Bihar Police Constable Result 2023-24 CSBC Constable Exam Cutoff Category wise, Download Constable Exam merit List for appearing in Physical Efficiency Test (PET) at csbc.bih.nic.in Advt No. 01/2023 Result – अब परीक्षा में प्राप्त अंको के आधार पर रिक्तियों के आरक्षण कोटिवार 5 गुणा प्रत्येक कोटि के लिए उम्मीदवारों का चयन शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा हेतु किया जायेगा।
The Central Selection Board of Constables has finally organized the Constable Written Exam for 21,391 Vacancies. Besides, the Exam agency is preparing to declare the CSBC Constable Result along with the Cutoff List. Recently, the Authority has conducted the Exam on 01, 07, and 15 October 2023 at various centers. After that, a List of shortlisted candidates will be eligible for the Physical Screening Test (PST) & Physical Measurement Test (PMT).
First, aspirants check Bihar Police Constable Result and then see necessary details like Name, Roll number, obtained marks etc. Now the board has announced the CSBC Constable Exam Result. Along with CSBC Constable Results, they also check the Bihar Police Constable Cut-off Marks for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories. Furthermore, the department will prepare the Final Merit List based on PET Score (100 Marks). As we know written test is qualifying in nature for a Physical Test.
Bihar Police Constable Result 2023-24 CSBC Constable Merit List
The Central Selection Board of Constables has announced a Notification for 21,391 Constable Vacancies. There are three phases of the selection process for CSBC Constable Bharti such as as Written Exam, Physical Standard Test, Physical Efficiency Test, and Medical Test /Document verification. The written exam has been held successfully on 01.10.2023, 07.10.2023 and 15.10.2023. And now the board is ready to announce the CSBC Police Constable Result. After the Physical Test (PST/PMT), now aspirants may check the CSBC Constable Final Result and Joining /Allotment List District wise.
केंद्रीय चयन पर्षद (सिपाही भर्ती) बोर्ड ने विज्ञापन संख्या 01/2023 ले तहत 21391 सिपाही के रिक्त पदों भर्ती आयोजित की है। रिटेन टेस्ट अक्टूबर में सफलतापूर्वक हो गए है और सभी उम्मीदवार बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल रिजल्ट का इंतजार कर रहे है। आपको बता दे क़ि लिखित परीक्षा में कम से कम 30% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे। और कुल रिक्तियों के 5 गुणा अभ्यर्थियों को शारीरिक दक्षता परीक्षा के लिए सफल घोषित किया जायेगा। इसलिए सबसे पहले उम्मीदवार यहाँ से CSBC कांस्टेबल परिणाम देखे, जिसका लिंक निचे उपलब्ध है।
CSBC Constable Exam Result Date 2023 Details
Department Name | Central Selection Board of Constable |
Total Vacancies | 21391 |
Post Name | Constable in Bihar Police |
Advertisement No. | 01/2023 |
Post Category | Bihar Police Constable Result |
Bihar Police Constable Exam Date | 1st, 7th & 15th October 2023 |
CSBC Constable Written Exam Result | Declare Soon |
Physical Test date | January-February 2024 |
CSBC Constable Final Result | April 2024 Expected |
Job Type | Govt Jobs |
Selection Process | Written Test, Physical Test, Personal Interview |
Exam Mode | Online Mode |
Job Location | Bihar |
Official Site | http://csbc.bih.nic.in/ |
Bihar Police Constable Cut off Marks 2023
The CSBC Constable Cut-off is the minimum qualifying mark obtained by the candidates to qualify for the examination. The board has decided on minimum qualifying marks category-wise for General/OBC/SC/ST. Aspirants who secure these passing marks then will be declared qualified for the next selection phase i.e. Physical Standard Test/ Physical Efficiency Test (PST/PET). There are various factors that affect the CSBC Constable Cut-off Marks –
- Total Number of vacancies
- Paper difficulty Level
- The number of candidates who participated in the examination
- Previous year Cut off marks
- Category wise Reservation
Bihar Police Constable Result 2023-24, CSBC Constable Merit List
If you are searching for the CSBC Bihar Police Constable Final Result Date then you are right at this place. The CSBC Constable Result of the Constable written exam is expected to declare in December month. In this exam, there are a large number of candidates who participated and the board will take time to issue the CSBC Constable Result Name-wise. meanwhile, they have to undergo below steps to download Constable Exam Scorecard.
Likewise, many candidates have appeared in the Bihar police constable exam at various exam centers. Furthermore, the Department will take the physical efficiency Test/ Physical Standard Test (PET/PST). Category wise Bihar Police Cutoff Marks
- First, All candidates first visit the official website i.e. http://csbc.bih.nic.in/
- And then, Select Constable Bharti Advt No. 01/2023 link
- Choose Download Result for Written Exam of Bihar Police Constable.
- After that, Enter the necessary details i.e. Registration number and Date of birth.
- Also, Fill given Captcha and click on the submit button
- See details available Bihar Police Constable Result 2023
- Finally, Save and Take the printout of the CSBC Constable Exam Result for further use.
Written Exam Result for Bihar Police Constable. (Advt. No. 01/2023)- Click here
Bihar Police Constable Merit List 2023
Well, A candidate who scores the maximum marks in the examination is shortlisted on the Bihar Police Merit list. It is necessary to check the Bihar CSBC Constable Merit list to verify the list of merit aspirants who are eligible for the next round. So contenders can check the Bihar Police Constable Merit List from the official website @ csbc.bih.nic.in. Or else, you can check the Final merit list from the below-provided link.
FAQs for CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2023
Q. When will the Bihar Police Constable Result be released?
Answer- The Bihar Police Result is to declare in December month.
Q. What is the official site to check the Bihar Police Constable Exam Result?
The official site to check the Bihar Police Constable Result is www.csbc.bih.nic.in
Q. What is the Bihar Police Constable Cut-off Marks?
The officials have not yet released the Bihar Police Constable Cut off Marks. And the cut-off can be given once the examination is completed.
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Thus, we have updated useful and important details regarding CSBC Constable Exam Result for Advt No. 01/2023. We also hope that all aspirants will easily check Bihar Police Constable Result 2023 Name-wise using the above link. Still, If you face any mistakes then put the query in below comment box.