HTET Cut off Marks 2023-24 Category wise Check Haryana TET Exam Cut off Marks for Level-I, level-II, and level-III released, HTET Expected Cut off List Category wise, HBSE TET December Exam Result, HTET Merit List दिनांक 2-3 दिसंबर 2023 को आयोजित हरियाणा शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा की उत्तर कुंजी जारी कर दी गई है। अब बोर्ड जल्द ही एचटेट रिजल्ट जारी करेगा।
The Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani has finally conducted the “Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2023” at various test centers. Besides, the HTET Exam has been held for Level-3 (PGT – lecturer ) on 02 December, Level-2 (TGT Teacher – Class VI to VIII) and Level-1 (Primary Teacher – Class I to V) on 03 December 2023.
Likewise, the board has already released the HTET Answer key and HTET PGT TGT Primary Teacher Results. Along with the Haryana TET Result, candidates also check HTET Cut off Marks 2024 category-wise from here. Hence, the Board has decided on HTET Qualifying marks for Level-1, Level-2 & Level-3.
Lots of candidates have taken the Haryana TET 2023 and Now they are eagerly waiting for the HTET Exam Cut off Category wise. Aspirants who secure minimum HTET qualifying marks from all 3 levels will eligible for TET Certificate. Thus, you see HTET Cutoff for level-1 Primary Teacher (Class I to V) & level 2 Trained Graduate Teacher and Level 3 PGT (Lecturer). For more information read the whole article.
HTET Cut off Marks 2024 Haryana TET Qualifying Marks
Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani recently announced the Notification for Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test. The test is mandatory for getting teaching jobs in government schools & Colleges from Class 1 to Class 8 & PGT Lecturer. Authority has organized the Haryana TET Entrance Exam on 2nd and 3rd December 2023. A huge number of students have appeared in HTET December 2023 for Level 1 (PRT), Level 2 (TGT) and Level 3 (PGT).
Whenever, Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test shall be held for Teachers in Level-I PRT (Class 1 to 5), Level-II (Class 6 to 8) and Level-III (Lecturer). In this Exam, 150 Questions asked for each Level. Moreover, HTET Question Paper shall make from Child Development and Pedagogy, Languages, General Studies, Maths and Environmental Studies subjects. Board has decided on minimum HTET qualifying Marks for PRT, TGT & PGT TET. The HTET Cutoff Marks are 90 Marks out of 150 i.e. 60% marks for the General/OBC Category. Backward categories of Haryana States the Cutoff marks will be of 82 Marks out of 150 i.e. 55% marks.
bseh.org Haryana TET Cut off Marks 2024
Department Name | Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani |
Exam Name | Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), PGT (Lecturer) |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Location | Haryana |
Post Category | HTET Cut off Marks |
Exam Mode | Offline Mode |
Level of Papers | Level-I for PRT, level-II for TGT, and level-III for PGT |
Official Portal | htetonline.com |
HTET Exam Date | |
Level-3 (PGT – lecturer ) | 02.12.2023 |
Level-2 (TGT Teacher – Class VI to VIII) | 03.12.2023 |
Level-1 (Primary Teacher – Class I to V) | 03.12.2023 |
HTET कट ऑफ मार्क्स 2024 हरियाणा TET लेवल 1, 2, 3 क्वालिफाइंग मार्क्स
बोर्ड ऑफ स्कूल एजुकेशन हरियाणा, भिवानी ने “हरियाणा शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा 2023” निर्धारित तिथि पर आयोजित की है। परीक्षा 02.12.2023 को स्तर -3 (पीजीटी – व्याख्याता), 03.12.2023 को स्तर -2 (टीजीटी शिक्षक – कक्षा छठी से आठवीं) और 3 स्तर (प्राथमिक शिक्षक – कक्षा एक से पांचवी) आयोजित हुई है। बोर्ड ने पहले ही HTET उत्तर कुंजी और HTET PGT TGT PRT परिणाम जारी कर दिए हैं। हरियाणा टीईटी रिजल्ट के साथ, उम्मीदवार यहां से श्रेणी वार कट एचटीईटी भी चेक करते हैं।
उम्मीदवारों के बहुत सारे ने हरियाणा टीईटी परीक्षा 2023 दी है और अब वे एचटीईटी परीक्षा कट ऑफ श्रेणी वार का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं। सभी 3 स्तरों से न्यूनतम HTET क्वालीफाइंग अंक प्राप्त करने वाले उम्मीदवार टीईटी प्रमाणपत्र के लिए पात्र होंगे। शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा स्तर -1 प्राथमिक शिक्षक (कक्षा I से V) और स्तर 2 प्रशिक्षित स्नातक शिक्षक और स्तर 3 PGT (व्याख्याता) के लिए आयोजित की गई थी। अधिक जानकारी के लिए पूरा लेख पढ़ें।
HTET Cut off Marks 2024 HBSE TET Cut off List
The Haryana TET Cut off Marks are minimum qualifying marks obtained by the candidates to qualify in the written examination. Furthermore, the Board has fixed the minimum qualifying marks for all the 3 levels (Level-I, Level-II & Level-III). The Haryana Cut off Marks vary category wise for General, OBC, SC, ST. Meanwhile, there are factors that affect the HTET Cut off.
- Number of candidates who appeared in the exam
- Exam Paper difficulty level
- Previous year Cutoff Marks, and Reservation
Check Haryana TET Cut off Marks
HTET 2023 Marking Scheme
The Haryana TET Exam conducted in 3 levels. Apart from this, the Exam has been held for 150 Marks at each Level. The question Paper carried 150 objective-type questions from various sections. However, there are no sectional Cut off marks. Further, they have to grab HTET minimum cut-off marks out of a total of 150 Marks.
Category Name | Cut-off Marks | Cut-off Percent | Total Marks |
Unreserved & General Category | 90 Marks | 60% | 150 Marks |
SC/ST, Physically Challenged, and Differently Abled Candidates in Haryana | 82 Marks | 55% | 150 Marks |
SC/ST/PwD, and Differently Abled Candidates in Other States | 90 Marks | 60% | 150 Marks |
HTET Cut off Marks 2024
The Haryana TET Cut off marks are the minimum qualifying marks, which should score by all of the aspirants to qualify in this test. Hence, aspirants are equally important to obtain marks equal to or more than the HTET Exam Cut off Marks 2024 to qualify for the test.
Category | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
All Categories (except SC and Differently abled/ Physically Challenged) | 60% (90 Marks) | 60% (90 Marks) | 60% (90 Marks) |
SC and Differently abled/ Physically challenged of Haryana Domicile | 55% (82 Marks) | 55% (82 Marks) | 55% (82 Marks) |
SC and Differently abled /Physically challenged of another state | 60% (90 Marks) | 60% (90 Marks) | 60% (90 Marks) |
HTET Merit List 2024
Every year lots of candidates participate in the examination and only 12-15% get selected. To qualify for the exam, aspirants need 60% (90 Marks) for all except SC/PH (55% 82 marks). All the candidates who have participated in the above exam can check the important dates related to the declaration HTET Result 2024 from here.
In addition to the cutoff, the Officials will release the information of the Haryana TET Merit List and shortlisted candidates for all the Level 1 (PRT), Level 2 (TGT), and Level 3 (PGT) Exams. So, check the Merit List pdf from the official web portal i.e. bseh.org.in.
Generally, Candidates can leave their comments about this post in the comment box. If there is any query regarding these HTET Cut off Marks 2024, you can share it with us. Still, We will also try to solve your query as soon as possible.