IB ACIO Syllabus 2024 MHA Intelligence Bureau ACIO Grade-II Exam Pattern, IB Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Syllabus Tier-I & Tier-II Exam scheme- The Ministry of Home Affairs is going to conduct IB ACIO Grade-II/ Executive Examination 2023. A huge number of candidates have applied for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II/Executive Bharti till 15.12.2023. Now all contenders are searching Intelligence Bureau Grade-II Syllabus PDF. It is equally important to clear Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III for Final Selection of IB ACIO Recruitment.
Therefore, applicants first download IB ACIO Syllabus 2023 and then cover all topics section-wise. Meanwhile, we are giving the latest study materials like Best Books, Notes, Practice paper sets etc. Hence, the Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam Syllabus includes Current Affairs, General Studies, Numerical Aptitude, Reasoning/Logical Aptitude and English.
IB ACIO Syllabus 2023-24 Intelligence Officer Exam Pattern
If you are preparing for the MHA IB Assistant Central Intelligence Bureau Officer Exam then read this article carefully. Recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs has invited online Applications for 995 Vacancies of IB ACIO Grade-II/Executive. And large number of candidates have applied between 25 November to 15 December 2023. This time they are searching MHA IB Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Syllabus PDF.
First of all, candidates must see the complete Selection Process. The Exam will be held in 2 stages: CBT and Descriptive Exam. Tier 1 will comprise 5 sections Namely Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness & General Studies, Logical/Analytical/Numerical ability & Reasoning and English Language.
IB ACIO Exam Pattern 2024
It is equally important to understand the Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam Pattern Carefully to get higher Marks. Aspirants may also know paper difficulty Level, Marking Scheme, Type of Questions and Time Management using the ACIO Grade-II/Executive Exam Pattern. It helps them understand a number of questions asked from each section and their weightage.
IB ACIO Tier 1 Exam Pattern
There are 100 objective-type MCQs, divided into 5 parts. Each par contains 20 questions of 1 Marks each question. Negative Marking of 1/4 Mark for each wrong answer. The exam Paper carries questions from Quantitative Aptitude, Current Affairs, General Studies, Reasoning, and English Language.
Section | No. of Qs | Marks | Duration |
General Studies | 20 | 20 | 60 Minutes or 1 Hour |
Current Affairs | 20 | 20 | |
General Intelligence | 20 | 20 | |
Numerical Aptitude | 20 | 20 | |
English | 20 | 20 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Tier 2 Pattern
It shall be of Descriptive type paper of 50 marks: Essay- 30 Marks & English comprehension & precis writing – 20 Marks
Tier 3: Interview- 100 Marks
Intelligence Bureau ACIO Syllabus 2024 Subject-wise
If you want good marks in the examination then you should read the Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Syllabus carefully and prepare all the topics well. We know that there are 5 subjects in Tier 1 and we have given here the topics asked from all the subjects. Hence, aspirants must keep the IB ACIO Syllabus PDF handy to ensure that they don’t miss covering any topic. Meanwhile, examinees first access the Syllabus and then start self study study using latest materials. Once you select in tier-I Exam then authority will conduct the next Selection Phase i.e. Tier-II Examination.
IB ACIO Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
- Number System
- Simplification
- Average
- Series and Sequences
- Bar Graph
- Pictorial Graph
- Time & Work
- Mensuration
- Time & Speed
- Problem on Trains
- Profit & Loss
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Investment
- Problem on Ages
- Percentage
- Pie Chart
- Permutation and Combination
IB ACIO Syllabus – General Awareness & General Studies
- Geography
- Banking
- Awards
- Indian History
- Sports
- Polity
- Current Events
- Recruitments
- Economy
- Current News – National and International
IB ACIO Grade II – Reasoning Syllabus
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Discrimination
- Analysis
- Judgment
- Decision making
- Visual memory
- Similarities and differences
- Observation
- Relationship concepts
- Analogies
- Spatial visualization
- Spatial orientation
- Arithmetic reasoning
- Verbal and figure
- Problem-solving
IB ACIO Syllabus for English
- Grammar
- Articles
- Idioms & Phrases
- Vocabulary
- Error Correction
- Fill in the Blanks
- Cloze Test
- Comprehension
- Tenses
- Unseen Passages
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Verbs
- Sentence Rearrangement
IB ACIO Grade II Exam Preparation Tips
- Attend Mock Tests online series for better preparation of exam.
- Consider the best study material and books for preparations.
- Make notes for last time revision for the ACIO Exam.
- Get the updated Intelligence Officer Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Examination.
- Try to solve Old Sample Papers & Previous year question papers for better preparation of Exams.
- Also, make self-study and start study under the expert guidelines.
IB ACIO Previous Papers 2024
The Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs is going to organize an examination for the Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II Post. Likewise, Lots of aspirants are appearing in this Recruitment Exam. The test scheduled dates will be declared soon. So candidates can try to solve Old Question Papers for better preparation to get good marks and easily crack the test.
However, The Intelligence Officer Previous Year Papers are helpful in knowing what type of paper pattern, in which sections what questions will be asked. Also, manage exam time and distribute time for all questions.
Disclaimer – Furthermore, All the information of IB ACIO Syllabus 2024 is given along with the latest Exam Pattern. Candidates kindly go through the complete post and follow the given exam preparation tips which will be helpful in the preparation of the exam. Still, Comment in the below comment box for any query.