Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023 CSBC Constable GD Exam Pattern, Constable General Duty Exam Question Paper Pattern, Exam Scheme and Complete Selection Process of Bihar Police Constable Bharti
The Central Selection Board of Constable has announced notification for 21391 vacancies of Constable Male/Female posts. Many students are preparing for the CSBC Constable Recruitment Exam and now they have required the latest study materials for the best preparation. Therefore our team is providing them with the latest Bihar Police Constable Exam Study Materials like Best Books, Coaching/GK Notes, Old Year Papers, Tips and tricks etc.
Bihar Police Constable Syllabus consists of all important topics in which questions will be asked in the Examination. So first they know complete Bihar Police Constable Exam Pattern & Syllabus and then make a self-study plan. We also advise to candidates join online test series, Mock Test on a daily basis. The CSBC Constable Syllabus consists Hindi, English, Math, General Studies and General Science sections. Therefore all candidates can preapre well for the Constable Written Exam, and Physical Test using the CSBC Constable Exam pattern & Syllabus.
Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023 CSBC Constable Selection Process
The Department of Constable Selection Board is going to recruit eligible candidates for 21391 vacancies of constable Male/Female posts. Lots of candidates applied for this recruitment and now they are busy preparing well for the Examination.
The Department will organize various recruitment rounds for final selection on desired Constable Post. First candidates will have to undergo written Test which will be of 100 Marks. Followings are selection process for CSBC Constable Bharti Exam –
- Written Test (100 Marks)
- Physical Standard Test
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET) – 100 Marks
- Medical Test
Bihar Police Constable Bharti Links:- |
Download Constable Result) | Constable Written Test Admit Card |
Get Answer Key of Constable Exam | Category wise Cut off |
लिखित परीक्षा का स्तर बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति के इंटरमीडिएट (10+2) अथवा समकक्ष स्तर का होगा एवं प्रश्न वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार के होंगे। लिखित परीक्षा 100 अंको की होगी। दो घंटो के एक प्रश्न पत्र में कुल 100 प्रश्न होंगे जिसमे प्रत्येक सही उत्तर के लिए एक अंक दिया जायेगा। लिखित परीक्षा में 30 प्रतिशत या इससे अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने वाले अभ्यर्थियों को शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा के लिए सफल घोषित किये जायेंगे।
CSBC Constable Exam Syllabus 2023
Department Name | Central Selection Board of Constable |
Total Vacancies | 21391 |
Post Name | Constable (Male/Female) |
Job Category | Latest Police jobs |
Location | Bihar |
Exam Date | 01, 07, 15 October 2023 |
Start date for CSBC Constable Registration | 20 June 2023 |
Last date for application submission | 20 July 2023 |
Selection Process | Written Exam
Physical Standard Test Physical Endurance Test Medical Test |
Official website | www.csbc.bih.nic.in |
Bihar Police Constable Exam Pattern 2023
The level of written test will be intermediate (10 + 2) or equivalent level of Bihar School Examination Committee and the questions will be objective type. The written examination will be of 100 marks. There will be a total of 100 questions in a two-hour question paper, in which one mark will be given for each correct answer. Candidates achieving 30 percent or more marks in the written examination will be declared successful for the Physical Efficiency Test.
Important Points-
- The written Exam will be multiple choice objective types. The Exam will carry 100 questions from various sections. Total Marks will be 100 Marks.
- Each right question carries one Mark.
- Candidates have to solve the whole question paper in 2 hours (120 Minutes). Minimum 30% marks is compulsory the written Test.
- The Final Merit list will be prepared on the basis of Physical Efficiency Test.
- Written test marks will not be considered in the final merit list.
Bihar Police Constable Syllabus subject wise
There will be various sections in which questions will be asked. The CSBC Constable Syllabus considers important topics from Hindi, English, Mathematics, General Studies and General Science subjects. Hence aspirants cover important topics from Bihar Police Constable Syllabus PDF.
Hindi- Questions in Bihar Police Constable Exam Paper shall be asked from Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill-in-the-blanks, Comprehension & Cloze Test etc.
In this section, questions will be made from Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Error, Sentence correction, fill in the blanks, Comprehension & Cloze Test etc. & Questions Focused on English grammar.
CSBC Constable Syllabus for Mathematics
Fundamental Arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ration and Proportion, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & Work, Time and distance, Mensuration.
General Studies (History, Geography and Politics)-
- Indian History
- Culture
- Geography
- Environment
- Economic aspects
- Freedom Movement
- Major features of Indian Agriculture & Natural Resources and
- Indian Constitution & Polity
- Panchayati Raj
- Community development and 5 years Plan.
- General Knowledge of Geographical and Political condition of Bihar
General Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
Questions of General Science will include testing knowledge of matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person who didn’t study science as a subject. It will also include the knowledge of subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology from the level of 12th Standard.
Click here- Download CSBC Constable Syllabus
CSBC Constable Bharti- Physical Standard Test
We have mentioned minimum physical standards for Bihar Police Constable Bharti. The department will call candidates for a Physical Test for determine their height and Chest of candidates. After seeing the Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023, you must check the Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test (PST/PET).
Height –
- Unreserved Male/ BC Male- Minimum 165 CMS
- OBC (Male)- Minimum 162 Cms
- SC/ST (Male)- Minimum 160 Cms
- Female of all categories- Minimum 155 Cms
Chest (Only for Male)
General /BC/SBC Categories
- Unexpanded – 81 Cms
- Expanded – 86 Cms
SC/ST/ Gorkhas of India
- Unexpanded – 79 Cms
- Expanded – 84 Cms
FAQs for Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023
Question- What is the selection Process for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment?
Answer- There are some recruitment phases for the final selection process like Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Measurement Test (PST/PET).
Question- How many marks will be for Constable Written Exam?
Answer- The Constable written test will b of 100 Marks.
Question- What is the essential height for the Bihar Police Constable Exam?
- Unreserved (Male)/ Backward Category (Male) – Minimum 165 cms
- OBC (Male) – Minimum 162 cms
- SC/ST (Male) – Minimum 160 cms
- Female of all categories – Minimum 155 cms
Question- How much time is allotted for the Constable Examination?
Answer- Bihar Police Constable Written Exam Will be At 02:00 hrs (120 Minutes)
Thus, We have tried to mention the whole details of Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2023 in this article. Still, If you want to get more details then put your comment in the below box.