FCI Manager Result 2022 – Download FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Result, FCI Category 2 Cutoff Marks, FCI Manager Phase-I Merit list, Region-wise Cut off for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories
Lots of candidates are waiting for the FCI Manager Result 2022 for the Phase-I Online Examination for Category II. The Food Corporation of India has conducted Phase-I Category-II Exam between 10th – 17th December 2022. Along with FCI Category 2 Result, candidates can also check FCI Manager Phase 1 Cut off marks.
So all contenders are able to download the FCI Manager Exam Score as soon as it the officially announce. Additionally, you can check the Qualifying marks and the selection list for the next Phase II (Main Examination). Aspirants have to provide necessary credentials such as Registration ID and Password (Date of birth). The Result page contains useful details such as Name, Roll Number, Date of birth & Rank of Candidates.
Latest Update – The Food Cooperation of India has announced the Manager Online Test Examination-2022 Date. The FCI Manager Exam will conduct from 10th December 2022 – 17th December 2022. Check the below official notice for more information.
FCI Manager Result 2022 – FCI Manager Phase I Cut off Marks
The Food Corporation of India has announced an employment notification for 113 Vacancies of Manager (General/Depot/ Movement/ Accounts/ Technical/ Civil Engineering/ Electrical mechanical Engineering) posts.
For the final selection process, aspirants have to undergo a written exam (Phase I & Phase II) and Personal Interview. Aspirants who will get minimum qualifying marks from Phase-I will be declared qualified for Phase II (Main). FCI Recruitment
FCI Manager Exam Result Details
Department Name | Food Corporation of India |
Total Vacancies | 113 |
Post Name | Manager |
Recruitment Advt | 02 /2022-FCI Category-II |
Application Mode | Online |
Category | Result |
Selection process | Phase-I (Prelims), Phase-II (Mains), Personal Interview/Document Verification |
Official website | https://www.recruitmentfci.in/ |
FCI Manager Exam Dates | |
Start Date to Apply Online | 27th August 2022 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 26th September 2022 |
Application Fee | 26th September 2022 |
FCI Category II Exam Date | 10th – 17th December 2022 |
FCI Manager Result | Announced Later |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Result 2022
Hello, Guys, the Food Corporation of India will declare the FCI Manager Result 2022 (Phase-I) zone-wise such as North Zone, East Zone, West Zone, South Zone, North-East Zone, etc.
Check FCI Manager Phase-I Result
FCI Manager Cut off Marks 2022
It is mandatory to get the minimum qualifying marks from Phase-I to qualify for the written examination. The Cutoff is the minimum passing marks obtained by the candidates to be eligible for the next round of the selection process. Food Corporation of India Phase I Cut off Marks will be very important for the aspirants who gave the online Phase-I exam between 10th- 17th December 2022.
With the help of FCI Manager Cut off Marks, aspirants can estimate their FCI Category 2 Result and marks scored in the exam easily. Basically, the exam authority fixes the cutoff marks for each category on the basis of reservation and various factors.
Aspirants who get Marks equal to or above from FCI Manager Cutoff will be shortlisted for Phase-II. There are various factors that affect the cutoff marks such as the number of vacancies, the total number of candidates who appeared in the examination, Paper difficulty level, reservation, and the previous year cutoff marks.
How to check FCI Manager Result 2022 Zone Wise
The Food Corporation of India Manager Results will be declared online and candidates have to get it by providing the necessary login details. The FCI Manager Phase 1 Result 2022 zone wise are available. First candidates select North Zone, East Zone, West Zone, South Zone, and Northeast Zone and download the FCI Category 2 Result properly.
- All candidates visit the official website i.e. https://fci.gov.in/
- Select Category II recruitment.
- Find the link to the Result for the Phase-I online Examination for Category-II.
- Click on FCI Manager Result 2022 link and open it.
- Check the Name, Roll Number, and other given information.
- Save and take a printout of the Result for further use.
Check the Category-II Exam Results (Phase-I) click on the Zone given below-
FCI Manager Merit list 2022
Candidates will get shortlisted for the remaining rounds of the selection process based on the FCI Manager Merit List 2022. First, they have to secure qualifying marks in Phase-I and they will be able to appear in Phase II examination. The Merit List will be prepared based on marks obtained by the candidates in Phase I, Phase II, and personal interviews.
After the declaration of the FCI Manager Result 2022, Merit List will be generated as per the rules and regulations of the higher authority. Basically, the FCI Manager Merit List will be drawn region-wise as given below. The total performance of candidates in Phase-I and Phase II will be counted to make the Merit List.
Disclaimer – Candidates can download the FCI Manager Result 2022 Zone Wise from here. Our team has provided all the possible details FCI Maner Phase I Exam Score, Category 2 Cut off Marks, and Merit List. If you have any sort of doubts or Queries comment down below.
FAQ for FCI Manager Result 2022
How to download FCI Manager Phase-1 Exam Result?
Candidates can download the FCI Category 2 Result from https://fci.gov.in/ or from the link provided above.
What details are required to download the FCI Manager Result for Phase I?
Contenders must have a Login ID and Password to check the FCI Manager Result 2022
When will the FCI Category 2 Result announce?
The FCI Manager Phase 1 Result will announce shortly in the upcoming days.
What is the FCI Manager Exam Date 2022?
The Phase-I Online Examination for Category II is from 10th December – 17th December 2022.
Please verify the details because category II results are not yet declared. The links provided above lead to the category III results.
Hello Akshata, We provided information about Category-II but board has declared Category III Phase-II Result also so we are described in brief this result also. You can wait for Manager Phase-I Result
dear. sir,
I want to know that how to knowing my score card please send me link sir
Hello Rajkumar, Official Link is given in the “How to check FCI Manager Result” process.