DAVV Admit Card 2023 Download Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya BA BSC BCOM Hall Ticket, UG Degree Exam 1st 2nd 3rd Year Admit Card released at www.dauniv.ac.in
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Madhya Pradesh has decided UG, PG and Diploma Annual Exam in April-May 2023. Also, University has released Time Table for BA BSC BCOM BSW I Year, II Year & II Year Examination. All registered candidates are looking for UG PG Admit Card Name wise. Furthermore, Authority is going to conduct Post Graduate Course Exam Semester wise of Part-1 & Part-2. Hence, students first see Exam Dates for MA MSC MCOM M.Ed I & III Semesters. We have given the direct link to download DAVV BA BSC BCOM Hall Ticket yearly Examination.
Meanwhile, students choose their respective courses and Download DAVV Admit Card 2023 Name wise. It is also mandatory to bring the Admission Card during the Exam. Candidates who are applied for CUET 2023 download their CUET PG Exam Call Letter at https://cuet.nta.nic.in. They have to choose Course, Semester and Enter Enroll NUmber to download Dvil Ahilya Vishwvidyalaya Admit Card. Applicants may further visit the official web portal www.dauniv.ac.in/ for more details.
DAVV Admit Card 2023 UG PG Exam Hall Ticket
The Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh is providing quality education in Madhya Pradesh state. Various government and private colleges are affiliated with this University. The university gives education to Students in various UG and PG courses. Every year Students get UG degrees in Arts, Commerce and Management, Education, Physical Education, Law, Meducal and Science Department. University conducts UG & PG Exam semester /Annual wise.
Recently, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore provides various UG & PG degrees like BA BSC BCOM BCA BBA B.Ed and MA MSC MCOM MBA & MCA. Every year, Exam authority conducts Annual and Semester exams for Undergraduate and Post Graduate courses. Lakhs number of regular and private students have applied for DAVV UG PG Exam 2023. And they are searching direct link to download the DAVV Exam hall Ticket. Before getting the Permission letter, they check Time Table of the Annually and Semester exams. We know that University is conducting UG Degree Exam in April-May 2023.
DAVV UG & PG Exam 2022 Details
Department Name | Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Madhya Pradesh |
Name of Exam | UG & PG Exam |
Course Name | BA, BSC, BCOM and MA, MS, MCOM |
Post Category | DAVV Admit Card |
DAVV UG & PG Hall Ticket Status | Released |
Official website | www.dauniv.ac.in |
DAVV Exam Date | April – May 2023 |
www.dauniv.ac.in BA BS BCOM Admit Card 2023
The University has released DAVV UG PG Time Table for BA BSC BCOM and MA MSC MCOM 1st & 3rd Semester. It is mandatory to bring the DAVV Admit Card to the Exam center. The Authority will start the Exam from 29 April 2023. At the time of downloading the DAVV MA MSC MCOM Admit Card, they log in using their Application Number and Date of birth.
DAVV Admit Card 2023 Semester wise- Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya has released DAVV Semester Exam Hall Ticket for II, IV & VI Semester Exam. It is equally important to carry an Admission Certificate to the test center. Likewise, you should check relevant details after getting the Call letter properly. However, Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya has issued the DAVV Semester Exam Admit Card on its official website @ davv.mponline.gov.in.
देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय इंदौर ने यूजी-पीजी पाठ्यक्रम का परीक्षा का टाइम टेबल जारी कर दिया है। यूनिवर्सिटी स्नातक डिग्री प्रथम द्वितीय तृतीय वर्ष की वार्षिक परीक्षा अप्रैल -मई 2023 में आयोजित करेगा। इसके अलावा आप पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट (एमए एमएससी एमकॉम) 1st व 3rd सेमेस्टर के लिए एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते है। इस समय अभ्यर्थी डीएवीवी यूनिवर्सिटी प्रवेश पत्र के बारे में सर्च कर रहे है। आपको बता की हमने डीएवीवी एग्जाम एडमिट कार्ड का दीधा लिंक उपलब्ध करवा दिया है। आप सबसे पहले सेमेस्टर (1 से 10 तक एवं 1st 2nd 3rd Year) का चयन करे और उसके बाद एनरोल नंबर डार्क कर डाउनलोड कर सकते है।
Details on DAVV MA MSC MCOM Admit Card 2023
T=Generally, Admit card contains useful information about candidates and Examinations. After getting the Admit Card, aspirants must check the relevant details on it. If you face any discrepancy on DAVV Admit Card details then contact to exam cell as soon as possible. Following details are available on Admit Card –
- Name of the Student
- Student’s Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- Name of the Exam
- Name of the Course
- Exam Date and Time
- Recent Photograph
- The venue of the Exam
- Student’s Photograph
- Reporting Timings
- Address of the exam center
- Full Signature of Candidate
- Full Signature of Superintendent
- Controller of Examiner Name & Signature
- Exam Instructions
How to download DAVV Admit Card 2023 Semester wise
Finally, Department has released the DAVV UG PG Hall Ticket online mode. Candidates who are going to appear in MA, MSC, MCOM (1st & 3rd Semester) Exam download DAVV Exam Admit Card using the below link. We have provided complete details about Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Admit Card. However, follow the below-given steps to download DAVV UG PG Hall Ticket Name wise-
- First, all students visit official website https://www.dauniv.ac.in/
- Find the DAVV Admit Card link and open it
- And then, Choose your Course, Exam and Semester
- Click on the desired Course and Enter Asked details like Application Number, Date of birth, etc.
- After that, Click on submit button and Admit Card will display on a computer screen
- Finally, download and save Devi Ahilya University Admit Card for further use
Download DAVV Exam Call Letter
FAQs on DAVV UG PG Admit Card 2023
Question- What is the Importance of Downloading the DAVV Admit Card?
Answer- Students who are appearing in Exam they should carry the Admit Card. It is mandatory because, without the DAVV Exam hall ticket, they will not be allowed to attend the Examination.
Question- When will the DAVV Call letter release?
Answer- The authority has released Admit Card semester-wise. Admit Card for April-May Exam has been issued and students can download it using the above link.
Question- How to download Admit Card?
Answer- We have mentioned the complete process to get the DAVV UG PG Hall Ticket in this article.
Question- What are the details provided in the Devi Ahilya University Hall Ticket?
Answer- The details provided in the DAVV Admit Card 2023 such as the name of the candidate, roll number, candidate’s date of birth, candidate’s category, exam date, and slot, exam timings, reporting time, entry closing time, name and complete address of exam center, etc.
Question- Will the Hall Ticket be available in offline mode?
Answer- No, DAVV Admit Card 2023 will not be available in offline mode. Candidates can download the DAVV UG PG Admit Card only through online mode. The Hall Ticket link will be available on the official website www.dauniv.ac.in.