्ती बोर्ड ने सेक्शन वाइज न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण अंक निर्धारित किये है। और जो अभ्यर्थी बोर्ड द्वारा जारी IBPS PO पासिंग मार्क्स से ऊपर हासिल करते है वह मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु योग्य होगा। इस प्रकार आप यहाँ से IBPS PO Prelims कटऑफ देख सकते है।
Thus, we hope that all candidates will easily check IBPS PO Cut off Marks 2023-24 category wise. We have also provided full details about the IBPS PO/MT Cutoff list section-wise for Prelims and Mains Examination. Still, If you want to ask more details then put your comment here.