HP TET Syllabus 2023 HPBOSE TET Exam Syllabus, Himachal TET Exam Preparation Tips, HP TET Exam Pattern for JBT TET, Shastri, TGT, Language Teacher, TGT (Arts), Punjabi, Urdu, and HP Teacher Eligibility Test Subject Wise Syllabus
HP JBT Shastri TET Syllabus- Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education is going to conduct the Teacher Eligibility Test for TGT (Arts, Medical, Non-Medical)/ Shastri/ L.T/ J.B.T/ Punjabi/ Urdu Posts. Besides, Aspirants who applied for these posts must be searching for study material and Himachal Pradesh TET Syllabus. As per official reports, Board will organize Teacher Eligibility Test on 18, 25, 29 June and 02 July 2023.
Meanwhile, We are giving you the Latest HP TET Syllabus and competitors can cover important topics from this. You can collect the latest HPBOSE Teacher Exam Study materials for each topic for better Exam Preparation. Furthermore, aspirants may Join the Online Test series and mock tests on a daily basis. It is equally important to cover all topics from HPBOSE TET Syllabus.
However, examinees can take an idea about what type of Paper Pattern, level of Questions using HP Teacher Eligibility Test Pattern how many questions will be asked, and the total marks. Here applicants can check for the latest HP JBT Shastri TGT Exam pattern with detailed Subject-wise HP Shastri TGT TET Syllabus 2023. Read full details here and get all the topics of each in this article.
HP TET Syllabus 2023 HPBOSE TGT Shastri Exam Pattern
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education is going to recruit eligible candidates for the latest Teacher Bharti. For this, Board is conducting the Teacher Eligibility Test, June-2023. Also, the board will determine eligibility for Shastri, JBT, Language Teacher, TGT (Arts. Medical, Non-Medical), Punjabi and Urdu Teachers. As per schedule, this year HP TET Entrance Test will conduct between 18 June to 02 July 2023. Therefore, aspirants first download their HPBOSE TET Syllabus & Exam Pattern for better Exam Preparation.
Moreover, aspirants may join the online Test Series and Mock Test to cover the latest Himachal TET Syllabus. And they also collect the latest Study Materials such as Best Books, Coaching Notes, GK Notes, and Previous Year Papers PDF. So, the HP TET Syllabus is available for Shastri, TGT Arts/medical, Language Teacher, Punjabi and Urdu TET Examination.
हिमाचल प्रदेश स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा कुल 07 (सात) विषयो के लिए ‘अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा 2023’ का आयोजन किया जा रहे है। इसके लिए बोर्ड नवे एचपी टेट परीक्षा तिथि जारी कर दी है। इस प्रकार TGT (Arts, Medical, Non-medical), Shastri, Language Teacher, Punjabi and Urdu के लिए टीईटी एग्जाम दिनांक 18 जून से 02 जुलाई 2023 के बीच होगी। अभ्यर्थियों को एचपी टीईटी सिलेबस की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए हमने यहाँ पर हिमाचल प्रदेश टेट सिलेबस एवं एग्जाम पैटर्न उपलब्ध करवाया है। Check HP TET Exam Date, Center List
Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Details
Board Name | Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education |
Post Name | TGT (Arts, Medical, Non-Medical), Shastri, L.T, J.B.T, Punjabi, Urdu |
Exam Name | Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test-2023 |
Job Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Vacancies | Various |
Category | HP TET Syllabus |
HP TET Exam Date | 18, 25, 29 June & 02 July 2023 |
Official website | www.hpbose.org |
www.hpbose.org TET Exam Pattern 2023
Well, there shall be one question paper in four different series having questions of multiple choice/objective type, carrying 150 Questions of one mark each to be attempted within 150 questions. There shall be 60% minimum qualifying mark. No negative markings for wrong answers. Himachal TET Exam Pattern is explained below –
- The question Paper will be in an offline test means candidates will have to mark the answer on an OMR Sheet.
- The exam will have 150 multiple choice questions with a time constraint of 150 minutes i.e. 02 Hours 30 Minutes.
- Each question carries 1 mark and there is no negative marking applicable in the exam Minimum mark required to qualify for the exam is 90 i.e. 60%.
HP Teacher Eligibility Test Exam Pattern – TGT (Arts)
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Child Psychology and Development, Pedagogy, Teaching-Learning processes | 30 | 30 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
English Literature & Grammar | 30 | 30 |
Social Studies | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Himachal Pradesh TET TGT (Non-Medical) Exam Pattern
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Child Psychology and Development, Pedagogy, Teaching-Learning processes | 30 | 30 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Physics and Chemistry | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HP TET Exam Pattern for TGT (Medical)
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Child Psychology and Development, Pedagogy, Teaching-Learning processes | 30 | 30 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Botany & Zoology | 30 | 30 |
Chemistry | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HPTET Shastri Teacher Exam Pattern
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Shastri Degree Course | 120 | 120 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HPTET Punjabi Exam Pattern
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Punjabi Course of Graduation Level | 120 | 120 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HPTET Exam Pattern for Urdu Language
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Urdu Course of Graduation Level | 120 | 120 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HP TET Language Teacher Exam Pattern
Subject Name | MCQs | Marks |
Hindi Course of Graduation Level | 120 | 120 |
General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
HP TET Syllabus 2023 HPBOSE TGT Shastri TET Syllabus
Applicants who have filled out the form for the Himachal TET can check the HP TET Syllabus 2023. With the help of the HPBOSE TET Syllabus, students can score well. We have mentioned the topics below for you so that you can prepare the topics by the exam time. The entire teacher syllabus is given Post wisely.
HP TET Previous Year Question Papers
HPBOSE TET Arts Syllabus – TGT
- Pedagogy
- Current affairs
- Social Studies
- Environmental studies
- English literature & grammar
- Teaching-learning processes
- Child psychology and development
- General awareness including Himachal Pradesh
HP TET Syllabus for TGT (Non-Medical)
- Mathematics
- Pedagogy
- Current affairs
- Physics and Chemistry
- Environmental studies
- English literature & grammar
- Teaching-learning processes
- Child psychology and development
- General awareness including Himachal Pradesh
Medical Syllabus for HP TGT TET
- Pedagogy
- Current affairs
- Botany and Zoology
- Environmental studies
- English literature & grammar
- Teaching-learning processes
- Child psychology and development
- General awareness including Himachal Pradesh
- Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Environmental Studies
- Teaching-learning processes
- English literature & grammar
- Hindi literature & grammar
- Child Development and Pedagogy
- General awareness & current affairs including Himachal Pradesh
HP TET Syllabus – Punjabi Language Teacher
- Questions will be asked from the Punjabi Course of Graduation level of H.P. University
- Himachal Pradesh current affairs & Environmental studies.
- General Awareness
Himachal TET Syllabus for Urdu Language Teacher
- Questions will be asked from the Urdu Course of Graduation level of H.P
- Himachal Pradesh current affairs & Environmental studies
- General awareness including
HP Teacher Eligibility Test Syllabus – Shastri Teacher
- Questions will be asked from the Shastri degree course of HP University.
- General awareness including Himachal Pradesh
- Current Affairs & environmental studies
Himachal TET Syllabus – Language Teacher
- Questions will be asked from the Hindi Course of the graduation level of HP University.
- General awareness including Himachal Pradesh
- Current affairs & environmental studies
FAQs for HPBOSE TET Syllabus 2023
Question- How many subjects are in the Teacher Eligibility Test- June 2023?
Answer- There are eight (08) subjects such as TGT Arts, TGT, Medical, TGT Non-Medical, JBT, Shastri, Punjabi and Urdu.
Question- What is HP TET Syllabus?
Answer- The Himachal TET Syllabus comprises many subjects like Language-I & II, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and Child Development & Pedagogy.
Question- Is the HP TET Exam difficult?
Answer- Every candidate has to clear TET to apply for the Latest Teacher Recruitment from classes 1 to V and 6 to 8. The Test is not very tough but good planning can only help you to pass it.
Question- Is there any Negative marking in Himachal TET?
Answer- No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
Question- What is HP TET Exam Pattern?
Answer- Each paper of all posts will be conducted for 150 Marks. And Question Paper will carry 150 Objective Type questions. These questions will be asked from Child Psychology and Development, General Awareness, Social Studies, Languages and Mathematics.
Question- What will be the standard Level of Questions Asked in HP TET 2023?
Answer- The standard Level of Questions asked in Himachal TET will be of moderate level checking the analytical and conceptual thinking of the aspirants.
Question- What is the Exam duration for the Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test?
Answer- The time duration of HPTET will be 2 hours 30 Minutes.
Thus, we have gathered all the details from the official website, you can easily download the HP TET Syllabus 2023 using the above link. If you will face any problems while downloading the HPBOSE TET Syllabus PDF comment in the comment box. We will help you as soon as possible.