CCL Trade Apprentice Previous Year Paper 2023– CCL Apprentice Old Solved Papers PDF, CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Exam Preparation Tips
You can download CCL Apprentice Sample Papers for each subject from this article and can increase your performance in the written exam. The Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) is conducting the Trade Apprentice Exam Soon in the coming months. The department will be appointing 1565 vacancies. The aspirant who has filled the CCL Apprentice Exam Form is now looking for solved question papers, sample papers, and model papers for better preparation of the Exam.
We advised contenders that they must join Online Test Series, Mock Test, and collect the latest Study Materials. We have provided the CCL Apprentice Old Question Paper for the sake of candidates for better preparation so that they can practice questions to know their capability.
The CCL Trade Apprentice Previous Year Paper 2023 helps the applicants to know the difficulty level of the question paper, know the types of questions asked. All the candidates can improve their speed by solving the old question papers from the links provided below. Go through the below sections of the article to know more about the CCL Trade Apprentice Solved Papers PDF. They should solve practice set papers to cover important topics from Syllabus. Scroll down for the previous question papers links.
CCL Trade Apprentice Previous Year Paper 2023 CCL Apprentice Sample Papers
Central Coalfields Limited is recruiting eligible candidates for 1565 Trade Apprentice Vacancies. Recently, Authority has completed the online registration process. And lakhs number of candidates have registered for this Bharti. There are various vacant posts for Fitter, Welder, Electrician, Mechanic, COPA & more. We are providing here latest CCL Apprentice Syllabus and Exam Pattern. They first check Exam pattern to know the exact Question Paper pattern and level of Questions. In addition, Central Coalfields Limited Trade Apprentice Syllabus consists of Logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English, General Awareness and Professional Knowledge.
Now all aspirants collect CCL Previous Question Papers and solve them on daily basis. They may also join online Test series, Mock Test for better preparation. Moreover, we are uploading Central Coalfields Limited Apprentice past year papers. Aspirants may understand Question Paper Level, Marking Scheme, and Time Management.
सेंट्रल कोलफील्ड्स लिमिटेड ने स्पेशल रिक्रूटमेंट ड्राइवर फॉर एससी, एसटी व ओबीसी का नोटिफिकेशन जारी कर दिया है। योग्य अभ्यर्थी माइनिंग सिरदार, इलेक्ट्रीशियन/तकनीशियन, डिप्टी सर्वेयर एवं असिस्टेंट फोरमैन (इलेक्ट्रिकल) पद हेतु दिनांक 30 मार्च 2023 से आवेदन कर सकते है। सभी पड़ी मेंचयन कंप्यूटर बेस्ड टेस्ट (CBT) के आधार पर किया जायेगा। इस प्रकार सबसे पहले अभ्यर्थी अपना 19 अप्रैल 2023 तक आवेदन जमा करवाए। उसके बाद 05 मई 2023 को सीबीटी एग्जाम आयोजित होगी। CCL Recruitment
Central Coalfields Limited Apprentice Bharti Exam 2023
Organization Name | Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) |
Post Name | Trade Apprentice |
Total Vacancies | 1565 Posts |
Job Category | Central Government Jobs |
Mode of Application | Online Mode |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Ranchi, Jharkhand |
Official Website | www.centralcoalfields.in |
CCL Exam Preparation Tips
You can check the CCL Apprentice Exam Preparation Tips, Tricks, Make Planning, and Strategy to cover important topics from Syllabus. There are some Exam preparation tips for the exam.
- You must collect Study Material such as Best Books, GK/Study Notes, practice sets and download CCL Exam Previous Year Papers
- Then make study time table as per Exam Pattern
- Give time to each section and focus on easy topics
- Divide Exam time for each section and try to solve Old year papers.
- If you are stuck in any topics then leave it and focus on the next section, Revision of all topics is very important
CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern 2023
Reasoning, English Language, Professional Knowledge, Numerical Ability and General Awareness are the subjects of the CCL Exam Pattern 2023. The officials of Central Coalfields Ltd will ask 150 questions in the Exam. Each question carries the 01 mark and the time duration of the exam is 120 Minutes. So, candidates if you want to get more clarity about the exam paper then you must check out the CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern and know more details about the paper. Download Trade Apprentice Syllabus
Subject Name | Questions | Marks | Exam Duration |
Logical Reasoning | 25 | 25 | 02 Hours |
Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | |
English | 25 | 25 | |
General Awareness | 25 | 25 | |
Professional Knowledge | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 150 | 02 Hours |
CCL Apprentice Previous Question Papers Links
Candidates we have provided the CCL Trade Apprentice Previous Year Paper 2023 for all subjects in this section. Applicants can prepare from these Last Year Papers to score good marks in the Written Test. We advise applicants to solve these Model Papers as per Exam Duration. From the following direct links, all applicants can download the Old Question Papers PDF.
CCL Previous Year Papers Pdf | General English |
CCL Trade Apprentice Last Year Question Papers | General Knowledge |
Central Coalfields Limited Old Papers Pdf | Quantitative Aptitude |
CCL Apprentice Sample Paper | Reasoning Ability |
CCL Solved Papers Pdf | Civil Engineering |
Central Coalfields Ltd Exam Model Paper | Electrical Engineering |
CCL Apprentice Selection Process
The shortlisting of candidates will be done on the basis of the Written Exam and then Interview will be taken for the selected aspirants in paper.
- Written Examination
- Interview
CCL Recruitment 2023
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) has declared the Bharti Notification on its official website. The Total vacancies they are filling will be 1565 Vacancies for Trade Apprentice Post. This is a great opportunity for all those candidates who want the latest Govt Jobs. Interested and eligible candidates can fill the CCL Jobs Application Form from 30.03.2023. First candidates must check the CCL Vacancy Notification and Applying Instructions. If they meet all eligible norms then should start the process of filling the online form. The last date to submit the Application Form for CCL Electrician Jobs is on or before 19.04.2023
CCL Syllabus 2023
The officials have given the CCL Exam Syllabus on its official website. Applicants we have provided the link to get the CCL Apprentice Syllabus mentioned in the below sections, you can check it easily. The CCL Syllabus 2023 is important for the applicants to score good marks in the examination, with the help of the CCL Syllabus & Exam Pattern candidates can score well. You can also check the CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Preparation Tips.
Thus, Important details of CCL Trade Apprentice Previous Year Paper 2023 are given in this article. For any query give us a comment in the below comment box. We will help you as soon as possible.