Bihar Police SI Result 2023-24 BPSSC Sub Inspector Prelims & Mains Exam Scorecard, Bihar Police Daroga Merit List Category-wise BPSSC Sub Inspector Result- The Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission has finally declared Sub Inspector Prohibition Mains Result on 19 September 2023. Recently, the Authority has conducted the SI Prohibition, Sub Divisional Fire Station Officer main Exam on 03.09.2023. Now the list of shortlisted Candidates will call for a Physical Test (PET). Therefore, aspirants first check Bihar Police SI Result 2023 Name-wise. And then they start preparation for the Physical Efficiency Test which will hold on 12-10-2023.
Besides, the Department is going to conduct Sub Inspector Prelims Exam under Advt No. 02/2023 for 1275 Vacancies. Hence, they are able to download the BPSSC Sub Inspector Exam Scorecard and Merit List district-wise. According to the latest Update, the Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result page consists of Roll number, Qualified candidates and Category wise Cutoff Marks. Likewise, Examinees may visit the official website https://bpssc.bih.nic.in for more information.
Bihar Police SI Result 2023-24 SDFSO Mains Score
As we all know the Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission is conducting the recruitment of Sub Inspector Prohibition and Sub Divisional Fire Station Officer for 64 Posts through advt No. 01/2023. In addition, the Authority has invited Online Applications for Bihar Police SI Bharti to recruit 1275 Sub Inspector Posts under Advt No 02/2023. Many applicants have applied from 05 Oct to 05 Nov 2023. The preliminary Exam for SI Prohibition and SDFSO has been held on 16.07.2023. After that 1280 candidates declared qualified for Mains Exam. Meanwhile, aspirants have to score a minimum 30% out of 400 Marks in the Main Exam. We are further updating the BPSSC Sub Inspector Cutoff category-wise.
बिहार पुलिस अवर सेवा आयोग द्वारा 64 पदों पर अवर निरीक्षक मध्य निषेध एवं अनुमंडल अग्निशामालय पदाधिकारी भर्ती आयोजित कर रहा है। प्रारंभिक परीक्षा के बाद दिनांक 03 सितम्बर को मुख्य परीक्षा आयोजित की गयी है। अब बोर्ड द्वारा जारी बिहार पलिस एसआई रिजल्ट के आधार पर उत्तीर्ण अभ्यर्थियों को पीईटी (PET) हेतु बुलाया गया है। फिजिकल टेस्ट दिनांक 12 सितम्बर 2023 को होगा। इसके अलावा Advt नंबर 02/2023 के तहत 1275 पदों पर ग्रह विभाग में पुलिस अवर भर्ती निकली है। योग्य उम्मीदवार दिनांक 05 अक्टूबर से 05 नवंबर 2023 तक आवेदन करे।
BPSSC Sub Inspector Result Details
Department Name | Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission |
Total Vacancies | 1275 |
Post Name | Sub Inspector (SI) and Sergeant |
Job Category | Latest Police Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
Type of Exam | State-level Competitive Exam |
Selection Process | Preliminary, Mains Exam, and Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency test |
Official website | www.bpssc.bih.nic.in |
Bihar Police SI Exam Date | |
Prelims Exam Date | 16 July 2023 |
BPSSC Sub Inspector Mains Exam Date | 03 September 2023 |
Result of Mains Exam | 19 September 2023 |
BPSSC Sub Inspector PET Dates | 12 October 2023 |
Bihar Police SI Marksheet Result Date | Release Soon |
Bihar Police SI Cut Off Marks 2023-24
The Bihar Police SI Pre Exam has been held for 200 marks. The Pre Exam carried 100 multiple-choice objective-type questions. The board assigned 2 hours for the preliminary exam. Each question carries 2 Marks. The Board has decided BPSSC SI Pre Exam qualifying marks i.e. candidates have to obtain a minimum of 60 Marks out of 200 Marks. Generally, there are negative markings in both Exams and 0.2 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Apart from this, BPSSC Sub Inspector Prelims’ written examination was comprised of two papers. Each Paper was of 02 Hours of Time Duration with 200 Marks for Each Paper. There was a negative marking of 0.2 marks for each and every wrong answer in both prelims and Main Examinations. Thus, it is equally important to obtain these Cut off score to pass the Exam.
बिहार पुलिस दरोगा कट ऑफ 2023
बिहार पुलिस अवर सेवा आयोग ने अवर निरीक्षक मध्य निषेध एवं अनुमंडल अग्निशामालय पदाधिकारी के 64 पदों पर मुख्य परीक्षा का परिणाम जारी कर दिया है। बोर्ड ने प्रारंभिक एग्जाम में चयनित 1280 अभ्यर्थियों की मुख्य परीक्षा दिनांक 03 सितम्बर 2023 को आयोजित की है। मुख्य लिखित परीक्षा में 2 पत्रों की परीक्षा ली गयी। प्रथम पत्र सामान्य हिंदी का था जिसमे न्यूनतम 30% अर्हतांक प्राप्त करना अनिवार्य है। इस प्रकार हमने बिहार पुलिस Bihar Police Si Prohibition & SDFSO Mains Exam Cutoff यहाँ पर उपलब्ध करवाया है।
श्रेणी/कोटि | पुरुष | महिला |
अनारक्षित सामान्य | 180.20 | 170 |
आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग | 175.80 | 169.20 |
अनुसूचित जाति | 165.20 | 147.20 |
अनुसूचित जनजाति | 164.80 | — |
अत्यंत पिछड़ा वर्ग | 173.80 | 162.60 |
पिछड़ा वर्ग | 175.80 | 169.20 |
पिछड़े वर्गो की महिला | — | 167.00 |
Bihar Police SI Result 2023-24 Sub Inspector Mains Result
The result of the Bihar Sub-inspector Mains Exam is finally available online mode. The Bihar Police SI Result Prelims result will declare in PDF format and candidates have to find their Name, Roll number and Cutoff & Rank list. Meanwhile, They follow the below-given steps to Bihar Police SI Result 2023-24 Name wise-
- First candidates visit the official website i.e. www.bpssc.bih.nic.in/
- And then Check the Notice for the post of Police Sub Inspector in the Home Department.
- Click on BPSSC Sub Inspector Result and will be displayed on a computer screen
- Find name, roll number and Bihar Police SI Cut off the list category-wise
- After that Click on the submit button and save the BPSSC Sub Inspector Result.
- Finally, downlod Bihar Police SI Result for further use.
Download BPSSC Sub Inspector Mains Result List
Bihar Police SI Result 2023 Qualifying Marks
Candidates who are successful and qualify in the preliminary examination will be eligible to appear in the main examination. There will be two papers in the main examination (400 Marks). The first paper will be of 200 marks. In this paper, 100 questions ask from the General Hindi section. The Minimum Qualifying marks in the Main Exam (Paper-I) are 30 Percent.
Furthermore, Paper-II will be for 2 hours and conducted for 200 Marks. The question in paper II made from General Studies, General Science, Civics, Indian History, Indian Geography, and Mathematics & Mental Ability Test.
Bihar Police SI Merit List 2023-24
The BPSSC Sub-inspector Merit list states the selection list for the next selection phase. In the Main exam, candidates have to secure 30% minimum qualifying marks. The Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result will be available only on the basis of scores of the aspirants in the preliminary examination. Hence, the selection list will available on the official website on the scheduled dates.
Thus, The Bihar Police SI Cut off marks criteria for the Pre-test will be published after declaring Bihar Police SI Result 2023-24. We also have mentioned full details about the BPSSC Sub Inspector Result here and hope that candidates easily check the result and cut off using the above link. Still, applicants may ask any doubt by putting comment here.