CTET Cut off Marks 2023-24 CBSE CTET Paper 1 & Paper 2 Qualifying Marks, CTET August Exam Cutoff List Category wise General, OBC, SC, ST & EWS
Finally, Central Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 has finally been conducted successfully across the country. A huge number of candidates have appeared in CTET August 2023. Besides, Answer key of the CTET Entrance Exam is available set-wise. Still, aspirants are searching Result, Cutoff Marks and Merit list category-wise. Therefore, they first see CTET Passing Marks for all categories decided by the CBSE Board. Recently, the Central Board of Secondary Education has conducted the Teacher Eligibility Test on 20 August 2023. So, check CTET Cut off Marks 2023-24 for Paper-I and paper-II.
There are two papers in the CTET exam, the first paper is conducted for the primary teacher classes 1 to 5 and the second paper is conducted for the upper primary teacher classes 6 to 8. Each paper is of total 150 marks. Thus candidates need to score at least 60% marks to qualify. Candidates can also check the CTET Expected Cutoff Merit List from here. Further, they can ask any doubt by putting comments or collecting more details at www.ctet.nic.in
Latest News– The Central Board of Secondary Education has Released the CTET August Answer key. Students are able to see CTET Scorecard using the below link. They have to provide the Roll number and date of birth to download CTET Exam Score.
CBSE CTET Cut off Marks 2023 Paper-I & Paper- II Cut off List
Hello guys, Central Board of Secondary Education has held the 12th edition of the CTET Aug-2023 in offline mode i.e. pen-paper (OMR) based on 20/08/2023. Examinees are equally important to clear CTET Cutoff Marks to declare qualified for the Exam. Thus, those who score at least 60% (50% for reserved category) in the CTET Exam will consider a TET Pass. We have also provided CTET Previous year Cutoff and minimum qualifying Marks of Paper-1 & Paper-2. We are telling that CETET minimum qualifying marks are different for all categories (Gen, OBC, SC, ST). At present, the CBSE board is preparing to release the Final Answer key and Result.
Moreover, We have given here the minimum qualifying marks required and expected cutoff marks for CTET Paper 1 & 2. Well, you can know about CTET Cutoff with the help of the answer key. There are two papers in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test. Each paper has 150 MCQs and each question will carry 1 mark. It means you have to score minimum 90 marks (General) and 82 marks (SC/ ST/ OBC) out of 150. 60% marks for general category candidates and 55% marks for other categories.
यह केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा में 60% से अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक है। CTET प्रवेश परीक्षा अगस्त 2023 को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित की गई थी। इसलिए, उम्मीदवारों को 150 में से न्यूनतम 90 अंक प्राप्त करने चाहिए। आरक्षित श्रेणियों के आवेदकों को अर्हक अंकों में 5% तक की छूट दी गई है।इसका अर्थ है कि उनका CTET परीक्षा स्कोर 150 में से न्यूनतम 55% या 82.5 अंक होना चाहिए।
Central Teacher Eligibility Test – August 2023 Details
Organization Name | Central Board of School Education |
Exam Name | Central Teacher Eligibility Test- July 2023 |
Post Name | Primary Teacher (Class 1st to 5th),
Elementary Teacher(Class 6th to 8th) |
No. of Posts | Various Posts |
CBSE CTET Exam Date | 20 August 2023 |
CTET Results Release Date | September 2023 |
Category | CTET Cut off Marks & Merit List |
Selection Process
Written Test, Document Verification, Overall Cutoff, and Final Merit |
Job Location | India |
Official Website | www.ctet.nic.in |
CTET कट ऑफ मार्क्स 2023
केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (CBSE) विभाग ने CBSE CTET परीक्षा 20 अगस्त 2023 को आयोजित की है। सीटीईटी परीक्षा के लिए बहुत से उम्मीदवार उपस्थित हुए हैं। अब उम्मीदवार CTET दिसंबर परिणाम का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहे हैं | साथ ही वे CBSE CTET Cut off Marks Category wise देख सकते है। अधिकारी सीटीइटी परीक्षा परिणाम और कटऑफ सूची की घोषणा September 2023 के महीने में करेंगे।
CTET परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर, केंद्रीय शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा मेरिट सूची / रैंक सूची तैयार की जाएगी। और शॉर्टलिस्ट किए गए उम्मीदवारों को आगे के राउंड के लिए बुलाया जाएगा। इस लेख में, हम आपको पेपर I और पेपर- II में CTET मेरिट सूची और परिणाम डाउनलोड करने के लिए लिंक प्रदान करेंगे और साथ ही जनरल / ओबीसी / एससी / एसटी आदि के लिए CTET कटऑफ सूची और अधिक विवरण के लिए, उम्मीदवार कर सकते हैं पूरे लेख की गहराई से जाँच करें।
ctet.nic.in Paper 1 & Paper 2 Cutoff 2023
The Central Teacher Eligibility Test cutoff is the minimum passing Marks that students need to obtain in order to clear the Exam. Authority does not fix the CTET Cutoff Marks, they require to secure the minimum qualifying marks to pass the Exam. As per the CTET minimum Cutoff fixed by the Department, 60 percent marks need for General, 55 percent marks for the reserved category. The CTET 2022 Exam has been held for two papers i.e. Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper carries 15 multiple-choice questions of 1 mark each. Out of the total 150 marks, 90 Marks are considered qualifying for General Category 82 Marks for SC, ST, and OBC Category.
The department will determine the cutoff based on various factors. Aspirants have to obtain minimum passing marks out of 150 Marks in each paper. There are various factors on which the cutoff of CTET Depends. The factors include the following-
- Total Vacancies
- Number of appeared aspirants
- Qualifying Marks
- Total number of Registered candidates
- Paper difficulty level
- Previous year Cutoff
- Reservation Category wise
CBSE CTET Exam Cut off List Category Wise
After the CTET July Exam, many Candidates are waiting for Cut off Marks. For the entire CTET exam given candidates have to score 60% Marks to Qualify the Exam. Candidates who will get 90% above marks, will be qualified for the counseling round. In the below section, we will mention Category Wise CTET Cutoff List for General/ OBC/ SC/ ST from there candidates can analyze and calculate their score. Check CTET Exam Cut-off List Category Wise.
CTET Minimum Qualifying Marks | ||
Category | Minimum Qualifying Marks | Passing Marks |
General | 60% | 90 out of 150 |
SC/ST/OBC/PwD | 55% | 82.50 out of 150 |
CBSE CTET Merit List 2023
The CBSE CTET Merit List will be prepared on the basis of CTET Cut off Marks 2023. To qualify for the CTET Exam, The CBSE board has fixed the minimum passing marks. The Candidate who will score 60% of marks and above will be qualified for TET round. The previous year, the passing mark for CTET was 60%. A candidate who will score equal to or more than 60% will be qualified for the exam.
The CTET August Exam Qualifying Marks is 60% and above. A candidate who will score more than or equal to the marks will be considered for an eligibility certificate.
CTET August 2023 Qualifying Marks)
Category | Qualify percentage | Qualifying Marks |
General | 60% | 90 Marks |
SC/ST/OBC | 55% | 82.5 marks |
How to Check CBSE CTET Cut off Marks 2023
- First, candidates visit the official website @www.ctet.nic.in.
- Go to the Public Notice Section
- And then, Download CTET Answer key and check all correct responses
- Go back to the Latest news and choose CTET July 2023 Result Link
- After that, Enter login credentials such as Registration/Application number and DOB
- Check relevant details printed on CTET Exam score
- Then select the ‘CBSE CTET Cut off Marks 2023’ option from the tab.
- Finally, download and save the CTET August Exam Score
Check CBSE CTET Answer key Released
CTET Cut off Marks
CTET July 2023 Expected Cutoff Marks Category wise
Category | Expected Cutoff (out of 150 Marks) |
General | 90 to 92 |
OBC | 82 to 87 |
SC | 82 to 85 |
ST | 82 to 85 |
FAQs for CTET Cut off Marks 2023
Question- When will CTET Results for Paper-I and Paper-II announce?
Answer- The Central Board of Secondary Education has declared the CTET exam Result in February 2023.
Question- What are the Cut off Marks for CTET Paper-1 & paper-2?
Answer- The minimum qualifying marks for both papers are given here.
Question- Who is eligible for CTET Eligibility Certificate?
Answer- Contenders who obtain a minimum 60% aggregate marks in CTET Exam are issued CTET Certificate.
Question- What is the CTET Certificate validity?
Answer- The CTET eligibility certificate will be valid for 7 Years from the date of the Result announcement.
Question- Is there any provision for revaluation or rechecking of the CTET August Result?
Answer- There is no provision for rechecking or revaluation of the CTET Exam Result.
Question- What is CTET Cut-off Marks 2023?
Answer- Aspirants belonging to the General category required 90 out of 150 Marks in CTET Exam. Other category candidates are required to obtain 82 out of 150 Marks.
Question- What after the declaration of Central Eligibility Teacher Test Result?
Answer- Selected contenders can apply for the latest Teacher Jobs in the private and Government sectors.
Thus, we have provided you the complete detail of the CBSE CTET Cut off Marks 2023 Category wise. Also, we hope that aspirants will easily check CTET August Exam Score. Further, they may ask about problems by putting comments here.