BSSC CGL Result 2023 Bihar 3rd Grade Level Combined PT Exam Cutoff Marks, check Bihar SSC CGL Merit list at bssc.bihar.gov.in- Bihar Staff Selection Commission has organized “3rd Graduate Level Combined Competitive (PT) Exam 2022”. The Authority conducted CGL Prelims Exam on 23 & 24 December 2022 (Re-Exam on 05 March 2023) at various Exam centers. Now all candidates are eagerly waiting for BSSC Combined Graduate Level Prelims Exam Score, Cutoff and Merit list. Approximately, 40 thousand applicants have participated in CGL Prelims Exam. Meanwhile, we have updated category-wise BSSC CGL PT Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS.
As per the report, the Commission is preparing to declare the BSSC CGL Result 2023 before 30 May 2023. It is equally important to find their Name, Roll number, Cutoff, Obtained Marks and others from Bihar SSC Graduate Level Prelims Exam Result. Further, they may visit the official website bssc.bihar.gov.in for more details. And then, those candidates whose names are in the BSSC CGL Merit list will invite for Mains Examination.
BSSC CGL Result 2023 3rd CGL Prelims Cutoff
Recently, Bihar Staff Selection Commission is recruiting eligible candidates for 2189 Vacancies of Graduate Level Posts. And the Department will organize the Preliminary Test, Main Exam and Interview for Final Selection. The Online Application Forms for the third Graduate Level Combined (PT) Exam have been registered from 14 April to 17 May 2022. A large number of candidates have registered for the 3rd CGL PT 2022. After that, Commission organized a Combined Graduate Level Preliminary Test on 23.12.2022 and 24.12.2022 at various exam centers.
The Prelims Exam has 150 questions from General Study, Science & Maths and Mental Ability Test subjects. And each question carries 4 Marks. Therefore, applicants have to secure BSSC CGL Exam minimum qualifying Marks. For this, the Exam agency has already decided on Passing Marks for the 3rd Graduate Level Combined (PT) Exam out of 600 marks.
Bihar 3rd Combined Graduate Level (PT) Exam 2023 Details
Organization | Bihar Staff Selection Commission |
Total Posts | 2187 |
Post Name | Secretariat Assistant, Planning Assistant, Inspector, Data Entry Operator and Auditor |
Exam Name | 3rd Graduate Level Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Examination-2022 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
Mode of Exam | Offline |
BSSC 3rd CGL PT Exam Date | 23 & 24 December 2022 |
BSSC CGL Result | Release Soon |
Status | Declared |
Post Category | Bihar SSC CGL Prelims Result |
Selection Process | Preliminary Test, Main Exam & Interview |
Official website | bssc.bihar.gov.in |
www.bssc.bihar.gov.in 2023 CGL Prelims Cut off Marks
Finally, Bihar Staff Selection Commission completed the 3rd Graduate Level Combined Prelims Exam in December 2022. Also, Authority has decided on minimum CGL Qualifying marks category-wise. We all know that Preliminary Test was held for 600 Marks. We all know that the preliminary exam was conducted for 600 marks. And a total of 150 questions have been asked in the exam from General Studies, Science, Mathematics and Mental Ability Test and each question is of 4 marks. Thus candidates have to secure minimum CGL cutoff marks out of total of 600. Also, the recruitment board has fixed the minimum passing percentage.
Meanwhile, Commission has decided on BSSC CGL Cutoff Marks based on various factors. Authority will also prepare a Cutoff list based on various factors –
- Total Vacancies
- Paper difficulty Level
- Number of Registered Candidates
- Previous Year Cutoff
- Reservation
BSSC CGL 2023 Qualifying Marks
Category | Cutoff Percent |
General Category | 40% |
BC Category | 36.50% |
OBC Category | 34% |
SC/ST Category | 32% |
All Female | 32% |
PwD Category | 32% |
बिहार कमर्चारी चयन आयोग द्वारा ‘तृतीय स्नातक स्तरीय संयुक्त प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा-2022’ का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक करवा लिया गया है। आयोग इस बार 2187 पदों पर थर्ड सीजीएल प्रीलिम्स टेस्ट का आयोजन दिनांक 23 व 24 दिसंबर 2022 को प्रवेश के विभिन्न केन्द्रो पर किया है। इस समय अभ्यर्थी बिहार सीजीएल रिजल्ट, कटऑफ एवं मेरिट लिस्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है। हम सभी जानते हैं कि प्रारंभिक परीक्षा 600 अंकों के लिए आयोजित की गई है। इसलिए उम्मीदवारों को कुल स्कोर में से न्यूनतम उत्तीर्णांक अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे। वे निचे दिए लिंक से अपना बीएसएससी सीजीएल प्रीलिम्स रिजल्ट की जाँच कर सकते है।
How to check BSSC CGL Result 2023 Online
Likewise, all candidates are able to see their Bihar 3rd Graduate Level Exam Score along with the cutoff Marks Category wise. Because Commission has issued the BSSC CGL Prelims Result. There is no sectional Cutoff and you have to obtain minimum passing marks out of 600 Marks. Meanwhile, aspirants should follow the below steps to check Bihar SSC CGL Result & Merit List.
- All candidates first visit the official website @bssc.bihar.gov.in
- Go to the Latest News Section
- Find the link “3rd Graduate Level Combined Competitive (PT) Examination-2022”
- Choose the CGL Prelims Result link and open it
- Find your details like Name, Roll number, category, DOB, Cutoff and obtain marks
- Also, enter login details such as Registration number and Password
- Click on submit button and BSSC CGL PT ExamScore
- Finally, check subject-wise marks and save the BSSC CGL Result 2023 for further use.
Check BSSC CGL Prelims PT Result
BSSC CGL Merit list 2023
Bihar Government is conducting the 3rd Graduate Level Combined Competitive Exam for 2187 vacancies. And authority will recruit eligible candidates for Sachivalay Sahayak, Auditor, Planning Assistant, malaria Superintendent and Data entry operator. Now the board is preparing to issue the Result and Bihar SSC CGL Merit list. The department has prepared the CGL PT Merit list based on marks scored by the candidates in Preliminary Test. Therefore, those aspirants will be eligible for Main Exam whose names will appear in the Merit list.
Bihar Prohibition Constable Admit Card
Thus, we have provided complete details to check BSSC CGL Result 2023. We also hope that all candidates will easily check Bihar SSC CGL Prelims Result & Cutoff Marks. Applicants may ask any doubt by putting the question in the below comment box.