BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment 2024 Apply Online for Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Vacancy Notification, Check Bihar SSC Jobs Eligibility Criteria, Application Fee, Fill Urdu Anuvadak Prelims Online Application Form
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission is recruiting eligible candidates for 1505 vacancies of Urdu Anuvadak, Rajbhasha Sahayak and Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak posts. Presently, the Commission has invited 1374 Candidates for Document Verification after completing Main Exam. And the Authority will organize Document Verification on 29 and 30 January 2024.
Therefore, candidates first fill Bihar SSC Urdu Anuvadak Main Exam Application and then appear in the Mains Examination. Aspirants have to pay the Exam Fee category-wise. Thus, We have provided a completed procedure to apply for BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment.
At the time of registration, candidates should keep their email and mobile number with them. During the recruitment, the board will send you the information by mail or message. The last Date for BSSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Jobs Registration is August.
Bihar SSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment 2024
The Bihar Staff Selection Commission has published a notification to recruit candidates to manage the workload in various departments. The board is filling 1505 vacancies of Rajbhasha Sahayak, Urdu Anuvadak and Assistant Urdu Translator posts. However, Selection shall be made based on various Recruitment rounds like Preliminary Test, Main examinations and Personal Interview/Document Verification.
Many students have got qualifying marks in the Prelims Exam which will be held in June-July month. Now the list of selected candidates will be eligible for the Mains Examination. Graduate Candidates are eligible for BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Jobs.
Check Urdu Anuvadak Mains Result
BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment 2024 Details
Department Name | Bihar Staff Selection Commission |
Total Vacancies | 1505 |
Post Name | Rajbhasha Sahayak, Urdu Anuvadak and Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
Selection Process | Preliminary Exam
Main Exam Personal Interview Document Verification |
Application Mode | Online |
Official website | https://bssc.bihar.gov.in/ |
Bihar SSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Mains Exam Important Date | |
Start Registration for Urdu Anuvadak Job | 3rd August 2021 |
Close date to submit Application Form | 23 August 2021 |
Payment of Fee Last Date | 22 August 2021 |
Urud Anuvadak Exam Date | Over |
BSSC Urdu Anuvadak DV Dates | 29.01.2024 and 30.01.2024 |
Eligibility Criteria for BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment 2024
Before applying for BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment, aspirants should check the required eligibility norms. The eligibility should be regarding Age Limit and Education Qualification.
Education Qualification-
Rajbhasha Sahayak (Urdu)- Graduation with Urdu as one of the subjects from a recognized University / Post Graduation in Urdu or equivalent. किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से उर्दू विषय के साथ स्नातक / उर्दू में स्नाकोत्तर या समकक्ष।
Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak- Candidates should Graduate with Urdu subject from reputed University. किसी मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय से उर्दू विषय के साथ स्नातक / समकक्ष।
Sahayak Urdu Translator – Intermediate (+2)/equivalent with at least 100 marks in Urdu subject from a recognized Board/University.
Age Limit- The age limit will be fixed as of 01.08.2023. Those candidates who hold the maximum age limit prescribed by the government as of 01.08.2023, will also be eligible for BSSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment based on age limit.
The minimum age of the student should be 18 Years for Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak and 21 Years (Urdu Anuvadak & Rajbhasha Sahayak)
Maximum Age Limit-
- General (Male)- 37 Years
- Unreserved Female- 40 Years
- BC/ Extremely Backward Class- 40 years
- SC/ST Male /Female Candidate- 42 Years
Application Fee for Bihar SSC Urdu Anuvadak Jobs 2024
Applicants have to pay a fee for the BSSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Mains Exam. The payment of Exam fee can be paid through online mode via Net Banking, Credit Card/ Debit Card, UPI.
- General, Backward Classes, Extremely Backward Classes- 750/-
- SC/ST category of Bihar residential only- Rs 200/-
- Outside the state of Bihar whether they are female/male of any category- Rs 750/-
- For all categories of disabled (Same as SC, ST)- Rs 200/-
- All (SC, ST) women candidates who are permanent residents of the state- Rs 200/-
BSSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Vacancy Details
Post Name | No. of Posts |
Rajbhasha Sahayak (Urdu) | 09 |
Urdu Anuvadak | 202 |
Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak | 1294 |
Total | 1505 Posts |
ऐसे करे सहायक उर्दू अनुवादक मुख्य परीक्षा आवेदन
सहायक उर्दू अनुवादक की प्रारंभिक परीक्षा का परीक्षाफल प्रकाशित किया जा चुका है। प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में सफल अभ्यर्थियों से मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किये है। प्रारंभिक परीक्षा हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन में प्रविष्ट Basic Details यथा- नाम, पिता/पति का नाम, फोटो, लिंग, कोटि, जन्मतिथि, स्थायी पता, दिव्यांगता की स्थिति आदि में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होगा।
मुख्य परीक्षा- मुख्य परीक्षा के लिए दो पत्र होंगे। प्रथम पत्र उर्दू व्याकरण, उर्दू में संक्षेपण एवं निबंध लेखन है तथा द्वितीय पत्र अनुवाद सम्बन्धी है । प्रत्येक पत्र के लिए समयावधि 03.00 घंटे होगी। मुख्य परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम निम्नवत है :-
- प्रथम पत्र – कुल अंक – 100
- द्वितीय पत्र – कुल अंक- 100
क्वालीफाईंग मार्क्स
कार्मिक एवं प्रशासनिक सुधर विभाग (सामान्य प्रशासन) द्वारा निर्धारित कुल अंको में से उम्मीदवारों को न्यूनतम मार्क्स हासिल करने होंगे। लिखित परीक्षा में अभ्यर्थियों को न्यूनतम अर्हतांक प्राप्त करना अनिवार्य होगा, जो निम्नांकित है –
- सामान्य वर्ग – 40 प्रतिशत
- पिछड़ा वर्ग – 36.5 प्रतिशत
- अoपिo वर्ग – 34 प्रतिशत
- अनुoजाति /जनजाति – 32 प्रतिशत
- महिला (सभी वर्ग)- 32 प्रतिशत
- दिव्यांग (सभी वर्ग)- 32 प्रतिशत
How to fill the BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment 2024 Online Application
Here we have been providing the process to apply for Rajbhasha Sahayak and Urdu Anuvadak /Translator Jobs. First of all, candidates have to register, if they are New Candidates. The Registration can be completed with a valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number.
At the time of filling the BSSC Assistant Urdu Translator Online Application, candidates must keep their necessary documents, Photo and Signatures in the specified format. They have to upload scanned documents during Registration for BSSC Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment. Follow the below steps to Apply for the Bihar SSC Rajbhasha Sahayak Vacancy-
- First, Visit the official website i.e. bssc.bih.nic.in.
- In the Notice section, select Advertisement for Post-Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak (Mains)
- Read the Important Notice and Instruction to apply for Mains Exam
- Select Link for ‘Filling Application form for Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Mains Exam’
- After that fill in the details correctly in the Bihar SSC Assistant Urdu Translator Job Application form.
- Then upload a scanned copy of the photograph and signatures in the given format.
- Pay the application fee by online mode such as Net Banking, Credit Card/ Debit Card, etc.
- Finally, save BSSC Urud Anuvadak Jobs application form for further use.
Download Admit Card for DV Exam
We also hope that candidates will easily apply for BSSC Urdu Anuvadak Recruitment using the above link. Our team has provided useful details to apply for the Sahayak Urdu Anuvadak Mains Exam. If you want to get more details then put your comment here. Apply for ITI Instructor Job