CRPF Tradesman Result 2023 – Constable Tradesman Cutoff marks, Merit List category wise, Download CT (Technical & Tradesman) Exam Scorecard at https://rect.crpf.gov.in
The Central Reserve Police Force has organized Recruitment for the post of Constable (Technical & Tradesman)-2023 in CRPF. Besides, a Computer Based Test has been held between 01 July to 12 July 2023 at various centres. Many applicants have appeared in the Written Test and now they are eagerly waiting for the CRPF Constable Result for a long time. Therefore, they first download their Answer key and calculate probable Exam Score. As we all know the Recruitment Process will consist of CBT, PST/PET, Trade Test and Document Verification.
Moreover, aspirants have to visit the official link to check CRPF Tradesman Result 2023 along with Cutoff Marks. We also are sharing here CRPF Constable Expected Cutoff Marks and minimum qualifying Marks. After that, Board will invite shortlisted candidates for the Physical Standard Test & Physical Efficiency Test and Trade Test. Applicants may further visit the official website www.crpf.gov.in to collect more information.
CRPF Tradesman Result 2023 Constable Technical Cutoff List
Finally, the Central Police Reserve Force has organized the Computer Based Test (CBT) of Constable (Technical/Tradesman), Pioneer and Constable (Ministerial). Recently, the Department has issued an employment Notification for 9212 Vacancies of Constable Tradesman post. And a huge number of applicants have applied for Constable Bharti from 27 March to 25 April 2023. Contenders have to undergo a Written Test, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Trade Test, DV and Medical Test.
As per the news, there are four sections in CBT Exam such as General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and Awareness, Elementary Mathematics and English/Hindi. The Tradesman Written Exam has 100 questions with 100 Marks. Likewise, applicants have to obtain minimum qualifying Marks such as 30% Marks (General), 25% (OBC/EWS) and 20% for others. Thus, they can download CRPF Constable Tradesman Cutoff and Result.
Central Reserve Police Force Constable (Tradesman) Exam 2023 Details
Department | Central Reserve Police Force |
Total Posts | 9212 |
Post Name | Constable (Technical & Tradesman) Male/Female in CRPF 2023 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
CRPF CT Tradesman Application Dates | 27 March to 25 April 2023 |
CRPF Tradesman CBT Dates | 01 July to 13 July 2023 |
Constable Tradesman Result | Release Soon |
Selection Process | Computer Based Test,
Physical Standards Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Trade Test, Document Verification, Medical Exam |
Status | Available |
Post Category | CRPF Constable Result |
Official website | https://crpf.gov.in |
rect.crpf.gov.in Tradesman Cutoff Marks 2023
The Recruitment Board has decided on minimum cutoff marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. And applicants have to secure minimum passing marks out of 100. There is no sectional cutoff and Board will prepare CRPF Constable Cutoff List based on various factors. Aspirants may also see CRPF Constable tradesman Expected Cutoff Marks. It is equally important to obtain these Cutoffs for qualifying in the Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Trade Test.
However, the official Cutoff shall be released along with CRPF Tradesman Result 2023. The department will make the Cutoff list based on total posts, Paper difficulty level, Registered candidates and reservations. after that, the Authority will complete final merit list based on CBT, PST/PET and trade Test marks. There are various factors that affect cutoff such as –
- Total Vacancies
- Registered Candidates for the CBT
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Previous Cutoff
- Category wise Reservation
CRPF Constable Expected Cutoff Marks
Category | Cutoff |
General | 65 – 70 Marks |
OBC | 60 – 65 Marks |
Scheduled Caste | 50 – 55 Marks |
Scheduled Tribes | 50 – 55 Marks |
Economically Weaker Section | 60 – 65 marks |
CRPF Tradesman Result Date & Merit List
As per official news, CRPF Constable TM Result is going to be released on 31 July 2023 (Expected). Many examinees are searching CT TM Exam Score for Driver, Motor Vehicle, Mochi, Tailor, Carpenter, Plumber and others Posts. If you are one to appear in Written Exam from 01 to 12 July 2023 then stay tuned here. Many aspirants have submitted their objections against the Answer key till 21 July 2023. After solving all objections, Board will declare CRPF Tradesman Exam Result and Cutoff Marks. Presently, Exam agency is preparing the Result based on the Normalisation Process. And the CRPF Constable Tradesman Merit List consists of names of candidates for further selection rounds such as PST/PET, Trade Test and Document Verification.
Download CRPF CT TM Answer key
How to check CRPF Tradesman Result 2023 Online
- First, aspirants visit the official website i.e. crpf.gov.in
- And then, click on the Recruitment website link
- Find Download Results of Constable (Technical & Tradesman)
- Open the desired link and the CRPF Constable TM Result page will display
- After that, Enter login credentials such as Registration number and Password
- Click on the submit button and check the relevant details.
- Finally, download CRPF Tradesman Result for further use
Check CRPF Constable Exam Result – Click here
केंद्रीय रिज़र्व पुलिस बल द्वारा 9212 पदों पर कांस्टेबल (टेक्निकल ट्रेड्समैन) भर्ती का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। भर्ती बोर्ड ने दिनांक 01 जुलाई से 12 जुलाई 2023 तक कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा का संचालन किया है। इस प्रकार परीक्षा में शामिल हुए अभ्यर्थी यहाँ से सीआरपीएफ कांस्टेबल उत्तर-कुंजी देख सकते है जो 18 जुलाई 2023 अपलोड की गयी है। अब परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण उम्मीदवार अगले चरण के लिए योग्य होंगे जो शारीरिक नापजोख एवं शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा होगा। उसके अलावा, अभ्यर्थी सबसे पहले CRPF Constable Tradesman Result देखे जिसका लिंक यहाँ उपलब्ध करवा दिया है।