CCL Syllabus 2023 CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Syllabus, CCL Apprentice Exam Pattern, Central Coalfields Ltd Apprentice Subject Wise Syllabus, CCL Selection Process, CCL Exam Preparation Tips
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) will be recruiting 1565 new candidates for the posts of Trade Apprentice. Besides, the department will organize the Written Exam in the upcoming month. Now aspirants are searching the latest Study materials such as Best Books, Coaching Notes, and Previous Papers. The officials have given the CCL Exam Syllabus on its official website. Applicants we have provided the link to get the CCL Apprentice Exam Syllabus mentioned in the below sections, you can check it easily.
Moreover, CCL Syllabus 2023 is important for the applicants to score good marks in the examination, with the help of the CCL Syllabus & Exam Pattern candidates can score well. You can also check the CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Preparation Tips from the below section of the article. For more details related to CCL Jobs, you can refer to our website and stay connected with us for the latest news.
CCL Syllabus 2023 CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern
Central Coalfields Limited is recruiting eligible candidates for 1565 Trade Apprentice Vacancies. Recently, Authority has completed the online registration process. And lakhs number of candidates have registered for this Bharti. There are various vacant posts for Fitter, Welder, Electrician, Mechanic, COPA & more. We are providing here latest CCL Apprentice Syllabus and Exam Pattern. They first check Exam pattern to know the exact Question Paper pattern and level of Questions. In addition, Central Coalfields Limited Trade Apprentice Syllabus consists of Logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English, General Awareness and Professional Knowledge.
There are 150 questions that will ask from various subjects and each carries one Mark. Hence, the written Exam for Trade Apprentice Posts shall be 150 Marks. Thus, candidates collect the latest study materials for better preparation. They join online Test Series and Mock Test to cover topics of the CCL Syllabus.
Rajasthan High Court Group D Exam Date
CCL Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Details
Organization Name | Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) |
Post Name | Trade Apprentice |
Total Vacancies | 1565 Posts |
Job Category | Central Government Jobs |
Mode of Application | Online Mode |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Ranchi, Jharkhand |
Official Website | www.centralcoalfields.in |
CCL Syllabus 2023
We know that many aspirants have applied for Trade Apprentice Posts in various trades. Aspirants check CCL Trade Apprentice Syllabus for Fitter, Welder, Electrician, Mechanic, COPA, Turner, Medical Laboratory Technician, and Secretariat Assistant. Moreover, we have shared the CCL Syllabus trade-wise here. And the Syllabus consists of sections like Logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English, General Awareness and Professional Knowledge. Aspirants stay tuned here and get Subject wise Syllabus for CCL Apprentice Exam.
CCL Trade Apprentice Syllabus – Logical Reasoning
- Number Series
- Letter and Symbol Series
- Verbal Classification
- Making Judgments
- Verbal Reasoning
- Logical Problems
- Logical Games
- Analyzing Arguments
- Statement and Assumption
- Essential Part
- Analogies
- Artificial Language
- Matching Definitions
- The Course of Action
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Sentence structure
- Spellings
- Statement and conclusion
- Theme Detection
- Cause and Effect
- Statement and Argument
- Logical Deduction
- Seating Arrangement
- Spot the error
- Antonyms
CCL Exam Syllabus – Numerical Ability
- Basic Mathematics
- Analytical Geometry
- Calculus
- Statics
- Real Analysis
- Operations Research & Linear Programming
- Algebra
- Differential Geometry
- Differential Equations
- Dynamics
- Statistics
- Numbers
- Fundamental arithmetical operations
- Number Systems
- Computation of Whole Numbers
- Percentages
- Menstruation
- Time and Distance
- Profit and Loss
- Discount
- Use of Tables and Graphs
- Time and Work
- Decimals
- Fractions
- Ratio and Time
- Ratio and Proportion
- Averages
- Interest
- The relationship between Numbers
- Fundamental arithmetical operations
- Number Systems
CCL Syllabus for English
- Spellings
- I am detecting Mis-spelt words
- One word substitutions
- Idioms and phrases
- Improvement
- Passage
- Verbal Comprehension passage
- Verbs
- Vocabulary
- Fill in the blanks
- Grammar
- Spot the error
- Antonyms
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Sentence structure
- Adjectives
- Clauses
CCL Syllabus for General Awareness
- Indian Culture
- New inventions
- Political Science
- About India and it’s neighboring countries
- National and international current affairs
- Countries and capitals
- Science and innovations
- History of India
- Geography of India
- Economic issues in India
- National News (current)
- International issues
- Scientific observations
- World organizations
- Famous Places in India
- Books and Author
- Important Dates
- Music & Literature
- National Dance
- Handicrafts
- Tribes
- Artists
- Tourism spots of Historical Importance
- Sculptures
- Famous Places
- Musical Instruments
CCL Trade Apprentice Professional Knowledge Syllabus
- Mine Gases
- Mine Ventilation
- Mining Methods
- Dealing with Fire, Gas, Air-Blast, or Inundation in Mines
- Detection & Removal of inflammable and toxic gases in Mines
- Explosives and Accessories and their use in Mines
- Handing over and Taking over Charge
- Safety Provisions and Precautions in Underground transportation
- Use of Blasting Cards
- Use of Equipment like Methanometer, Anemometer, Multi-Gas Detector Coal Mines Regulations, 1957 related to Mining Sirdar & Shot-firers
CCL Apprentice Exam Pattern 2023
Reasoning, English Language, Professional Knowledge, Numerical Ability, and General Awareness are the subjects of the CCL Exam Pattern 2023. The officials of Central Coalfields Ltd will ask 150 questions in the Exam. Each question carries the 01 mark and the time duration of the exam 120 Minutes. So, candidates if who want to get more clarity about the exam paper then must check out the CCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern and know more details about the paper.
Subject Name | Questions | Marks | Exam Duration |
Logical Reasoning | 25 | 25 | 02 Hours |
Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | |
English | 25 | 25 | |
General Awareness | 25 | 25 | |
Professional Knowledge | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 150 | 02 Hours |
How to download CCL Apprentice Syllabus PDF
All aspirants check the latest Syllabus of the CCL Trade Apprentice Exam above here. Still, they may visit the official website to access the Central Coalfields Limited Apprentice Exam Pattern & Syllabus. Likewise, they visit the below steps to reach Exam Syllabus. Furthermore, applicants collect the Previous Year’s Question Paper for better Exam Preparation. Finally, Apprentice Exam Announced and will conduct in May June 2023.
- First, candidates visit the official website i.e. https://www.centralcoalfields.in/
- And then, got the Recruitment Section
- Find Trade Apprentice Recruitment Link
- Open the desired link and Read the Detailed Notification
- Also, Choose CCL Syllabus PDF
- After that, Download Central Coalfields Limited Apprentice Syllabus
- Check Exam Pattern and Syllabi Section wise
- Finally, Download and save the Syllabus for further use.
CCL Recruitment 2023
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) has declared the Bharti Notification on its official website. The Total vacancies they are filling will be 1565 Vacancies for Trade Apprentice Post. This is a great opportunity for all those candidates who want the latest Govt Jobs. Interested and eligible candidates can fill out the CCL Jobs Application Form from 05th September. First candidates must check the CCL Vacancy Notification and Applying Instructions. If they meet all eligible norms then should start the process of filling out the online form.
Thus, we have uploaded details about CCL Syllabus 2023 here. We hope that all candidates will easily check the CCL Apprentice Exam Pattern and Syllabus for better preparation. Further, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.