Assam DHS Grade 3 Result 2023 Technical Exam Cut off Marks Merit list at dhs.assam.gov.in – Assam Directorate of Health Services Board has declared results for Written Examination if Technical Post (Grade III). Besides, the Department is recruiting eligible candidates for 2720 Grade 3 & Grade 4 Vacancies. Now the Roll numbers of aspirants who are shortlisted for the written Exam held on 29 May 2022 are available on the official websites such as www.dhsfw.assam.gov.in or dme.assam.gov.in. Lakhs applicants have registered for this competitive Exam. Further, qualified candidates will have to appear in Skill Test and Document Verification which will organize on 24, 25 & 26 April 2023. Therefore, they first see DHSFW Assam Technical Attendant Result, Cutoff and Merit list.
In addition, we have uploaded a direct link to check Assam DHS Grade 3 Result 2023. Examinees may also check DHS Assam Grade 3rd Cut off Marks Category-wise. The Assam DME Technical Result is available in PDF Format. Meanwhile, you find out the Name, Roll number, Category, obtain Marks and other details.
Assam DHS Grade 3 Result 2023 Technical Posts Cutoff Marks
Good News for all those candidates who have applied for Grade III & VI Technical and Non-Technical Posts. Recently, Assam Health & Family Welfare Department has published an employment Notification for 2720 vacancies. Many job seekers have registered for this Recruitment. Also, the Board has organized the Grade III Technical Attendant Exam on 29.05.2022, 22.01.2023 and 12.02.2023 at various test centres.
Moreover, the written test shall be 100 Marks (English & General knowledge having 25 Marks and Technical Subject having 75 Marks). Hence, applicants have to secure minimum Assam DHSFW Grade 3 Cut off Marks. We know that a huge number of Examinees are enthusiastically waiting for DME Assam Grade III Exam Score for a long time. As per official news, the Directorate of Health Services issued the DHS Technical Result on 18 April 2023.
स्वास्थ्य सेवा निदेशालय असम ने ग्रेड 3 परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित कर दिया है। इसके लिए बोर्ड ने दिनांक 29 मई 2022, 22 जनवरी एवं 12 फरवरी 2023 को परीक्षा आयोजित की थी। बोर्ड इस भर्ती के तहत कुल 2720 पदों (टेक्निकल व नॉन-टेक्निकल) को भरेगा। परीक्षा में सफल अभ्यर्थी स्किल टेस्ट के लिए जायेंगे जो 24, 25 व 26 अप्रैल 2023 को होगा। उम्मीदवार निचे दिए लिंक से अपना परिणाम देख सकते है।
DHS Assam Technical Grade III Exam 2023 Details
Department Name | Health & Family Welfare Department |
Organization | Assam Directorate of Health Services |
Post Name | Technical Grade 3 |
Total Posts | 2720 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | Assam |
DHS Assam Grade 3 Exam Date | 29 May 2022, 22 January and 12 February 2023 |
Assam DHS Grade 3 Result Date | 18.04.2023 |
Staus | Declared |
Post Category | DHSFW Technical Result |
Official website | https://dhs.assam.gov.in/ |
www.dhs.assam.gov.in Grade 3 Technical Cutoff Marks
Recruitment Board has decided on minimum qualifying Marks for the Grade III Examination. As we discussed above that, a written test has been held for 100 Marks. And exam authority decided the minimum passing Marks for General OBC, SC, SC and ST Categories. Therefore, we are introducing Assam DHS Grade 3 Expected Cutoff Marks for ANM (Auxiliary Nurse and midwife), Computer, Field and Evolution Worker, Refrigerator Mechanic, Junior Assistant, Field Worker/Social Worker, Steno Typist and Laboratory posts. However, we can have a look at the Grade III Previous year’s Cutoff
Category | Previous Cutoff |
General | 75 |
OBC | 70 |
SC | 65 |
ST | 60 |
How to check Assam DHS Grade 3 Result 2023
Finally, the Directorate of Health Service Family Welfare Department has declared the Result of DHSFW Grade III Technical Result. Now all candidates are able to check their Results online. Along with DME Assam Technical Result, they can also see the category-wise Cutoff List. Meanwhile, they will need to open Pdf page and find the Name, Roll number and other information. Meanwhile, aspirants may reach at Assam DHS Grade 3 Exam Result through the followings steps-
- First, all candidates visit the official website i.e. https://dhs.assam.gov.in/
- And then, go to the latest section
- After that, click on Written Examination Result link
- Open the desired link
- Also, Find relevant details like Name, Roll number, Category, marks and cutoff
- Finally, download and save the Assam DHS Grade 3 Result for further use.
Check Grade 3 Technical Result
DHSFW Assam Grade III Merit List
Therefore, all candidates first check their Exam Scores. And then, the board will issue the final merit list. If your name is in DHS Assam Technical Post merit list then you have declared qualified for the next selection phase. Hence, Department will prepare a Merit list based on cutoff Marks. Now the list of shortlisted candidates will have to appear in the Skill test.
Thus, we have uploaded whole useful information regarding Assam DHS Grade 3 Result. We also hope that aspirants will easily check their Results and DME Assam Grade 3 Cutoff Marks. Further, they may ask any doubt by putting comments here.