HP TET Result Date 2023-24 Himachal TET Exam Result, Check HPBOSE Cut off marks for JBT, Shastri TGT TET Exam, www.hpbose.org TET Merit List Category wise at www.hpbose.org- Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education has finally organized HP Teacher Eligibility Test – November 2023. And the HP TET Result for JBT, Shastri, TGT, Language, Punjabi and Urdu Teachers may be available in January 2024. Besides, aspirants download HP TET Answer key Subject wise.
Earlier, HPBOSE has organized Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test on 26, 28 November and 03, 09 December 2023 at various Exam Centers. A huge number of aspirants have to appear in this Exam. Now they are waiting for HP TET results HPBOSE TET Cut off Marks and Merit List.
Moreover, HPBOSE TET Exam Result and Statistics are available for eight subjects. Aspirants may check category-wise HP TET Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC and ST. Further, Board will prepare the HPBOSE TET Merit List based on marks scored by the candidates in Teacher Eligibility Test. Therefore, HPBOSE JBT Shastri TET Result is equally important to get TET Certificate for various Teacher Bharti.
HP TET Result Date 2023-24 HPBOSE TET Exam Cutoff Merit List
Good News for all those candidates who appeared in Himachal Teacher Eligibility Test. Because HPBOSE TET Result with Cutoff Marks is available here. Thus, Aspirants read this article carefully and download Himachal TET Exam Score and Category-wise Cutoff. Recently, the Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education has organized a Teacher Eligibility Test on 26 November, 27 November, 03 December and 09 December 2023.
Many candidates have successfully given the HP TET Examination. Through TET Score, aspirants can apply for JBT, Shastri, TGT, Language, Punjabi and Urdu Teacher Bharti. Meanwhile, they should first check their Himachal TET Result subject-wise and also see the Final Merit List.
In addition, the HP TET Final Answer key for all 8 Subjects is available on the official web portal. Candidates are enthusiastically waiting for HP TET Result. Now the waiting time is over and finally, HPBOSE published HP Teacher Eligibility Test Result in January 2024. Aspirants go through TET (November-2023) link from the home page and enter their Application number and Date of birth to download HP TET Exam marks.
Category wise HPBOSE TET Cutoff
HPBOSE Teacher Eligibility Test November 2023 Result Details
Board Name | Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education |
Post Name | TGT (Arts, Medical, Non Medical)/ Shastri/ L.T/ J.B.T/ Punjabi/ Urdu |
Exam Name | Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test-November 2023 |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Vacancies | Various |
Application Mode | Online |
HP TET Application Date | 10 October to 30 october 2023 |
HP TET Exam Date | 26 November, 27 November, 03 December and 09 December 2023 |
HP TET Result Date | january 2024 |
Official website | www.hpbose.org |
hpbose.org 2023 TET Cut off Marks Category wise
Likewise, the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education is going to announce the qualifying marks on its official portal along with HP TET Result 2024. The Cutoff is the minimum qualifying marks obtained by the candidates. Aspirants who will obtain these HP TET minimum cutoff marks will be considered as TET pass. The TET Certificate would be used for Teachers Recruitment.
The Board has fixed the minimum passing marks for Himachal TET category-wise. The HP TET Cut off marks is different for all category i.e. General/OBC/SC/ST. There are various factors that affect the HPBOSE TET JBT TGT Cutoff marks such as –
- Total Number of seats available for Teacher Bharti
- The number of candidates who participated in the TET Examination
- Exam Paper difficulty level
- Reservation
- Previous year Cutoff marks
HPBOSE TET Cut-off Qualifying Marks 2023
We all know that Himachal Teacher Eligibility Test was held for 150 Marks for each paper/ Subject. There are minimum qualifying that would obtain by candidates to get a TET certificate. The Board has a fixed minimum qualifying mark is 60% for all categories. It means they have to score a minimum of 90 Marks out of 150 marks. The Criteria to secure HP TET minimum cutoff marks for the reserved category is 55%.
Category | HP TET Qualifying Marks |
General | 60% |
SC | 50% |
ST | 50% |
OBC | 50% |
PWD | 50% |
- The cutoff is released along with the declaration of HP Teachers Eligibility Test Result 2023.
- The qualifying marks for General/ EWS category is 60% and 55% for OBC/ SC/ ST categories.
- In HP TET 2023 Nov Session, 3.50 lakhs (approx.) candidates have qualified for the exam.
- Candidates qualifying for the HP TET exam by scoring the required marks will be issued HP TET Eligibility Certificate. HP TET qualifying certificate will be valid for 7 years from the result declaration.
How to check HP TET Date Result 2023-24
Aspirants have to visit the official website to check the HPBOSE TGT Shastri TET Result. Meanwhile, they have to enter the Roll number and other details to see Himachal TET Exam Score, and Merit list. Lakhs number of candidates have appeared in TGT (Arts, Medical, Non-Medical), Language Teacher, Shastri, Punjabi, Urdu and JBT TET Exam. Now they need to login with their Registration number and Date of birth to check HP TET Exam Result & Merit list. Meanwhile, they will have to see details like obtaining Marks, total marks, subject-wise Cutoff Marks, Name and passing status.
- First, candidates visit the HPBOSE official website @www.hpbose.org.
- On the home page open the menu of the News Section and finds the desired recruitment link.
- And then, choose the Himachal Pradesh TET Result link.
- After that, click on the HPBOSE TET Result 2023 link of the desired post.
- Click on the download button and save the page.
- You can also check the HPBOSE TET November Exam Cut-off Marks list and merit list on this page.
- Finally, take a printout of HP TET Result & Cutoff Marks for further use.
Results of Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)- November 2023 Result Date– हिमाचल प्रदेश स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड ने सात विषयो {JBT, Shastri, Language Teacher, TGT(Non-Technical), TGT (Medical), TGT(Arts), Punjabi, Urdu} की पात्रता अध्यापक परीक्षा दिनांक 26, 27 नवंबर एवं 03, 09 दिसंबर 2023 को आयोजित की है। HP TET Result बोर्ड की वेबसाइट www.hpbose.org पर उपलब्ध है। आप निचे दिए लिंक पर जाकर अपना एप्लीकेशन नंबर और जन्मतिथि डालकर परीक्षा परिणाम प्राप्त कर सकते है।
Check Himachal TET Result Declared
Download HPBOSE TET Answer key
Details printed on HP TET Result 2023
Finally, the Board of School Education, Himachal Pradesh declared HPBOSE TET Result 2023 in July month. First, you have to check the Result using the Application Number and Date of birth. And then check the relevant details available on HP TET Exam Scorecard.
- Candidates’ name
- Application number
- Roll number
- Father’s name
- Category
- Marks
- Status
Frequently Asked Questions on HP TET Result 2023
Question- When was the HP TET Exam organized?
Answer- The Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test will be held from 26 November to 09 December 2023
Question- How can we download the HP TET Exam Result?
Answer- Students can check the HPBOSE TET Result from the official web portal i.e. www.hpbose.org.
Question- How many times is the HP TET Certificate valid?
Answer- The validity of the HP TET Certificate is 2 years
Hence, This page contains useful details about HP TET Date Result 2023-24. Along with Himachal TET Result, candidates may also check HPBOSE TET Cut off marks category-wise. Thus, if they face any issues checking the HPBOSE TET November Result then put your comment here.