Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2023 HCRAJ Clerk Junior Assistant Exam Merit List, RHC LDC Exam Scorecard at hcraj.gov.in
High Court of Rajasthan has announced Results of written Test for Recruitment to the Post of JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade II 2022. If you are waiting for Rajasthan HC LDC Result and Cutoff List then visit the below link to download the scorecard by roll number wise. Besides, Board has released HCRAJ Clerk Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. Therefore, Candidates first check their Exam Marks and then they will call for further selection phases like Computer Test (Speed and Efficiency Test).
Moreover, the Recruitment agency has organized Junior Judicial Assistant, Junior Assistant and Clerk Grade II Exam on 12 and 19 March 2023. A large number of candidates have appeared in this competitive Exam. Now they want Rajasthan High Clerk LDC Result 2023. Along with Clerk Exam Score, they may also see Rajasthan HC LDC Merit List category wise.
Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2023 Clerk Merit List
Finally, your Result of the Lower Division Clerk Examination has been declared on 1st May 2023. Recently, High Court of Rajasthan Recruitment Board has invited Online Applications for 2756 Vacancies for Lower Division Clerk Posts. Many candidates have registered for HCRAJ Clerk Bharti from 22 August to 22 September 2022. Furthermore, the Exam agency has also conducted the JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade II Exam on 12.03.2023 and 19.03.2023. At present, participants are searching for their RHC LDC Exam Score, Cutoff Marks and Merit List. Board has also issued category-wise Rajasthan High Court LDC Cutoff Marks district-wise.
We know very well that the written Exam was forww 300 Marks. And you have to secure minimum qualifying Marks out of the total score. There is no sectional Cutoff for the Lower Division Clerk Exam. Still, aspirants will need to obtain RHC Clerk Minimum Qualifying Marks i.e. 120 Marks for SC/ST & PH and 135 Marks for other categories.
राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय द्वारा जूनियर जुडिशियल असिस्टेंट और क्लर्क परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित कर दिया गया है। भर्ती बोर्ड द्वारा 2756 क्लर्क पदों के सापेक्ष लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 12 & 19 मार्च 2023 को आयोजित की गई है। अब 1 मई 2023 को राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट एलडीसी रिजल्ट जारी हो गया है। अभ्यर्थी इसके साथ ही केटेगरी वाइज HCRAJ एलडीसी कट ऑफ मार्क्स बह देख सकते है। उम्मीदवारों का सिलेक्शन लिखित परीक्षा, कंप्यूटर टाइपिंग टेस्ट, दस्तावेज सत्यापन और चिकित्सा परीक्षा के आधार पर किया जायेगा। अब लिखित परीक्षा में सफल हुए अभ्यर्थियों का कंप्यूटर टेस्ट दिनांक 26 मई 2023 को जयपुर में होगा।
राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट एलडीसी रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया गया है आप अपना परिणाम निचे से डाउनलोड करके देख सकते है-
RHC Lower Division Clerk Exam 2023
Organization | Rajasthan High Court |
Post Name | Jr Judicial Assistant, Junior Assistant and Clerk Grade II |
Total posts | 2756 |
Exam Name | Lower Division Clerk Exam 2023 |
Job category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Rajasthan |
mode of Exam | Offline |
HCRAJ LDC Exam date | 12 and 19 March 2023 |
Rajasthan High Court LDC Result | 1st May 2023 |
Status | Declared |
Post Category | Rajasthan HC Clerk Result & Merit List |
Official website | www.hcraj.nic.in |
www.hcraj.nic.in LDC Cut off Marks 2023
Good news for all those candidates who have enrolled in Rajasthan High Court Clerk Exam. Because Authority has published the HCRAJ LDC Result and now a list of selected candidates will call for Computer Test (Speed and Efficiecny Test). Now the Clerk Result is available in PDF form and you have to find the Roll number. In addition, Department has released the Rajasthan High Court LDC Cutoff for TSP and Non-TSP Areas. The Selection of applicants will complete through Written Exam and Typing Test. Now all applicants are able to see thier Lower Division Clerk Cutoff Marks category-wise.
As per the report, Authority has prepared the LDC Cutoff list based on various factors. There are many factors that affect the HCRAJ Clerk Cutoff such as the Number of Posts, Paper difficulty Level, number of Registered candidates and the Previous Year Cutoff.
Check District-wise LDC Cutof List
HCRAJ LDc Expected cutoff Marks
General | 249 – 254 |
OBC | 239 – 244 |
EWS | 234 – 239 |
SC | 225 – 230 |
ST | 215 – 220 |
How to check Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2023
- First, all candidates visit the official website @hcraj.nic.in
- And then, go to the Recruitment section
- Find Recruitment of JrJA, JA and Clerk Grade II Exam
- Click on RHC Clerk Grade II Result Link and open it
- After that, Find your Roll number from LDC Result page
- Also, check their own category Cutoff marks
- Finally, download and save the Rajasthan HC LDC Result for further use.
Download Rajasthan HC LDC Result
Raj. High Court LDC Exam Merit List 2023
By the way, Authority has issued the Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2023. However, the Merit list is also available with Clerk’s Result. It contains details of qualified candidates who obtained a minimum cutoff out of 300 Marks. Therefore, Agency has issued the HCRAJ Clerk Merit list based on written Exam Marks. If your name is in the LDC Merit list then you will be eligible for the next selection round like Typing Test. Hence, all candidates check thier Lower Division Clerk Merit List along with RHC Clerk Exam Scorecard.
Official website- Click here
Thus, we have updated the details of Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2023 here. We also hope that aspirants will easily check thier HCRAJ Clerk Cutoff and Merit list using the above link. Still, they may ask any query by putting a question in below comment box.